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Posts posted by Unknown

  1. Ladies and Gentlemen, here's the scenario.

    Married 20 yrs..your idea, and wifes idea about many things in not the same anymore. You fight occasionally about stupid stuff.

    You really don't care anymore, and you realized about 3 yrs ago that you love her, but you are not in love with her.

    How do you say goodby?

    You love her but are not in love with her?

    Something I'm missing here.

    Anyway, why do you want to say goodbye to somebody you love...? :o

  2. Quite a lot of foreigners are married to Thai women and I do not think the divorce rate is higher than what it is in western countries.

    Probably far lower actually.

    Does it mean it is possible to find true love in Thailand?

    I'm not sure (define true love) but it means you can find find a wife in Thailand you'll stay with for the rest of your life...

  3. I could never understand. Maybe the Donz can help out here.

    Woman take a while to get to know you and see what you're about. Then they turn around and say I like you because of who you are and what you do, then when the going gets hot and heavy they try and change you. Why is that?

    Hey... I've dated a man who wanted to change me! How's that?

    You think only women want to change men? In this modern era... anybody can want to change the other! :D

    On the subject of change, a well known one and well, true. :o

    Women marry men with the hope they will change and they don't.

    Men marry women with the hope they won't change and they do.

  4. The reason(s) i am wanting to leave/move out of Thailand is because as a farang i no longer feel welcome here in Thailand and my marriage is failing which makes me very unhappy.

    You mean not welcome by your Thai wife anymore?

    Sorry to hear that but going to Cambodia will make matters worse...

  5. As a woman/girl, if you met sexual harassment, what would you do?

    My Thai friends think I should just keep quiet coz Thai gals are like that.

    I have been here for two yrs and never heard this kinda case on media.

    Isn't it a big deal that guys take advantge of girls? or Thai gals get used to it?

    I have reported to Students Rights at school and maybe tmr I will report police. Does that make sense?

    And I doubt whether they have this kinda law in Thailand.

    There is no obvious sexual harassment in between Thai men and Thai women that I have witnessed so far.

    No Thai guy will ever touch a Thai girl in the office, they do not even usually do it in between husband and wife in public...

    So what do you mean by harassment exactly?

  6. I just had a weird idea, that nobody's mentioned. Could it be that Thais, male and female, straight and gay, sometimes think that mouth kissing is naughty, and that only bad boys and bad girls do it?

    You got it.

    Naughty or dirty, whatever... :D

    But as i said before, they learn to like it, at least girls, maybe boys are not as keen to learn... :o

  7. Floods cause tourism to drop 10 per cent

    BANGKOK: -- The Association of Domestic Travel has estimated that the heavy flooding will result in a 10 percent fall in tourism business in terms of both numbers and revenue.

    Association president Charoen Wangananont said Wednesday that the current flooding had already damaged many major tourist attractions in Chiang Mai, Ayutthaya and Chiang Rai, as well as Bangkok and its surrounding provinces.

    He said the 10percent drop was caused by many tours being cancelled for a month since the heavy rains.

    -- The Nation 2006-10-18

    So the 10% drop was not attributable to Coups, Martial Law, Visa confusion, proposed laws banning drinking?? Suppose it saves face if they blame something they did not mess up off their own back! :o

    Right, Thai sense of humor and well, saving face... :D

  8. I've been to the airport four times since it opened and I never saw any restrooms with any lines or a single person waiting. And I checked restrooms on all levels landside as well as restrooms airside on both arrivals and departures.

    Please give us a map because I did not do such an extensive survey and well, found few.

    And the few I found were very small, by any standard, and hence not that clean... :o

  9. Around these parts there aren't that many people (Thais) that drive under the influence, they go home and then have a couple (yeah right)..... they are just incredibly bad drivers, all the time.

    I think you forget the motorbike drivers, Thaddeus.

    Who are the ones who usually get killed under the influence...

  10. However, more than nine out of 10 believed a clampdown on alcohol advertising would have no effect on their drinking habits.

    That's most probably true, most people do not drink because of advertisement, even young people.

    And it is also true that drunk driving kills a lot of people in Thailand and should be far more controlled than it is now.

    But well, do not hold your breath...

  11. the same as lending to himself under Thai Law, as you are responsible for her debts.

    Is this right?

    If my wife takes out a mortgage or car loan or any other type of loan without my knowledge, am I still responsible for her debts?

    You know what the saying Tiz, married for better and for worse... :o

  12. Party Time:

    Alcoholic-Beverage Control Bill Rejected

    BANGKOK: -- The Cabinet Tuesday sent back the Alcoholic-Beverage Control Bill for further discussions among relevant authorities.

    The bill is designed to impose many restrictions on alcoholic-beverage sales, including a ban on people under 25 years old age to buy the alcoholic drinks.

    According to the bill, discounts and promotional gimmicks for the sale of alcoholic beverages will also be banned.

    An informed source said the Cabinet extensively debated on how to implement control measures with proper balance. It also raised questions as to how to identify which person is at least 25 years old of age, which will allow them to buy alcoholic drinks legally.

    The Cabinet has assigned the Education, Commerce, Industry, Social Development and Human Security ministries to send their representatives for further discussions on the bill.

    -- The Nation 2006-10-17

    Well, anyway, not many of us are less than 25... :o

  13. I consider kissing to be as high risk now as almost any other sexual behavior, at least here.

    Do not take it bad but it was not my point.

    Why they do not kiss is because they're not used to it (girls) but it does not mean I consider it a risk.

    And I do not think you should either... :o

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