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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. Not mentioned are the demographics of the Chinese tourists. Japan is attracting the quality tourists. No buffet attacking savages. No spitters. Just big spenders. The sources from which the article is taken, state that Chinese tourists in Japan spent about 1.73 trillion yen (US$11 billion). A lot of that spend used to be done in Thailand. Safe roads, clean air, quality food, reliable policing, potable water make even a low cost Japan visit a luxury experience compared to a visit to Thailand. And it is a good thing to as it helps normalize relations between the two and will allow a made in Asia solution to the psychopath in North Korea.
  2. The G7 member economies that the USA has declared financial hostilities with, will indeed step up to look after themselves and that will come with a pivot to China as you mention. Canada will be forced into selling more oil to China, and perhaps an eventual switch away from the USA. It will move to normalize relations with China and build stronger economic ties to latin america. The EU will normalize with China as well and look to replace USA trade with Chinese and Asian trade growth. The end result is that China's influence will grow, while the USA's shrinks. The USA is alienating both Canada and the EU. The impact will be seen in the decades to come as the USA's largest trading partners turn away from the USA. It won't matter to most Trump voters, because a large number will be dead by then. The influence of the USA will be like a fireworks that launches, explodes with great force and then comes crashing down in a puff of smoke.
  3. It will most certainly damage the Thai economy and some of the most economically vulnerable of Thais will suffer when they can't sell their products into the USA. The US agriculture and seafood lobby has been lobbying against Thai food products (seafood, rice) for years. Tariffs will be applied to Thai products. The assumption/hope that Trump and his plan sponsors have is that the foreign currencies exchange rate with the USD will crash and that the increased costs consumers will pay, will be offset by the depreciation of the exporter currencies. The Trump plan requires foreign currencies to depreciate, otherwise the tariffs will hurt US consumers and will cause inflation to increase. It is a gamble. The Trump plan does not take into account that the USA will be taking on multiple foreign economies at once. It might have had a chance to work if it was 1 or 2 weak economies at a time, but the Trump tariffs will attack G7 member economies at the same time it hits Thailand and India. Thailand to USA 2023 Exports In USD Machinery, nuclear reactors, boilers $10.32B Rubbers $4.62B Vehicles other than railway, tramway $2.60B Pearls, precious stones, metals, coins $1.70B Articles of iron or stee l$1.43B Plastics $1.10B Optical, photo, technical, medical apparatus $925.23M Meat, fish and seafood preparations $857.25M Furniture, lighting signs, prefabricated buildings $773.42M Vegetable, fruit, nut food preparations $674.24M Cereals $661.31M https://tradingeconomics.com/thailand/exports/united-states
  4. You have been watching too many US war movies which present an historically incorrect version of events. The initial comment was made in respect to the USA saving Europe. The war with Japan is not germane. The battle of the atlantic was won in large part because of three factors; Air Superiority, Intelligence, and large numbers of vessels. The RCAF coastal command and RCAF Ferry Command deployed longer range aircraft after 1942. By 1944, every convoy had permanent air capability with the introduction of the MAC- merchant air capability that had 1 convoy include a vessel equipped with 4-6 submarine hunters. The pilots who flew off of these vessels were some of the most skilled pilots in the war, taking off from small decked vessels and flying in harsh conditions. The Allied Signals intelligence group broke the Enigma code. The Signals group was populated by some of the best and brightest British and Commonwealth sourced minds. The large numbers of merchant vessels that were organized into convoys were crewed primarily by British, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Canadian and Polish merchant seamen on mostly British and Canadian vessels. Norway had the 4th largest merchant marine capability in the world at the outbreak of WWII. Many brave Norwegians went with their vessels to Great Britain where they worked the convoys, with thousands dying in the process. Yes, the USA made a tremendous contribution and Europeans should be grateful, but the USA has a bad habit of claiming that it did everything on its own for the greater good, and that just isn't true.
  5. If you were sincere, you would have gone to your browser and entered lbgtq. A response would have been generated in milliseconds.
  6. You are right. However, once the Europeans and Canadians start avoiding US products and traveling to the USA, it will impact the US economy and US citizens will get a jolt. Australia entered into the purchase when the USA was a reliable ally and its signature on a treaty or trade agreement could be respected. As the US attempt to bully Canada and to annex Greenland demonstrates, the USA can no longer be trusted and is not a reliable ally. Do not be surprised if Australia withdraws from the purchase agreement. Canada is shopping for new submarines too and Australia helps train Canadian submarine personnel. The two them might revisit the Europeans to source the new submarines. How incredibly arrogant. The USA did not enter WWII until Pearl Harbor and even then it took months to undertake direct action against Germany in November 1942. Until that time, the UK may have been on life support, but Canada was arguably the saviour of Europe. Canada and Newfoundland had 1 million people in uniform. It was Canadian munitions and food that sustained the UK for years, sent on European and Canadian ships protected by the 4th largest navy, the Royal Canadian Navy. Norwegian and Danish merchantmen were putting their lives at risk for freedom years before the USA joined the fight. Commonwealth nations Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Rhodesia contributed significant amounts of manpower and resources too. Commonwealth air crews were flying back to back sorties in bad weather and thick anti aircraft blankets over Germany in RAF and RCAF aircraft while US servicemen were complaining about the travails of basic training in sunny Miami. The USA entered the war because of Pearl Harbor and was content to bleed the British dry with lend lease and to watch the world disintegrate in hopes that it could one day dominate. Trump has picked a fight with the very nations that the USA needs and will need. the wake up call to the USA is on the way.
  7. The school work was started 3 weeks ago. IMO poor construction quality. looks like they are trying to have this done for Songkran. I have never seen such watery cement and it is not poured on gravel, but direct on the dirt and is a fraction of the depth we see in places like Singapore, Miami, Lisbon etc. They were pouring cement during the peak tourist season in the block south of Market Village, and you don't need to be a genius to know what happened next: people walked into the cement. There are footprints through one stretch. They don't even properly mark off the work so the clueless people just wander on through. They are trying to bring in lowered sections at each end of the block. Unfortunately, they didn't take into consideration the width of child strollers or wheelchairs, so they are not compatible, They are not even standardized. I don't know what they were thinking. Doesn't look like there were engineers supervising either, otherwise the defects would have been addressed.
  8. His mom? He is 23 after all and most likely living at home.
  9. I am told that the use of marking is for inventory management and loss. Marking the commodity is similar in concept to branding cattle and affixing inventory tags to livestock ears. It can also be used for best before purposes. As the tagged item ages, the tattoos deteriorate with skin and fat changes. A blurred and faded tat indicates that the commodity is past its prime. Trust this helps.
  10. You know what it means. What's your point? Trying to get a rise out people?
  11. What infrastructure and where will you put the infrastructure? The city is packed solid. How is transportation the solution? The BTS is running at near capacity. They can't put more trains safely into circulation. There are many buses, but they are slowed down because of the large numbers of private vehicles.
  12. Pain the backside law. When I am shopping for my groceries, it is idiotic that I cannot purchase a bottle of wine at 3 pm. If there is a concern that young people are drinking, then age check them when they purchase.
  13. Airlines don't just dump fuel. It's expensive. Prior to reducing the fuel load, the pilots will run through their checklists and communicate with their command center. Unless it is an emergency, they will take the time to try and work it out. Then, they will consider a fuel dump. The aircraft must be positioned to allow a safe dump. The B777-300 ER can remove fuel at a rate of 2500kg per minute. This would mean that at least an hour would be needed to work through the full fuel load. There would also need to be measures taken on the ground to be set up for the aircraft. A broken landing gear can result in a crash that closes runways, so the airport was most likely trying to clear as many flights to minimize a disruption if a runway was closed. Also, the airline may have been reluctant to cancel the flight. It is expensive to put a full plane up in hotels and a lot of hotels want money up front from Russia first. The Russian government is notorious for late payment and trying to negotiate discounts after the fact. Even the best airlines need time to arrange for the arrival of hundreds of angry pax. Immigration would have been needed to be alerted and on standby. What technical issues? This is unlikely to be anything related to the B777. Rather it is most likely maintenance and a failure to replace parts. DEI has nothing to do with this as the aircraft has been in operation for 6 years. If there had been a defect, it would have been identified by now, because the aircraft would have undergone a heavy maintenance inspection at 18-24 months. Not at all. How many B777 have you inspected? What is the history of lanfing gear defects on the B777? Heroux Devtek which manufactured the landing gear has one of the best quality assurance records in the industry. Fuel dumps are intended to allow for evaporation.
  14. Congatulations for being the first logical comment. No one bothered to look into the reasons why she did this and what her background was. State Rep. Laurie Pohutsky’s is 36 years old.. She states that she had been considering this for a few years and was finalized by Trump’s election. She says this announcement was to highlight the concerns women have about the restrictions on access to contraception that Trump's administration has said it will implement. She had no desire to create a larger family at age 36. How is she an extremist? At age 36 do you believe iut is a good idea that she keep producing offspring? As women age, the likelihood of a defective fetus increases. Autism, cognitive impairments are more in the children of older parents. Yes she did. She was doing this to draw attention to the difficulties that women have in accessing birth control including. termoination of pregnancy. The concern is that some state governments wish to reduce access to birth control. At age 36, it is best if she stops having kids.
  15. No it does not. The majority of tourists are from China, Malaysia and India and understand the restrictions. 5 days without alcohol in a year are hardly deal breakers. Yes, some western and north Asian tourists get annoyed. The smart visitors will stock up if they need alcohol. They are allowed to consume during the. holidays. So what if the sex tourists are annoyed? It is not like they are going anywhere else. They are in Thailand because it is all they can afford.
  16. No one is being punished, unless you are an alcoholic addicted to the drug and need to consume it a tacky bar. You can still drink at home or with your friends at your homes. Nope. It is pathetic that some elderly foreigners are up in arms because the crappy bars won't be open for a few days. Get real. No one goes for a cocktail at the crappy beer bars. Those places wouldn't know how to make a decent cocktail if their lives depended on it. My experience has been that the major hotels will still be discretely serving cocktails and some of the private clubs which cater to the discerning Asians will be serving alcohol. The crappy beer bar/brothels with their uncomfortable plastic chairs and filthy tables will have to stop. It will give some of the staff a much needed chance to rest and maybe get treated for their STIs.
  17. You are relying on your own bias. My best friend while in Thai military service, was in contact with insurgents. He does remarkably better as a human than you as he doesn't hate all muslims, despite having been at risk. So what if someone is in the IDF. The team which was deployed to assist in the fires in California all served in the IDF. Everyone is expected to serve, Their IDF duties range from social workers, to IT specialists, to combat units, to mechanics, to hospital workers, to morgue duties, to cafeteria work. What nonsense. The claims of large numbers of Isrtaelis comes from westerners who have their own bias. The Thai data does not support your claim. There are not even enough Israelis to generate the issues that you claim. You are projecting your own bias. The funny part is that you can't even put together a coherent expression of hate. You say the resort you stayed in was complaining about Israelis and then you come up with a statement that the rafting company was asking if you know where these people came from. Surely, if Israelis were all that evil, the Thais would know. Why were there Israelis at your resort? Most of the problems with the Israelis are with the 18-25 year old males, many of whom have never traveled before and are of lower socio economic backgrounds. They typically do not go to resorts because they can't afford them and often stay at Israeli secured lodgings which are places run by Israeli friendly Thais. You are not fooling anyone who knows Thailand. Pai, like Patong and Pattaya and much of Koh Samui is motivated by money. The Thais don't care who the customer is as long as they can turn a profit. If that wasn't the case, the Russians wouldn't have a run of the house in Phuket. I doubt very much that the locals are going to confide in you. They tell you what you want to hear, just as the bar girls tell the losers in their bars how hansum they are.
  18. What is to rationalize? She went on her own to a storm swollen stream, took off her clothes and went for a swim. She would not be the first foreigner to have done that, nor the first to have tragically drowned. Adult Thais do not swim naked, nor do they swim in storm surged water, and they do not do it alone. Had she respected local customs, she might very well still be alive today. It was a death by misadventure, like so many of the young Europeans who persih in Thailand because of their personal choices. I am not victim blaming. Rather, her tragic death illustrates how some foreigners behave. If you don't like this example, how about the Europeans who posed naked at the Ayuthaya historic religious site, offending millions of Thais. As I recall, they were not deported.
  19. Don't count them out. Sometimes a bit of time in the wilderness does wonders for politicians. Learn from Churchill. In 1997 PM John Major was defeated in a landslide by the opposition Labour Party led by Tony Blair, achieving a 179-seat majority and a total of 419 seats. The Tories were assumed to have been wiped out then too.
  20. Really? A great many US citizens are offended when they see protestors wearing Hezbollah and Hamas attire. There are even hats worn by some with sickening slogans on them. I believe that there is a propasal from some of the more vocal MAGA congressional members to sanction people wearing attire.
  21. I've watched the usual hate spew in the comments and few of them are rational or based on fact. The anti Israel sentiment is foreigner based. The anti Israeli grafitti and vandalism is coming from westerners, and French nationals of North African extraction. This thread shows the bias that some westerners hold. The Gulf arabs don't do grafitti in Thailand. The Iranians don't waste their time on petty vandalism either. The Thais don't perceive the Israelis any worse than other foreigners. Don't tell me that the typical Thai can differentiate between a Russian and Israeli or even a German. My own friends cannot. The Israelis who are in the Pai area are like most of the other foreigners: Dirty, low class and without much money. One dirty farang is the same as any other to a Thai, and rightly so. Yes, 3 idiots made a commotion. Unlike the Russians or the Europeans who do similar, they were fined and deported. The holier than thou ignorance of the miserable elderly white Europeans and knuckle dragging Australians , who collectively seem to illogically hate anyone who is younger and not of their ethnic background would be funny save for the fact that they are circulating in Thailand making life miserable for everyone they interact with. The next time a Swiss nutter sets his dogs on people, or an english drunk has a vehicle crash injuring innocent people, be sure to bring your nooses and pitchforks. Deal with the reality, that Thailand is a destination for a lower socio economic demographic. If it wasn't, Patong and Pattaya would have been shuttered long ago. Pai would have been a ghost town by now. Nothing has changed much in Pai since the Autralians got jammed up for heroin, or the Canadian hippie was shot dead by the drunk cop. Anyone remember them? Does anyone even remember the recent tragedy with the young Belgian woman, found naked and dead last September after it was presumed she went swimming in the nude. Had she shown some respect for local custom of staying clothed while bathing, perhaps she would not have perished in Pai. And I hate to break it to the bigots, but Thais have a much better understanding of Israel than they do of Europe or the Americas because almost 40,000 Thais now rotate in and out of Israel for work. They go for a year, or more and come back, with money, despite all the negative comments made by westerners to the contrary. Only Canada and Hungary take in agricrultural workers from Thailand like Israel, and their numbers are seasonal and below 2,000 each.
  22. Perhaps, but one certainly needs markets to sell products and suppliers who will sell critical raw materials. Do not under estimate the Chinese. They can sustian long term pain. US nationals are chronic complainers. They riot when Popeye's runs out of chicken. The US is picking fights with everyone and it cannopt go it alone. Are you He did not win by a landslide. He did not even receive a majority of votes cast. Are you intentionally wrong or are you really this ignorant of the vote result?
  23. Have you been in some US cities like Philadelphia where the zombies walk? Or rural towns in in West Virginia and Kentucky ravaged by Hillbilly Heroin? Druggies rob and steal and kill to get their fix.
  24. 75%+ of the. Panama canal workforce came from The majority of the workers on the Panama Canal came from the West Indies, including Barbados, Jamaica, Grenada, Martinique, and Trinidad. 90%+ of deaths were these people. Your logic holds that their homelands can lay claim to the canal. Panama exists as a nation because it gained its independence in 1821 from Spain. It then joined with other states to form a greater Columbian Republic under the great Simon de Bolivar. Panama then split from Columbia The USA was involved because it sought to act as a colonial power. The USA has no right to meddle in Latin America. The USA is not in charge. All that the USA is doing is to force the world to look away from purchasing US products and to become more self reliant.
  25. Nope. Recent illustrations; Britney Spears, Wendy Williams, Amanda Bynes , Brian Wilson (Beachboys), and Michael Oher (a dead wringer for Kanye). There has to be someone who cares, and right now, Kanye is being exploited by his entouragem, who need him free so they can earn their money. Maybe not full fledged members of the party, but most certainly encouraged to be affiliates and supporters. In the past the German Nazis were supported by the Grand Mullah of Jerusalem who sent his muslim militia to fight for the nazis. Iran currently funds extemist right wing groups with the intent of causing civil disorder.
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