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Everything posted by hansombeast

  1. Ladies and gentlemen please fasten your seat belts we've ran out of battery power and are about to crash land. All bull<deleted>e
  2. We voted leave, end of story We joined an economic treaty in 74 under ted heath, not to join a non democratic block telling you how to run your country. We have left end off
  3. I use VLC but I haven't updated for around 18 months and I use up to date windows 10 with no problems. Maybe the newest versions have bugs. It does say to update isn't automatic like it used to be... I've left it alone. Works fine
  4. Thankx mate for the info much appreciated
  5. hansombeast

    looking for

    Hi guys im looking for a Honda CRF or Kawasaki klr or equivalent. Must be in road legal condition with green book. Max 100000 baht
  6. I transferred £1000 to my Bangkok bank account about a month ago, it transferred in about 4 secs. Transaction was done mid afternoon here in Thailand. I chose personal transfer as the option
  7. Not straight forward as it once was, without their criteria almost impossible with the high street banks. UK address and phone number are amongst some of the criteria asked for
  8. The philllipines is the same as any destination these days, pick pockets are usual around daytime ,malls and markets mostly kids. Usual advice is not to wear flash and expensive jewelry.
  9. As I answered this on the general forum unaware it is Chang mai, butas some of the suggestions have said there will be hotel spa's that will accommodate
  10. Location of where might help with suggestions
  11. The original story as a woman who bought a new car and the dealership gave her the plates, not the same thing as going and buying fake plates
  12. Stopped using <deleted>book about a year ago. Same old <deleted> going round and round. Do I miss it not one bit
  13. International arrivals are on the ground floor, they have to collect their luggage then head to leve four check in to connect to their destination flight. Escalators work all the way up. Easy process
  14. I watched the footage on the tv about this,, he was also very aggressive and obviously didn't appreciate being told what to do by the bib. He should be banned and jailed end of story
  15. I had similar issue on m old isuzu pick up, it was a clogged radiator all gunged up restricted flow, radiator was cheap to replace
  16. I renewed mine in 2015 and they required it then, I had to go down to a translation company downstairs so they could verify the address from my Thai driving license. Next time I will have a document prepared.
  17. I think the solution would be to befriend them and buy them a bottle of whisky laced with either sleeping pills or laxatives, good motorcycle earplugs should give you some peace
  18. Has nissan not run a diagnostic check via the terminal to find out what the EMU is saying. It should highlight any underlying fault. Then it gives you an idea of what to tackle or replace.
  19. Never had an issue, I search on my laptop and phone, however on logging in on the laptop it does recognise that I've logged on else where.
  20. On Friday I transferred £1000 to my Bangkok bank account with absolutely no delay. Transfer was done early morning here nighttime in the UK. The reason I chose was general expenses. Confirmation email said within 5 sec.
  21. I had the same issue trying to book vietjet about 5 weeks ago, it wouldn't authorise my card either, so switched to Thai smile payment was taken and hassle free. I'm in Thailand and it wouldn't give me a code to allow payment. I even called my bank incase they had blocked my card but they hadn't.
  22. I seen this in the news last night, the Swedish guy never stood a chance must have flew about 80 yards through the air, only had about 10 ft to the central reservation, the car was driving very fast. No bad weather conditions to blame
  23. The pump simply pressurises the system, to run without a tank is plain silly, as the government may turn the water off for days as most people I think would have experienced here
  24. Get the battery charged, any motorcycle shop will do it for you, battery compartment is accessed from under the seat. I have a Forza same battery doesn't last long until flat if ignition not fully switched off
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