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Posts posted by Petey11

  1. 8 hours ago, jchfriis said:

    You should just assume everybody you meet is infected. Here in Denmark the daily infections have been around 50,000 for the last few weeks, and that with a population of less than 10 percent of Thailand's. So I don't think the number of infections matter anymore. The number of people in ICU and deaths from Covid are what matters I think.

    Covid itself would not worry me, it's the enforced hospitalisation if testing positive when visiting Thailand. I'm UK and as everyone knows it was rampant here in January, difference is if I caught it in the UK I can hole up in my own home.

    • Like 2
  2. 24 minutes ago, Kenny202 said:

    Unless the Thais have some natural immunity? Funny story.... my son and friend both recently had covid back in Australia. Wasn't determined if Omicron or Delta etc but both of them very mild symptoms.... I would say less than a bad flu. Both vaccinated and boosted.


    Soooooo...there are many ways of looking at this.

    How did they get covid  when they had 2 vax and boosters?

    or is Covid not as bad as they say...only in specific cases (old, already sick etc)

    or would it have been a lot worse if they weren't vaxxed.


    What ever side of the debate you were on you would have a case lol!


    But back to Thailand....2 days after my friends wife from Thailand arrived in Australia, my friend was tested positive for covid. Living in a small Condo in Sydney together, you would think she was a certainty to get it. They both quarantined together in the same apartment, slept together, ate together. After 2 weeks she was still testing negative every day. He reckons it's all the horrible bacterial stuff she eats. Covid wont go near her 5555

    My daughter's been a very close contact 3 times now, tested everytime for a week, all negative. Told I can't fathom why she hasn't picked it up. Must be natural immunity as she is still a junior and no vaccination.

    • Like 1
  3. 26 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

    I thought it would be because end of Chinese new year, and

    because people are baulking at the high prices, supply and

    demand , plenty of pork about , less people buying ,result

    price goes down.

    regards worgeordie

    Basic economics but remember this is Thailand, normally raise the price to counter shortfall of sales rather than the other way around.

  4. 4 hours ago, Don Chance said:

    Why do they keep on letting so many infected tourists? This test and go is daft. They will catch covid on the place, arrive test negative then go around infecting everyone.

    Thailand should just wait until omnicron comes down a bit or require 3 days of quarantine.

    Or is there a possibility that people are negative on arrival and then catch covid in the days before their test on day 5/6?

    • Like 1
  5. 59 minutes ago, DavisH said:

    How do you explain the low number of deaths then? If there were really 10's of thousands of cases a day, why is the death rate only 10-15 a day?? So you don't believe the death count either?

    Do all deaths have to be certified by a doctor? I believe not so if someone falls ill and dies out in the sticks who certifies it, let alone connect it with covid.

    Why are the excess deaths way above the official covid deaths. This was discussed yesterday on this thread.

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Jimbo2014 said:

    The official covid deaths in Thailand are 22,176 to date, or about 11,000 per annum.  The economist lists excess deaths to 28 Jan at 55,430 (https://www.economist.com/graphic-detail/coronavirus-excess-deaths-tracker).  That's about the road toll over the same period.  I think what you intend to say is that Covid is preventable by taking the necessary precautions and therefore we should track it.  Are not diabetes (Type 2), Pollution and road deaths preventable.  Why do we not have daily updates of those and extreme restrictions (sugar banned, factories and crop burning properly monitored etc.).  Heck there are over 60,000 deaths from coronary disease annually in Thailand.  Is pork fat consumption being reported each day.  This reminds me of when there is a shark attack reported and so everyone avoids going in the ocean.  Statistical perspective and risk is warranted.     

    You state 55k excess deaths, that is over and above the average. Previous years averages would have included those from road accidents, illness etc. How do you explain such a large excess apart from covid is ravaging the world. Just need to put two and two together to see that in most countries the excess deaths have rocketed in the last two years above the expected 5yr average. Remember the word "excess".

  7. 7 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    The first evaluation period before declaring Covid-19 as endemic will be in February, Health Minister Anutin said on Friday. (1/3)


    Currently, children under the age of 12 have not been vaccinated, and only 20% of the population have received three doses so it’s still too early to declare the disease as endemic at the moment. (2/3)


    The minister added that Thailand hopes to become a "Covid Free Country" with zero Covid deaths from having high vaccine rates and enough medical supplies. (3/3)




    Wishful thinking, don't think there will ever be a time when there is zero covid and zero deaths. That's like saying there is zero seasonal flu and zero deaths from flu or dengue fever.

    • Like 1
  8. 48 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    CU medical expert warns Omicron yet to peak in Thailand


    An epidemiologist and medical lecturer at Chulalongkorn University on Thursday has warned Thais to strictly protect themselves as the spread of the Omicron variant in the country has not peaked yet.


    Thira said Omicron started spreading in Asia after other continents and it was on the uptrend and but yet to hit highs like in other continents.

    He noted that Thailand’s decision to open the country to foreign tourists could lead to various Covid-19 strains entering the country.



    They won't know when it's peaked I think, don't test, don't know. Same as new variants entering the country, if your not looking you won't pick them up until it's too late.

  9. 5 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Another bump upwards. This does not look like any other countries covid cases with Omicron as the main variant.  Something is amiss here and it's not only because of a lack of testing....

    Think even with lack of testing you'd see an increase up to plateau eventually, not this rolling wave on the bar chart, something definitely amiss. Also the rhetoric from the government does not match what is happening with the case numbers.

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