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peter zwart

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Everything posted by peter zwart

  1. Which would be excellent. There will be no more Corona.
  2. An extra 800 million in poverty ww. Way to go with those rules and selling some shots.
  3. And certainly not Dutch woman. These days they are at an average length of 1..85 mtr and about 110 kg
  4. Those lunatics you got everywere in the world. Just forget about it.
  5. We are now in a world that is completely crazy. The ones that have to be careful for Covid are the ones that are more vunerable due to medical reasons or elderly people. Those should stay a bit more away of busy places. Data from the past 2 years shows that people under 65 and healthy dont have to fear much. And with the Omicron version its even less obvious that people end up in the hospital. So its quiet simple. Older/weaker people......get vaccinated and let the world go on in a "normal" way.
  6. Or pay 100.000 Baht and we will forget about everything
  7. "And there then is the ‘Kraeng Jai’ effect where respect is awarded on expectations, seniority, age etc " As a grandfather i can say thats a good thing
  8. ah yeah. I forgot that some companies have to make some profit and that Europe needs its digital paspoort. Cheers
  9. Omicron coronavirus variant will develop into a live vaccine that provides immunity without the need for booster shots. Finaly some one that make sense. Let the European knuckleheads listen to this man.
  10. Dont forget > Farang responsible for spreading Covid-19
  11. i can asure you thats not the case. I know many many kids that love going to school. the social contacts are realy important to them
  12. May be that goes for you but im dealing fine with it
  13. Then i would go for option one if it seems that Omicron is not realy dangerous anymore.
  14. And that is exactly what i love about Thailand. Freedom with a bit of own responsibility.
  15. science is of great value to humanity. However, the companies that exploit it commercially are a major threat.
  16. Since i watch Cesar Millan...........pretty high.
  17. I think he is quiet correct. Vaccin and booster for the group that needs it. For the rest i think, next year it wont be necessary anymore as the virus will weaken and become an other flu.
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