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Posts posted by Petey11

  1. 14 hours ago, brewsterbudgen said:

    Are the deaths and hospitalisation figures being under-reported?  This is what would concern people.   Obviously, the infection numbers are massively higher as many people will understandably not be reporting their positive tests.  But as they are likely to be asymptomatic or with very minor symptoms, why does this matter?

    Hospital numbers probably more accurate. Deaths? From what I have read, and not 100% sure, a doctor does not have to certify a death in Thailand, a village headman/woman or other official can do it I believe so how many have succumbed to covid to be classed as pneumonia or some other reason. We have all seen that the excess deaths have been considerably higher than the official covid related deaths so I think the jury's out on that one.

  2. 32 minutes ago, ikke1959 said:

    Sure I agree with you if this are the real numbers no need to have restrictions, extra hospital beds, and so on...Not a real danger yet... but that is what the public thinks too and that makes it very dangerous because why should you follow the rules if there are not so many cases?/ Real numbers would make people aware that it is/was serious....but again who am I


    Agree, informing the population of true situation lets them know of the risk to themselves. As you say, under reporting leads to a false sense of security and people disregard the rules.

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  3. 2 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

    Surprisingly it still stays low...Over the whole world cases are very high, only here in Thailand it seems that it is not so bad... and that while there is  a lower vaccination grade than in the western countries..

    I'm not surprised, low PCR testing, low proactive testing, not count ATK, possible incarceration for reporting a positive ATK. Chonburi today all walk-ins bar 40 from the world.

    If these were the real numbers then everything should be open.



  4. Pretty clear now some provinces are not counting cases amongst foreigners. Pattaya reported 873 today but MOPH site states 896, 23 from 'world'. 



    https://ddc.moph.go.th/covid19-dashboard/?dashboard=provinceAre they now trying to 'muddy' the fact that tourists are possibly picking up the virus in Thailand?



  5. 2 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Going from what I've read, a country declaring an infectious disease endemic is a decision based on their level of acceptance to the impact of it on society, ie deaths, severe illness and the health service. So yes it has to be at a low enough level for those aspects to be taken into account.


    Flu is endemic but a lot of work goes on behind the scenes by public health depts for vaccinations and preparing for particularly bad strains that can come. Thailand would need to be constantly monitoring the level of infection for covid to remain low enough to be endemic, not something I trust them doing so much due to their poor testing even when their is a full blown outbreak.


    Anyway I do recommend this twitter thread by an epidemiologist and assistant professor from Boston Public Health on the complexities of classifying covid endemic what it means and what needs to be done to keep it that way.


    Well worth a read of the full string of tweets:


    "Everyone keeps talking about covid becoming endemic, but as I listen to the conversation, it’s becoming more & more clear to me that very few of you know what “endemic” means. So here’s a thread on how pandemics end.




    Interesting read, thanks for the link. As he states in his writing, the world's leaders have to decide what level of acceptance to have with covid and, much like flu I suspect, countries will reach that stage through vaccination and monitoring. As the WHO has said until poorer countries get it under control through vaccination there is always the threat of a nasty mutation cropping up. Could say the world got lucky and Omicron mutated into a more transmissible but less deadly strain but it could easily go the other way.

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  6. 6 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Well it has moved pretty fast elsewhere as well.  If there is no better time to move from Pandemic to Endemic now would be the time as they sure are not testing en-mass.  So why test, just keep certain rules and regulations in place for awhile longer and then move onward...I know crazy talk from me right?

    Endemic is when a virus or disease is present in low levels without any restrictions to prevent it. I think you'll find were a way from that yet. The UK government was spouting that and the scientists pounced on it.

  7. 27 minutes ago, 2 is 1 said:

    Some officials try to close school's here in Finland but schools stay open! Even has most infected than ever, its much more harmful to kids stay home that go to study. 


    Quarantine and testing rules for schools come under criticism in Finland



    Same UK but political suicide if they done that on a whim. UK government has basically said it would be a last resort.

  8. 1 hour ago, keysersoze276 said:

    I was totally in favor of mandatory mask wearing. But two years of this now. I am fully vaccinated and not really worried about my health if I was to get infected, especially with Omicron. I still wear a mask everytime I go outside, but I am seriously tired of it. I am probably getting other health problems from opting to stay home as much as possible because of the annoying mask and not getting regular exercise because it’s way too hot to wear the mask and take a nice walk.    People who are unvaccinated by choice or not should be taking the precautions IMHO. I would honestly rather have COVID than to wear a mask for over two years and no end in sight. 

    Feel sympathy for those who cannot have a vaccine for medical reasons but they should get an exemption from passes etc. Those who choose not to are the ones clogging up hospitals in general now. Solution, at least in UK, you get I'll, you pay. Brutal but MHO, if they have to pay they can go into private hospital and free up NHS. Bit different scenario in Thailand but the lack of boosters and good courses of 'western' vaccine could be a problem. Like you say, if you choose to not have vaccine be it on yourself to look after yourself.

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