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peter zwart

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Everything posted by peter zwart

  1. i feel very sorry for the poor guy. But as long as they not slow down a bit or know the meaning of wait a bit, this will go on and on.
  2. I was here after the Taksin period so can not judge him. This government is, and i put it mildly, not the best for the country. But which government is? I live here now for 5 years and the longer you live here the more you see reality. And this reality is not always beautiful. But on the moments that things start to anoy me i think back of my "home" country and see that live here is still pretty good. If i would move to, lets say Vietnam, im sure that i would feel myself in heaven for the first few years. Then the same will happen again. So for me Thailand is a fine place to stay.
  3. No. Not the 1st, not the 2nd and certainly not the booster. But i do understand that if you realy have to fly that your forced to.
  4. I was also scamed ones. It happens. But i was scammed many more times by the banks and government.
  5. True, they only pay for the miss to leave.
  6. Do the people know what they got back for it? May be in this case its better to deal with the devil you know then the devil you dont know.
  7. What a whole lot of rubbish. especially now with the Omicron variant. People who have a vaccine dont have to be scared. And the amount of hospitalised not exploding and the impact of this variant is getting back to the level of a flu.
  8. Never give up mate. The lower the dips the more you appreciate the good times. I reconize a part of your story. Had the same feelings about 5 years ago. To much Sj!t to much pain. But something in me made me to go on and try to get back on top of it. Im getting there. But i know that once im on top again it will be beautiful and fun. Its an mental investment and the returns will come. So please try to go for it. It will happen.
  9. Your posting misinformation: If its information that you dont want to read/hear its maybe misinformation for you but its already proven that the the vaccine losing its power dramaticly after a few months. No matter which one. Get the jab and get us out of this mess. Or stay home.: Non of the above. Get a life.
  10. Even the rule of being vaccinated can be dropped as we know that the vaccine only works for about 4/5 months. Or they have to adjust the rule into "vaccinated not longer then 4 months ago". Wonder when we will see that vaccination is also not one of the requirements anymore.
  11. Youre not buying anything for it now but in a country where rules are changing "so now and then" it is better to take a bit more time if its concerning your Visa. Anyway, im sure some agent can help you. The only thing that is against you now is time. Good luck mate and go for it.
  12. I think this problem starts when the man is a little boy. The are treated here like a litlle prince and dont have to do anything. Responsibility is not something that they grow up with. That is something for the girls who still be seen as 2nd rank persons. Sad.
  13. Slow learners. First were scare the sj!t out of people for a year or two and now we found out its better to give people some confidence..........ZZZZZzzzzzzzz
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