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peter zwart

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Everything posted by peter zwart

  1. please dont let this man come back. I want Anutin.
  2. If i see a girl in that kind of outfit i also want to get rough on her. So nothing strange here ?
  3. Those Sj!t heads do absolutely everything for money. If true and proven then let her sleep forever. World is much better of without those money sick empty heads.
  4. Global developments. I think we have a lot of people who are lost. A little more decentralization and everyone takes a step back and enjoy the little things in life. A nice conversation with your friends while enjoying a beer, fun time with your partner, seeing family and not falling back into the stressful life of the western world, a little understanding and politeness but also room for sharp humor. If there is, I'm not worried about the future. We all get sick from time to time and we will certainly die. So I'm not going to worry about that.
  5. Same experience. They dared to steal my H&M designer shirt. I was devastated.
  6. 555555555. Yeah stupid of me ????
  7. im quiet happy with it
  8. Ah hold on........and again its about money
  9. By the Thai man !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. as i dont trust anyone that makes edibles (dont know the amount or quality of the used cannabis) i found on FB something that called ganja cloud mellow. I bought it cause you can decide for yourself how much u use. Much safer
  11. Goooooood. Another pick up (from probably a nuthead) from the road. Keep it going guys. The less of those things, that are used as a F1 car, the better.
  12. That sounds like math. Could be a bit of a problem here ????
  13. I really don't know if it's that much better in the west. with 50+% taxes, prosperity but little well-being. Corporate states that dictate society for their own gain, resulting in capital centralization (read poverty). I think it can be said for any system that society will not benefit much from it.
  14. Next year will be much better if in the mean time the economies ww are not hit too hard. The most people in Europe stayed in Europe this year. Most of them planning their hollydays already in jan/feb. At that time Thailand was still struggeling with the Covis rules. So high season will prob be the start of a good year. Hang in there Thailand.
  15. And with that Thailand is not different then the rest of the world. With every election you hear those bozos saying "we need a change.....I will make that change" and in the end nothing changes. No matter if it are the states, Germany, France, England etc. Everywere the same salespitch. Always wonder why people still go to vote.
  16. He probably dont know which direction that is ????
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