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Posts posted by Unknown

  1. I'd start by getting a second opinion on if a C-Section is really necessary.

    Actually it is seldom necessary but the doctors and very often the patient prefer the C-section for 2 reasons:

    - It is faster

    - You can fix the delivery time and date

    And well, at least for the doctors, the fact that is more expensive does not hurt...

  2. To my surprise and consternation they said they could not do so. When I asked why they said I had not told them why I wanted the money.

    Naturally, I pointed out that this was none of their business. They agreed, but said that Thai banks now took a different view. They are now acting under instructions from the new regime not to accept any transfers into foreigners' accounts without a written explanation of what the money was to be used for.

    This has been in place for a very long time but you just had to write whatever came to your mind, furniture, air tickets, whatever...

    The official explanation was that they did not want any money coming to Thailand for buying drugs.

    As if you would have told them. :o

    But well, maybe now you have to justify even more... :D

  3. why do they want high quality tourists who stay in the sheraton , royal cliff? in the long term it's the low quality types who fall in love and marry prostitutes and come back year after year , buying houses in nong khai etc that they should be trying to attract . people with real money dont need to come back to thailand year after year ,they can go anywhere they like and have a good time .

    I agree, they should not be that choosy.

    It is not the rich foreigners, on a private level, who participate to the development of Thailand.

    But the medium class people and well, calling them low quality types is maybe a bit too Thai... :o

  4. Not that I should have to defend myself, but I'm definitely *not* fat, thought don't have a waifish figure either, but I've been told by many people here that I'm fat, and though none of them have been trying to be malicious, it annoys me. I've tried explaining that in my culture calling someone fat is the same as calling someone ugly, but so far I've just been told "Try to understand Thai culture".

    You did not say whether it was girls telling you that or boys.

    Boys will probably never say something like that, so I would guess it is girls.

    And girls mean you're cute, in some ways... :o

  5. i thought the new PM was supposed to be a civilan??? :o

    oh yeah i forgot this is thailand....what a joke!

    as someone already said, from outside thailand the international community are very concerned about thailand..

    you ethier are democratic or your're not...and at this current time thailand is no longer democratic :D IMO

    The guy is a GREAT choice!

    Right, a retired general is sure a great choice...

  6. I flew in to Suvarnabhumi the day after the opening, and while immigration and baggage claim went without any major problems, to actually get out of the airport and in to the city proved to be a nightmare.

    Not easy indeed.

    I went back via Bang Na while I should have taken Rama 9, I think.

    And there are at least 3 gates when you go out from the customs and well, people waiting me at the wrong one...

  7. My gf mentioned that when she gets around to having a baby it will definitely be by C whether advised or not.

    She's very petite and worried about pushing it out!

    Any other Thai girls feel like this?

    In my wife case, it is not that she was worrying about it, it is just that the natural way was not possible.

    The baby was bigger than the 'gate'... :o

  8. I do not agree.

    I came back to Thailand from Singapore last Friday evening and had no problems.

    The only one was having to wait a bit in the plane after it landed because it took 15 minutes to reach the gate (was occupied by another plane).

    Besides that, took me a few minutes to go through the customs and overall, I was out in about 1/2 h between the time we landed and being outside.

    Maybe I was lucky... :o

  9. i did a search on here and there were a few horror stories about costs spiralling out of control at samijtev and bumrumgrad. i need all the money i can save for when the baby is born so i need somewhere that is reputable.

    hope someone can help.........

    My wife had a c-section in Bumrungrad and the costs were defined and known in advance, was a package.

    Expensive but not really spiralling out of control.

    I have friends who went to Samitivej and they were very happy with it and it is cheaper.

    So, if I was you, I would negotiate a package price before the delivery and I think Samitivej is the best choice.

  10. My partner and I have been together for several years and I'm considering marrying him. (He keeps asking). What are the benefits of this? Will I still have to leave the country every three months - I have an O visa, and a Thai registered business, with which I bought some land to build a studio. Also, being a UK citizen, will I eventually be able to claim the Married Persons Pension, more money, even though he's not from the UK? And what about my company, does it automatically revert to his ownership upon marriage, or will it be joint or still in my sole name? Another thought is divorce. Would he be able to divorce me on some spurious charge, (look, she was fooling around with the binman okay) (sounds paranoid, but have been around here a long time ...) and claim half my property?

    If you are asking yourself such questions, I'm wondering why you stay with him... :o

  11. If the Man and Lady are married , and she has a 'past' , at what point does she stop being a Bargirl in the eys of the interested observers?


    When she stops dressing and acting like one?

    I know plenty of relationships between farang men and Thai women and the ones that get the best treatment from Thais are the ones where the Thai woman dresses modestly and behaves politely. As far as I have ever seen with the Thai people I know, if the woman dresses and acts like a bar girl then it doesn't really matter if she is married or not.

    Thai girls are very shy and BGs are not.

    They most probably were before being a BG but in that kind of business, you do not survive being shy.

    And hence they do not behave as Thai girls anymore.

    And the longer they stay as BGs, well, the more difficult it will be for them to be 'Thai girls' again...

  12. Also the money should go back for your wife to buy land to build the house on. If this is not going to happen tell them to get lost as all the family will be on to you like crown onto a sick sheep.

    You mean tell your future wife to get lost?

    Because your wife will never, ever severe her bonds with her family.

    With you, first...

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