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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Joe has never lost a debate, why would he miss this one? He did well at the SOTU, so it's not as if he can't perform anymore.
  2. Your memory is bad. Biden gave the State of the Union address recently, and was very good. Especially compared with how Trump is doing now.
  3. How did he plead guilty to a campaign finance violation if there was no campaign finance violation?
  4. The MAGA theory is that the campaign finance violation that Michael Cohen pled guilty to was not a campaign finance violation?
  5. Does his oratory style include mixing up the names of famous leaders?
  6. In other words, Trump has been senile for a long time, you just don't think he's getting worse.
  7. If the jury is not smart enough to see that Team Trump urgently wanted to pay Stormy Daniels because of the imminent election, Trump will be acquitted.
  8. So, why the urgency to pay Stormy Daniels after the release of the Access Hollywood tape?
  9. I am saying that Trump's motivation for paying her was the imminent election.
  10. Trump didn't bother to buy her story in 2011, he waited until the election was imminent. Thanks for the assist.
  11. Because if you think that the world's scientists are engaged in a giant scam, there's a padded room waiting for you.
  12. Most scientists work for universities or other organizations who don't derive their funding from Climate Change. And then there are the grad students who don't get paid at all. Michael E. Mann, the scientist who predicted the current spike in global temperature, works for Penn State University. His hockey stick chart was derided by oil company funded trolls until global temperature spiked. Now the trolls admit the planet is getting warmer. So, the claim by trolls that scientists lie for money is a lie.
  13. My point was that the payment to Ms. Daniels was related to the election, as shown by the urgency expressed by Trump's mooks after the release of the Access Hollywood tape. Your post was unresponsive and basically just noise. Did you join the Trump Defense team?
  14. I guess you are not aware of the downside of reducing expectations before the debate. We saw this before Biden's SOTU address, which ultimately resulted in the "Biden is on drugs" talking point.
  15. I believe her lawyer showed up much earlier, the negotiations broke down, the Access Hollywood tape came out, and things got urgent.
  16. And yet, the payment was made two weeks before the election.
  17. And you will be the first to post about Biden being on drugs after the debate.
  18. I hope you understand that some of your MAGA friends here oppose Israel's Gaza war. What do you have to say to them?
  19. You don't seem to realize that these protestors oppose Biden's Israel policy. In other words, you are confused.
  20. Quick synopsis of the MAGA posts here: Pre-debate: "Biden has dementia" Post-debate: "Biden is on drugs".
  21. Time for you to ask about the statutes in the charging document again. Here's a reminder: Manhattan District Attorney Alvin L. Bragg, Jr. today announced the indictment of DONALD J. TRUMP, 76, for falsifying New York business records in order to conceal damaging information and unlawful activity from American voters before and after the 2016 election. During the election, TRUMP and others employed a “catch and kill” scheme to identify, purchase, and bury negative information about him and boost his electoral prospects. TRUMP then went to great lengths to hide this conduct, causing dozens of false entries in business records to conceal criminal activity, including attempts to violate state and federal election laws.
  22. Someone with dementia could not do the State of the Union speech as Biden did. Drugs do not allow someone with dementia to keep it together like Biden did.
  23. The Deniers don't seem to have enough self-awareness to reflect upon why their posts are deleted. Or when their claims are refuted, they just scramble for more talking points. You can't walk them through the Science because when they realize that they are wrong, they just launch insults. When asked why the planet is warming, they claim it's from natural forces. When asked why the Stratosphere is cooling, they glitch out.
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