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Everything posted by Patong2021

  1. He achieved his goal of bringing attention to the story of the crucifixion.
  2. If he is muslim he most likely is already. In any case, removal of his prepuce would not prevent him from being a rapist and it is doubtful the residents of Golders Green would engage in such violence. The demographics are of an aging, educated population; the exact opposite profile of those given to violence.
  3. She/he really dolled themself up. Those tramps stamps let us knows that it's a real classy item. It's good that there is interest from the elderly farang segment, because the Thais certainly are not interested.
  4. It is doubtful that your tax remittance covers the benefits and government services that you receive. Patients receive hormones as part of a medical procedure that allows the gender transition. One cannot think oneself through a transition. Private discretionary hormone use is not paid for by the government. Included in this expenditure is HRT offered to menopausal women.
  5. Hardly anything new or different from what has been going on for the past 20 years. How exactly would a change in tourist visa regulations change anything? What is needed is an actual police presence and a bit of public shaming when the yobs are nicked.
  6. There is nothing that suggests he was set up. Does he have a history of roughing up women? Yes or No? The minor was significantly bruised. No means no. Sometimes a person may consent to an interaction, based upon first impressions or an initial state of inebriation. And then they person sobers up slightly, or sees something that would convince a rational person to run. For example, a woman sees the male's penis, and it has warts or herpes lesions. No one should be expected to submit.
  7. You are all over the place, trying with all your limited capabilities to find some negative that sticks. Alas, like the minions of Satan, you fail when confronted by the might of the faith.
  8. Ok. However, the fact of the matter is that your Mr. Trump went to a Church. A church is where the Christian gospel is preached. What did you expect was going to happen, a cooking demonstration? Your view is that Mr. Trump is "not a rational person and should not be allowed public office" because he has professed his view that he is a Christian and has been destined by providence to save America. Millions of US citizens share that view. I neither endorse the views of the Bishop, nor condemn them as her interpretation of the gospel can indeed be supported by the gospel. You were criticizing the Bishop for her views as a Christian. Considering Mr. Trump's endorsement of the faith, you are also criticizing him. Your inconsistency is gushing as a torrent now. I'll leave it to you to attack yourself now.
  9. Sadly you are correct. The driver's brake light isn't activated at all. Watching the recording I see that an automobile and another motorbike braked. I do agree that the motorcycle driver could have avoided or lessened the injuries sustained had she braked.. I suppose at that young age, she was overwhelmed and froze.
  10. You are quite inconsistent. You attack the Bishop for espousing her Christianity and for being too 'liberal", and then you criticize her for not housing undocumented people. She is a law abiding citizen. The Bishop does not own the home she resides in. It is owned by the Church and she is accorded lodgings in the dwelling in her capacity as an administrative Bishop. The Bishop is responsible for 86 congregations and ten schools in the District of Columbia and four Maryland counties. Once she is no longer a Church bishop she will move out as the new bishop will move in. The residential dwelling is used for Church activities as well as being a home to the Bishop, and her husband. She has two sons and their extended families. I would think it is normal that at age 65 her two boys have left home and established their own families. You seem to have a rather disturbing jealousy of the woman's home life. Is it perhaps that you are envious of the healthy family life that she maintains, filled with the laugher of children and the joy of a loving family? it isn't too late for you to learn from her example.
  11. One day, should you open a bible and read the message of good news proclaimed in the gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, you will be surprised to learn that it is quite "progressive". It provides the origin of the altruistic and selfless actions of groups such as the Protestant Salvation Army and Samaritan's Purse, and the various Catholic religious orders dedicated to serving the poor and the sick. One can be "conservative" and progressive. Look up the definitions of the two words and do not puke up the tired political slogans of the morally corrupt that debase their meaning.
  12. I would be best if you first studied, or at least made an effort to understand the religions you criticize. Appreciably, you are trying to get a rise out of rational people. Unfortunately, the quality of your sarcasm is rather poor and it falls flat, much like the hecklers at a Jimmy Carr show.
  13. The people being deported were already on the deportation list back to their country of nationality. They consist of; - Denied refugee status already detained because of flight risk or criminal record - Convicted criminals already in custody No one innocent of at risk of mistaken identity is currently being deported. Let the USA remove the people a;ready under order of deportation and who present a danger to society. This will take a year or more. They are not the people working in the fields or the hospitality business.
  14. If you are unaware of what was said, why are you criticizing her sermon?
  15. He is an MP who stayed past his best before date. The dislike for him will reduce once he is gone, whereas the disdain and the dislike for the USA will be indelibly etched into the collective Id of Canada. What Trump is trying to do is no different than the US sponsorship of the Fenian terrorist actions in Canada, and the attempt to invade in 1812. Both events ended poorly for the USA.
  16. Hopefully, you love and care for your canine companion. King Charles is doing what he must to benefit the UK and to salvage a precarious relationship that the UK has with the USA. Although Labour is in large part the cause of the problem, the Conservatives contributed, and Farage and Co., are not helping. If Charles and Camilla must make nice with the bully, then that's what they will do as they put duty above all else.
  17. https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/canada-is-not-sale-hat-goes-viral-after-trump-threats-2025-01-24/
  18. You heard what you wanted to hear, not what was said. You want to create a narrative that supports your bias.
  19. He has successfully turned a nation of approx. 40 million against the USA. The seeds of animosity have been planted and they will soon bear fruit.
  20. You have no evidence of hate. She did not speak hatefully of Mr. Trump. As a Christian clergy member she must not hate people. You don't like her sermon. Fine. Good for you. You don't have to attend activities in the Church she ministers at and then you won't hear her sermons. Mr. Trump and his entourage went for a photo opp, not to participate in the sharing of the faith.
  21. Her sermon was based upon the teachings of the gospel. No one is forcing you to accept them. However, as she is a member of the clergy of that Church it is to be expected that she would base her sermon on her faith's principles. You were not being asked to take advice from the Bishop, nor were you obliged to be in the Church. However, if you attend a Church service, you should expect to hear the gospel. Don't agree? Fine, then don't go. Trump was looking for a photo opp and was surprised to discover that some people still take the Christian faith seriously. You have completely missed the point. The clergy person was being criticized for practicing her faith. You are not forced to be a Christian, however, if you are going to sit in a pew and profess to be one, then you should expect to listen to a minister offer a sermon based upon the faith. Mr. Trump and his entourage attended the Church service under the premise of being Christians. It was to be expected that the minister would base her sermon on the Christian faith. No one compelled you to accept those teachings. It seems that the serial adulterers would have been more comfortable in the company of those who were not of the Christian faith. That's their choice. However, don't show up in a Church and expect to have cruelty and wickedness praised or endorsed. The Bishop acted in accordance of her sincere Christian faith. If you want snake charmers and entertainment, try one of the Evangelical churches that collect money for the corrupt clergy.
  22. That's not how it works. If we use the US CBP MPC or the Japan Arrive method, the information is completed in advance and a QR code is generated. You scan the QR code at the electronic gate. I did this in Japan. It works rather well for arrival and was through a very busy arrivals hall in 10 minutes.
  23. One should not be dead in the water if the sea conditions are not appropriate or if one is in a busy sea lane where an evasive action may be required. Unless you know what the sea conditions were at the time, it is unfair to pass judgement.
  24. No he would not. If you you have a grievance against Canada, please feel free to surrender your passport and return to your paradise of Serbia. This is a code White event and sadly is a regular occurrence in ERs around the world. It is quite obvious that this man is either under the influence of a powerful mood altering drug(s) and/or is mentally ill. The procedure will be to send him for a psychiatric hold and exam. In Canada it is usually 72 hours. In Thailand, he may or may not be sent to a psychiatric holding facility where he will either be sedated or restrained.
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