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peter zwart

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Everything posted by peter zwart

  1. Article doesnt say anything about what realy happened. Are the girls to sensitive for this overdone woke bs or do we have a "dirty" doctor? Lets wait and see. But in case of the dirty doctor.........kick him out for life with name and shame.
  2. A little planning can't hurt, but you shouldn't hold on to it too much. Be flexible and meanwhile don't forget to enjoy today. And a little less media does wonders.
  3. Come back in 10 years before im even start thinking about taking this stuff.
  4. I dont understand and i will never understand this " losing Face". In most situations its about the most selfish thing to think about.
  5. Lets make it simple. Just go for point nr 3. If we did that the last 2 years many people would still have a job.
  6. Just tell (educate) them and problem solved. Not smart of this lady but she immediatly act when someone told her. So no bad intentions.
  7. One of the reasons i love Thailand. The free hand of cash.
  8. sounds familiar. The same in the Netherlands. Was a great country to live in in the 70's/80's. From the late 90's it deteriorated to what it is today....... A drama. I only come here to see family and friends, but for the rest I wouldn't want to live there anymore. Thailand, with all its pros and cons, is a great country to live in and live a wonderfully simple life.
  9. Childish reaction of the husband. I would say "have fun darling ill be back in 1 hour" and would enjoy the cake myself.
  10. For me it gives me the full life with everything in and on it. And yes, in their puberty they are little devils but after that it will all land on its feet again (my experience). But i think you have to have kids to completely understand.
  11. As a father of 2 wonderful girls i can say that i didnt want to miss it. But is it always roseflower and sunshine? No way. They cost me a few years of my live. But for me its worth it. It brings live in me with all the ups and downs. But now they are on their own feet and im happy that i dont have that responsibility anymore and live as a free man again and enjoy life in Thailand.
  12. average age 75+ and/or underlaying disease. And the amount of people that get serious in trouble of covid are, in absolute numbers, so low that all the fuzz is completely overdone. Next to that, a 5 month old vaccin has almost no function anymore. So this proof of vaccination is complete nonsense.
  13. True but i doesnt make a lot of difference if you are vaccinated or not (in case of Omicron).
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