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peter zwart

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Everything posted by peter zwart

  1. He 24, she 46? If i was him i would send her an invoice
  2. Funny, That is many times greater than the chance of dying from C0vid. Let's see if everyone who is in the danger zone will sit in an air raid shelter and if governments come up with emergency rules.
  3. That must be: 1. His left pocket. 2. His right pocket. 3. His back pocket. Am i close????
  4. Mate, didnt you find out yet that when you get older life gets vocking boring?
  5. just spend my time as much as i can with my daughters and be happy im done. Life is np fun anymore. about 90% of the people are sjithe@ds and governments make sure you dont enjoy the daily life. Good bye world would be coming from my smiling lips. Vuck it all
  6. Smoke a good Joint and you will sleep like a baby
  7. The magic of Jaba continues to spread. And then worry about some Cannabis.
  8. Good, put them on a plane and let them stay out of Thailand. Dont need this kind of @#^*** here.
  9. Where in the world is that different? That's why it's so funny to see people so diametrically opposed in elections. It doesn't matter which side you're on. You will be cheated anyway.
  10. The fact that these pick up <deleted> drive themselves to pieces really doesn't interest me at all. But in many cases they also involve innocent road users. This video is therefore a good start to my day. No innocent victims.
  11. Well, the best boy just wanted to build a career. And if that didn't work at the mirror factory, then just as a thief. A matter of risk spreading.
  12. And that is precisely the only thing in this offer that is not good. It leads to very limited general development. Great to let a child delve into something he/she likes, but there is also such a thing that you sometimes have to do things in life that you may not like that much but are badly needed. Other than that, I think it's a very good concept. Especially if you look at the current, very outdated, education system in Thailand.
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