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Posts posted by Petey11

  1. 6 hours ago, Paulaew said:

    The testing is indeed abysmal. They don't even seem to go into some high risk community and test a few thousand people to find out the positivity rate. So it seems like they have no idea of the spread and thus no idea of the risk to vulnerable individuals.


    I know that many workplaces (Homepro and Citibank, for example) have their staff do weekly ATK tests. But the positive cases they find may never be reported -- they just have the individuals self-isolate for 5 days.


    For all we know, Thailand might be just like France.


    Paul Laew






    If they were that worried about the vulnerable in the population they would have prioritized them for vaccines over the younger and those working in tourist destinations. The only elderly prioritized were the generals in charge.

  2. 8 minutes ago, kiwikeith said:

    Omicron is now ripping through NZ, it's peaked in the UK, USA, SA, and Australia, Boris has now called it an endemic, no testing no tracer apps in many countries as everyone is going to get it and its providing very strong natural immunity, so it's going to be all over in a few months, open up as it's not stoppable, look after the elderly, it's an endemic now and is proving to be less harmful than the flue. 

    Think that's Thailand's problem, they haven't looked after the elderly, concentrated on vaccinating the young and fit and those connected with tourism Sandbox.

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  3. 2 hours ago, anchadian said:

    Omicron’s ‘hidden warriors’ will have Bangkok under siege soon, warns academic


    Bangkok is facing an exponential increase in Omicron infections and will likely see a daily caseload of 10,000 by the month’s end “unless the threat is stopped immediately”, an academic has warned.



    Probably exceeds that number already. Don't look, don't find. Most reported cases are walk-ins. Expect the authorities won't take action until walk-ins start increasing exponentially. Oops, used the word that must not be spoken, my bad.

  4. 5 hours ago, khunPer said:

    It's sad when people don't care about others and just ignore rules. Seems like many Thais are scared about Covid - no wonder, quarantine can be bad for the maintaining a family income - when tourists acts like that it might cause that Thais avoid tourists.

    And of course all Thais comply with the isolation rules? With no social net to cover earnings, kids to feed, bills to pay? I know some Thais who did not isolate as they had no symptoms or just went out to get some food. 

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  5. 3 hours ago, mbenson said:

    Does it strike anyone as odd that the graph of daily new cases seems to deviate from the patterns seen in SA, UK, Denmark, Germany, and Israel (among others)? All of these places show a very sharp increase with a sharp peak and dramatic fall in cases. Thailand's numbers increased quickly, but more or less levelled off.

    Maybe this is an artifact of testing? Are they doing "active case finding anymore?" Also, it is clear that now that ATKs are available everywhere that people are self-testing, if testing at all, and then not telling anybody if they are positive. The only way that the government knows to come for you is if your positive result is reported by the lab that processes your RT-PCR test.

    It would not be politically expedient to reopen Test and Go while the number of cases is showing a dramatic increase. Maybe they have decided that they just don't want to really know.

    Are they doing active case finding? Very minimal. Nearly all PCR positives are from walk ins now. ATK reporting about 2k a day average yet they ran out of 3.5million GPO supplied ones within a few days. Are people reporting ATK positives, majority no. Who wants to risk incarceration in isolation, especially if your a farang, for what is in most cases a similar experience at worst to a dose of flu. I truly think they know the high rate of infection but don't want it to be officially known for fear of putting off "tourists" and the old save face, haven't we done well. Anutn said Thailand was too strong for Omicron and would beat it. If they were reporting true infection it wouldn't suit Anutin's image.

  6. Test and go back but now have to book into hotel for 2nd PCR test. Great move to encourage more tourists. This is just another money grab. I expect some top bods linked with hotels were moaning that people were only booking for one night. If you don't stay in a hotel when visiting Thailand it's just another level of restrictions and cost. UK is looking at ending all restrictions in March, isolation included, no test to enter UK now. As much as covid is still a killer for some with available vaccines now IMHO it's time to move in with life. Also what are the odds the emergency decree will be extended again at end of March with supposed elections on the horizon.

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  7. 2 hours ago, Cherrytreeview said:

    That's why so many guy's got caught out failing the return fit to fly test.

    Wonder how many considered that when they were booking their short break in Thailand? It's not just where you coming from, it's the infection rate in the country you are travelling too. Suspect part of the reason authorities don't want to show true rate, scare off the tourists.

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  8. 1 hour ago, anchadian said:

    #Omicron #COVID19 cases in #Thailand have exceeded 10,000, according to the Medical Sciences Department. Thai virologist Dr. Yong Poovorawan predicts the variant will replace all other strains this month.




    Exceeds 10000? This bunch are deluded with the figures they keep coming out with. 

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