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peter zwart

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Everything posted by peter zwart

  1. So true. The tourist that have to cancel their trip now last minute wont probably come to Thailand anymore ever.
  2. Perhaps the Thai government should reconsider whether they want to continue with these regulations. A stream of C related hospital admissions in Australia. Number of non-vaccinated: 0 https://t.co/aeIWoUpgK6
  3. Can some one tell me if we still talking here about the high income tourist?
  4. Oh my dear Lord. So anyone who got their shots a year ago, for example, can enter without any problems. Despite the fact that the vaccinations no longer have any effect? And anyone who hasn't taken them can spend their money in another country? Very smart
  5. As we have seen in China Lock downs are about the dumbest thing you can do. The virus is there and will remain, so you better drink the poison cup and build up immunity. It has also been shown that lockdowns have disastrous consequences for the mental state of many people.
  6. Then the Chief dont know what is happening. and i can speak out of experience.
  7. No surprise. Can not drive, use phone while driving, drunk because they dont have any responsibility and speeding because they think they have to be the top man/woman and show the world that they can drive a car. Can anyone explain to me why people start to speed up when you take over?
  8. Covid comes and goes. Only the Chinese were stupid enough to think that you can keep C out. The rest of the world was stupid but could find some common sense.
  9. I am more afraid of the irritating situations that will arise again when these masses flood the place en masse.
  10. Unholy I'm Not The Only One In the Lonely Hour Too Good at Goodbyes The Thrill of It All Like I Can A few of his songs. You could almost say that he is inspired by Thailand.
  11. I have little else to add. It's a tricky case. Unfortunately, we have to conclude that a lot of Thais are completely unreliable and would even sell their mother. As much as I would like to see it differently, experience shows that it is unfortunately the case. But ...... there are exceptions so there is hope.
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