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Posts posted by Unknown

  1. If you only changed one mind by cleaning up then that would be a start, wouldn't it?

    In an ideal world, it would be.

    But let's see Singapore where people littering are fined or even have to do some community service, i.e. collecting garbage for some time.

    As soon as the Singapore governement stops collecting the garbage and cleaning the streets and beaches, if only for one day, it looks like the slumps in Manilla, Jakarta or elsewhere.

    I agree that it is a question of education but I'm afraid it is not a question of example...

    expanding on that...the infastructure must be available for the shift in attitude that musta also occur.

    Whatever infrastructure you have, if people think it is no problem to litter, there won't be any change.

    Did I say education? :o

  2. What if a girl goes to library in the day time and go clubbing at night?

    What if a girl stays up late for her job or study?

    Is she bad?

    You cant judge a girl good or bad based on this. Sounds ridiculous.


    Why do people think a Thai girl going to clubs in Thailand is bad?

    That's absurd.

  3. For those who refuse to acknowledge decent local girls' existence, it's time to pull your head out of where the sun don't shine and smell the roses, mate. :D

    You're right LC, the majority of Thai girls are decent, I know, I'm married to one and I met many before marrying.

    People who tell you otherwise , well, as you said... :o

  4. Hi

    My Thai girlfriend reckons she wants to start working again. She left school at 16, and so far has worked on building sites, as a nanny and in a shoe shop.

    She's looking because she's bored mostly - she speaks good English.

    Anyway - we are looking at unskilled work obviously - any idea where a good place to start looking is ?

    Agencies, local newspapers etc...

    Any thoughts ?


    If she speaks English, was a nanny and can cook, at least a bit, she could make good money being a maid.

    I mean more than in any other job considering her qualification.

    And Thai maids being in high demand, no need to go through an agency, just advertise yourself in the foreign community.

  5. BANGKOK: -- The city of Bangkok has been placed third in the World's Best Awards 2006, ranked as the world's third favourite city for tourism--after Italy's Florence and Rome, respectively.

    Interesting ranking.

    Florence and Rome are well known for having a lot of historical monuments/buildings/...

    What is Bangkok known for? :o

  6. If you only changed one mind by cleaning up then that would be a start, wouldn't it?

    In an ideal world, it would be.

    But let's see Singapore where people littering are fined or even have to do some community service, i.e. collecting garbage for some time.

    As soon as the Singapore governement stops collecting the garbage and cleaning the streets and beaches, if only for one day, it looks like the slumps in Manilla, Jakarta or elsewhere.

    I agree that it is a question of education but I'm afraid it is not a question of example...

  7. Our beach fills up with rubbish nearly every day for 6 months (when the wind changes directions, the rubbish stops). None of which is mine. I still clean it up every day and have done so as long as I have lived there (even before the bungalows came along). Some of my neighbors thought I was nuts others came along and helped.

    Lead by example. Its definitely more help than whinging about it and doing nothing.

    This is a different matter, you want to keep a beach clean and I understand that especially if you live there.

    But many people (not only Thais) will not understand that they have to clean a beach that is not theirs of garbage that is not theirs either.

  8. A guy said to me "Thais are the best friends money can buy" Have you ever heard this before, would you agree, what do you think it means exactly, if anything?

    It means nothing.

    Sure you can 'buy' friends in Thailand as anywhere else in this world.

    And probably more easily since the majority of the population is still poor.

    But the best friends you will have in Thailand will not be money related.

    If you make any, that is... :o

  9. How do u farangs with thai wife buy lands?

    or u put it in your wife name?

    Having a Thai wife does not change your rights as far as buying land is concerned, i.e. you still do not have any.

    So, yes, if you want to buy land, you have to buy it under your wife's name.

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