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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Trump's DOJ prosecuted Cohen for his campaign finance violation and he went to jail. FEC declined to prosecute Cohen because he already pled guilty. Do you think Trump's DOJ was lying about the payment being a campaign finance violation?
  2. You're doing the crazy breakdown of a crime into it's discrete parts. Let me help you: Cohen paid Stormy Daniels to assist the Trump campaign, which was an illegal campaign donation. Trump reimbursed Cohen, but claimed the payment was for attorney services, not for the hush money payment. The initial campaign finance violation was covered up by Trump not listing the expense as being for hush money, which was fraud.
  3. FEC clearly stated that they declined to prosecute the illegal campaign donation because they knew that DOJ was already working the case.
  4. Trump arranged for Michael Cohen to provide fake invoices, and paid them as if they were for attorney services, when, in fact, the payment was for the Stormy Daniels hush money. Business fraud. To cover up the initial illicit campaign donation.
  5. And vice versa, the other witnesses corroborate Michael Cohen's testimony.
  6. Trump is indicted because he committed business fraud. You don't understand it, that's all.
  7. Covering up a campaign donation by claiming the reimbursement to Michael Cohen was for his legal services, and not the passthrough expense of the payment to Stormy Daniels. It's bad public policy to allow illicit donations to political campaigns
  8. Trump committed business fraud, and faces 34 charges.
  9. In the context of this topic, Trump committed business fraud.
  10. Cohen billed Trump the $130,000 paid to Stormy Daniels as a passthrough, but Trump claimed the payment was for legal services, not for Stormy Daniels to shut up. Everyone knows that, but you insist on trying to confuse people. Perhaps you feel better about yourself for doing that, but I think it's whacked.
  11. You know what Trump did to get himself indicted, but you choose to try to confuse people about it, because you perceive that's your mission.
  12. Only in your mind is the testimony of the witnesses disproven. Tell you what, give us one fact about the case that a witness has testified to that has been disproven. Just one. If you respond with insults or deflection, that means your answer is "none".
  13. You're not going to do that mindless breaking down a crime into it's discrete parts again. You're only describing part of the crime, so anyone reading your post is misinformed. More to the point, unless you are brain damaged, even you know what Trump did to get himself indicted.
  14. Michael Cohen made an illegal campaign contribution and Trump covered it up.
  15. Michael Cohen made an illegal campaign donation, and the Donald covered it up by claiming he paid for legal services. Yes, I know this will trigger @Yellowtail.
  16. So, you think it's appropriate that Trump be judged based on the facts presented at trial.
  17. Nobody cares about your bad memory. The witnesses so far have introduced facts that the Defense has not been able to contest. If there is no defense, the jury has an easy job.
  18. What facts did the witnesses testify about that have subsequently been disproven?
  19. He could "tell the truth" about his night with Stormy Daniels and explain why she knew so much about his Lake Tahoe hotel room. He could explain that he knew nothing about Michael Cohen paying off people, and that he thought Cohen's invoices were for his services as an attorney, not reimbursement for hush money.
  20. ObamaCARE seems to be quite popular. Rescuing the US auto industry was a good thing. Managing the financial mess left by Bush was a good move.
  21. The issue here isn't your feelings, when Charles Manson was on trial, a lot of his followers felt badly. The question is whether the prosecution has laid out the facts of the case correctly. However, you are free to state that you don't care about the facts, you just think that Trump is above the law, and should be released immediately.
  22. If you believe FOX News, you are going to always be surprised by reality.
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