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Bill Poster

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Posts posted by Bill Poster

  1. 30 minutes ago, nickmondo said:

    sounds like your 'Friend' needs to get some more detailed tests done.

    I hope your 'Friend' has good Medical Insurance.  Just in case

    Thanks for your comment.????

    My Thai friend has access to the local Thai government hospital under what I think is called the 30 Baht scheme. I have been to that local government hospital and frankly was not that impressed , so I happily volunteered to pay for him to see a doctor and undergo tests at a better hospital . 

  2. 4 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    Your friend's test results clearly indicate he is hyperthyroid.


    The next blood test might be either or both of these:


    (Radioiodine uptake test)a blood test taken 4-24 hours after taking an oral pill containing radioactive iodine .


    Thyroid antibodies


    The results will help distinguish between thyroditis, Graves' disease or hyperfunctioning thyroid nodules (as may occur in thyroid tumors)


    If your friend was asked to take a pill (or alternately was given an injection, but pill more likely) before the second blood test then it will have been a radioidine uptake test. If not then probably thyroid antibodies.


    Depending on the results,  your friend may need a thyroid scan next


    Thank you 

    The only thing the doctor told my friend before Blood Test No. 2 was not to eat or drink any thing after midnight before undergoing the blood test . The doctor never mentioned taking a pill or other drugs  or having an injection preceding the blood test .  I will post back what the doctor say's about the blood test results after the appointment next week.




  3. Thanks every one , your input is appreciated .????


    The Blood Test No.2 screen shot is only from the original invoice when my friend had paid for that blood test , the final results of Blood Test No. 2 , will be shown by the doctor next week . I was hoping that I could go pre armed with what the normal value range should be relating to the items shown on Blood Test No.2 screenshot,  as some sort of reference. May be its just a matter of waiting until the doctor reveals what the Blood Test No.2 numbers are when we go and see him next week .


    This thyroid issue looks like it could be a long road to recovery .????


    I am trying to help a Thai friend who has a thyroid problem , I went with them to hospital and the doctor had a blood test done on my friend. According to the doctor the results of the blood test No.1 showed elevated FT3 and FT4 and a low number for TSH.


    The doctor then arranged a second more detailed blood test ( Blood Test No.2 ) . My friend had that second blood test done and has to return to the doctor next week to hear about the results of the Blood Test 2. I will be going with my friend to hear the results of the Blood Test No.2 , in the meantime I have been trying to get some idea as to what the normal test results parameters should be for the items shown on the Blood Test No. 2 list . I've tried searching but the results seem some what confusing , so could any one please point me in the right direction where I can find a simple answer as to what the normal test results should be for the items shown on the Blood Test No.2 list.


    My friends currently has only two symptoms relating to his thyroid problem . His Thyroid gland is swollen and he is loosing weight . 



  5. 32 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

    I don't see wrong/false information by the doctor.

    It's indeed true that your (or my) medicine does not "cure" BPH (the usual abbreviation).

    It only relaxes the urinary tract so you can better empty the bladder.

    I use a similar medicine (Doxazosin) and can usually sleep for 6 hours without an urge.

    What astonishes me is the 33.9 ml at your age.

    My values are much worse and I am in the mid 60s.

    2 or 3 times per night on the other hand is quite unpleasant.

    At your position I would use the medicine and rate the improvement.


    I am sure you will get expert advise here on the topic.

    Discussed quite often.




    Thanks for your comment .

    This is the first time I have ever sat in front of a doctor and the doctor said , well its really up to you if you want to take the drug or not. The thought of taking the  ( Urief 4mg )  ½ a tablet every nigh before going to sleep , has crossed my mind just to see if there are any over all improvements . But on the other hand taking any drugs that may not benefit or generate unwanted side effects may be some thing to think about . The doctor after hearing the frequency of my urinating after going to sleep ( 2 -3 ) times , commented that number was not that bad . So my number (  33.9 ml ) could also be considered not that bad ?






  6. I recently underwent a general hospital health check up package and thankfully the only real issue that was discovered was the enlargement of my prostrate gland the number shown on the results was = Calculated volume 33.9 ml . My only symptoms related to the enlargement of my prostrate gland are that at night once I have gone to sleep , I generally have to get up to urinate 2 – 3 times over the course of the night. 


    The urologist said that due to my age ( 70’s ) having an enlarged prostrate gland was very common and one thing that could possibly help was if I took a drug called ( Urief 4mg - SILODOSIN ) ½ a tablet every nigh before going to sleep. The urologist commented that even if I took the Urief 4 mg drug . It may only reduce the number of times that I have to get up during the night to urinate and would not provide a permanent cure for my enlarged prostrate gland .


    The final comment the urologist made to me was .................   it was up to me if I wanted to start taking the  ( Urief 4mg ) drug . 


    So I’m a bit confused as to why the hospital urologist gave me the choice as to weather I take the ( Urief 4mg ) drug or not. 

  7.  I’m not sure this is the right place to post this , but here goes .

    In the area where I live Ive noticed that some land owners who are growing crops have had tube wells with electric submerged pumps installed to irrigate their crops. Several of these water well / pump setups seem to be constructed in a different way that Ive noticed before .

    The main tube into the ground is = A
    I think C is to add a fertiliser to the pumped water .
    I don’t know why B has been added ( Long extra non removable plastic tubes ) .

    Any one know why / what those ‘’ B ‘’ Tubes are for ?





     Old Way.jpg

  8. 3 hours ago, possum1931 said:

    The same applies to people who cover themselves in tattoos.

      May be I'm just getting too old but for the life of me seeing a once beautiful young lady like this one who in my personal opinion has made a sad and impulsive decision to cover her body in tattoos is something that I just cannot understand or fathom out . If this covering your once beautiful skin with ink is some sort of fad that could be short lived , what is she going to look like when she gets a lot older .

    Could I be missing some thing , any one here think this young lady looks more attractive now she is covered with tattoos ? 





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  9. 1 hour ago, sirineou said:

    I don't mean to be critical to you, we all need excuses to justify our weakness of doing the right thing, Me included. if I had a dollar for every time I tried to rationalise my shortcomings. 

    The secret to diets is to develop a system that fits your lifestyle , otherwise you will not be able to maintain it.

      And develop a reward system. 

    For instance, don't eat anything after 6 PM, but it's ok if you are out with family and friend on a weekend. Or  stay away from sweets but indulge in a decadent  desert once a week. Gives you something to look forward to.

    Same with exercise, if you just do mindless exercises,  how long will you keep it up. We all have all the exercise equipment that are collecting dust. But develop an interest on a sport that you do with people you like, and suddenly you cant wait to do it. My sister, always had a problem with weight. It'd not that she eats more than others , it's just the way her body is designed. She tried Gyms and this exercise, and yoga, and Pilate, but always fell of the wagon.  Until she got into Pickleball. ( form of easy tennis, in a smaller court , its the latest thing here in the US) anyway , she plays every day now, she meets with people and it's fun. You should see her now, she must have lost 29 lbs. 

    Anyway Good luck , as they say" I don't know why they say it's hard to quit drinking, I quit every monday" LOL


    Many thanks for your honest and thought provoking words, they are really appreciated and have given me some thing to think about and hopefully put into action .


    Thanks ????



  10. 4 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:


    I know it's dangerous territory to play hobby psychologist. However I am sure that part of living long is about living happy and don't worry too much. If people constantly restrict themselves I can't imagine that is good for their health.





    I’m now wondering just how much having a happy frame of mind and trying not to excessively worry can play a part in the overall scheme of things . I consider my self a happy type of person but just lately after reading some of the comments here my frame of mind is a bit confused . Just to night I had my evening meal but after I felt the urge to eat some thing sweet . A bowl of sliced banana with Birds custard .  As soon as I had finished the sweet and took the now empty bowl to the kitchen sink a strange feeling came over me , a feeling like I had some how let my self down. ????


    Thanks ????



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  11. 2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I get your point.

    I like good tasting food, mostly high quality, I am not sure if I would always call it gourmet food

    From time to time I also like to drink in the company of friends - but not as much as I used to drink.

    And luckily I never started smoking. But I don't mind if anybody smokes i.e. in a bar right next to me.


    About exercise: I heard some people repeating that they like it. And maybe they do. Personally I don't like running or anything like that. Sometimes I walk for an hour or two many times around a pool table. That's exercise enough for me.


    Maybe one day in my life I will change my attitude. But I think the important part is that I, or anybody else, needs the will to change their behavior. Only the comments from others "that is not good for you" don't help. And I saw too many people who wanted to drink/eat/smoke and they didn't do it and they looked like they didn't enjoy their life because of the restrictions they put on themselves. I don't want to be one of those.


    Bon Appetit




    The part where you say........


    And I saw too many people who wanted to drink/eat/smoke and they didn't do it and they looked like they didn't enjoy their life because of the restrictions they put on themselves. I don't want to be one of those.



    Is some thing that Ive also seen when out for a meal with my two now dead friends . They were steadfast in their belief that their eating habits were a route to the promised land of longevity. But I have to say that many times sitting with them and watching them eat their restricted diet , they never really seemed to display any pleasure with the food in front of them ,yes the did put on a brave face but they also reminded me of young children being forced to finish their plate of vegetables by their strict mother. 



    Thanks ????



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  12. 4 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    Yes. I absolutely understand that as you grow older and lose that springiness of youth and early middle, age,  Its difficult not to see every ache and pain as some thing serious and horrible, like  cancer or Parkinson's or some other dreadful condition, when all it is is natural aging. I do think its important to focus on living with aging rather than try to predict how its all going to end and then convince yourself that you are actually sick. I have seen that phenomena played out a few times in my own extended family, family members talking themselves into illness. 


    Ok I freely admit it , being in my early 70’s at the first sign of any pain or ache or other symptom I’m straight on my computer and on many occasions the search results have made me worry even more . Many times I seem to end up convincing my self that the small stomach pain or back ache or as in my last case ( constantly feeling nauseous ) the medical outcome is not going to be a good one.



    Thanks ????



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  13. 4 hours ago, Pilotman said:

    Totally unrealistic. Monitoring your own body is the best way to avoid doing damage and moderation in all things. or to recover when damage has been done. 'Intensive medical check-ups' ( whatever 'intensive' means in this context) is bordering on hypochondriac thinking, unless you have a diagnosed pre existing condition that requires them. Too many people on TVF seem to be fixated on their health and what may happen, rather than how they feel and what is actually happening to them.  They need to chill and enjoy life instead of spending time worrying about what may well be nothing at all, maybe just a natural aging process. By all means investigate actual problems and conditions, but stop worrying about things that aren't there. 


    Its ironic you talking about being fixated on their health and what could happen . I have a strange  feeling that I too may be some where in the same category  . The more I read and search the internet about diets and lifestyles the more I seem to start worrying .



    Thanks ????


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  14. 4 hours ago, seancbk said:


    Sorry to hear you've lost two friends.   Eating healthy and exercising does not guarantee that damage you've done or choices you made earlier in life will go away.  You need to go for regular, intensive medical checkup as you get older, in fact starting at around 30 is probably a good idea as the damage starts early.  


    Thats a good point , if you have constantly in your past abused your body by not eating healthy or doing some meaningful exercise . Does that past life style and the damage it could have already done to your body , mean the die is cast and any possible future attempts to put right your past mistakes may be less than successful .



    Thanks ????


  15. 10 hours ago, KhaoYai said:

    If you're a regular sugar taker like I was, it takes some doing, you just have to have the right mindset and get on with it.  I haven't cut it completely - I take sugar in my first cup of tea of the day but thereafter, none.  I also still eat too many biscuits.


    The main driver for me was that I started seeing results in a matter of days, it really helps when I'm tempted.


    Seeing results in a matter of days would spur me on , you are not alone in your biscuit addiction ????



    Thanks ????

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