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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. I will admit that Kazakhstan has not done much for New Zealand.
  2. Name the statute that governs the statute of limitations for business fraud.
  3. Anyone paying attention to the trial understands that your statement isn't true. Trump arranged to have Cohen paid for "legal services", which was really compensation for the hush money payment.
  4. I can point to the charging document that lays out the statutes that Trump has violated.
  5. The Defense just mailed it in during their cross examination of Cohen.
  6. Let's try this: The way a trial works is that the prosecution makes a case by presenting witnesses who allege facts. The Defense attacks those alleged facts via cross examination, their own witnesses, or documents. The jury evaluates those alleged facts by listening to both sides. If the defense doesn't attack an alleged fact, the jury will default to the allegation being true. So, the question is whether any of the prosecution's alleged facts have been disproven? You can respond with the usual mindless drivel, which tells everyone that you don't care about the facts, you are just here to make noise.
  7. Russia media claims Ukraine is Russian property. Do you disagree?
  8. Yeah, those aren't real E-jets, no fun to fly in. United still has some for short flights into Mexico.
  9. US military starts delivering aid to Gaza through floating pier How long before Hamas attacks this floating pier?
  10. The topic is the trial. Here's a spoiler alert for you: When the prosecution introduces fact via witness testimony, they become the default narrative unless the Defense can refute them. You can assume that the default narrative becomes what the jury will consider next week. So, what introduced facts have been disproven by the Defense?
  11. Biden personally stole classified documents? Really? Who do you think you are convincing by making false statements? As you know, when Biden's staff closed his offices, a handful of classified documents were mixed in some boxes. When they were discovered, they were returned immediately. On the other hand, Trump's fingerprints are on some of the classified documents he stole and tried to hide.
  12. All juries are screened for prejudice, I am not stating that there is a Trump fan on the jury, only that there could be. I'm not saying the jury system is broken, there are always outliers in any system.
  13. I don't think attorneys on the jury will want a hung jury. If there is a holdout, it's going to be a Trump fan who lied during the jury selection process. The jury was reportedly bored during the cross examination of Cohen by the Defense. I am coming around to the idea that the Defense is mailing it in, having already been paid.
  14. Yes. The DOJ doesn't care about political parties, they go after alleged criminals.
  15. I can't disagree. Picketing a judge's home is illegal, and violators should be prosecuted.
  16. If you oppose statism, why do you want the State to jail Biden?
  17. For a New Zealander, you seem awfully concerned about illegal immigration in other countries.
  18. It takes a statist to want the government to jail political opponents.
  19. This is great advice for how to correctly fill out a Thai tax return. The question is how many foreigners are going to prepare a Thai tax return, and what will happen to those who don't. I have met only one person who does their taxes here, and that was a hotel manager whose firm did their taxes. The Farangs in the village seem unaware of the new rules, or the old rules, for that matter.
  20. From your article: "In addition to failing to report big donors and excess donations in a timely manner, the Obama campaign incorrectly dated the filings dealing with $85 million in funds, the FEC claims. This error appears to have been primarily the result of one transfer to the campaign committee from the Obama Victory Fund, a fundraising group that includes money raised by the Democratic National Committee that is earmarked for the presidential race." The staff was overwhelmed and inexperienced. Do you have any links that show that Obama was personally aware and involved? Like Trump was with the hush money payment and cover-up?
  21. You sound embarrassed that you are "woke". That's because the term is used in a derogatory manner to describe someone who isn't racist.
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