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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. https://money.com/jobs-barack-obama-presidency/?amp=true Looks like Obama did a pretty good job. BTW, what's the current unemployment rate?
  2. In other words, you can't define Marxism. But, you like to throw around the term. Did you know your man Putin is a NeoCommunist? He wants to reassemble the USSR, and he appreciates your help.
  3. So, your question is really about Smirnov worked for Russia for free, or for money? Why is that important? Do you get paid by the Russians, or do you work for free? I am sure they appreciate your support.
  4. Indicted ex-FBI informant told investigators he got Hunter Biden dirt from Russian intelligence officials
  5. lots of jibber jabber, no information in your post. Define "Marxism" in your own words.
  6. The problem for the bond agencies is trying to collect from a sitting president. They seem to think that's a big risk. Also, its possible that a bond debt could be discharged in bankruptcy, whereas a state judgment cannot.
  7. A classic trolling technique is to try to parse the data into smaller bits. But Obama's performance on unemployment looks pretty good to me. As opposed to Trump, who lost jobs. First president since Herbert Hoover to do that. Keep talking.
  8. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-12-20/mortality-rates-australia-covid-excess/103241640 Some explanation for Australia 2023 excess deaths. It's not just Covid, there's a lot of deaths that had Covid as a secondary cause.
  9. Expert 'shocked' that 'angry' Trump lawyers just demanded 30-day stay of fraud judgment Trump wants a 30 day stay. It looks like he is having trouble getting a bond for his appeal. It's a bad idea to go criming if you don't have the money to pay your lawyers and bonds.
  10. Is that the latest Russian talking point? Indicted ex-FBI informant told investigators he got Hunter Biden dirt from Russian intelligence officials Smirnov confessed. You are either misinformed or are lying.
  11. Massive reduction of unemployment under Obama. Your rants can't undermine the reality that Obama significantly reduced unemployment. However.... Trump’s Final Numbers "The economy lost 2.9 million jobs. The unemployment rate increased by 1.6 percentage points to 6.3%." You really don't want to keep talking about this.
  12. Someone intentionally arranged the sawdust to look like cocaine. Probably in the aftermath of some sawing that resulted in something like lines, I have seen that before. So, the photo is something called a "joke".
  13. Okay, I'll bite: what crazy conspiracy theories have governed America since 9/11?
  14. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/01/14/us/covid-19-death-toll.html It sounds like you don't understand the concept of excess deaths.
  15. You don't seem to understand numbers. https://www.tampabay.com/opinion/2020/10/23/a-chart-of-unemployment-under-trump-and-obama-tells-quite-a-tale-column/
  16. A neoMarxist is not the same as a Marxist. BigNok, explain why you consider leading Democrats to be Marxists.
  17. Its easy for you to dismiss reality as the "MSM". In fact, ultimately, this is what the November election is about, whether the US will be governed on the basis of crazy conspiracy theories or reality.
  18. No. When confronted with constant lies, its common to try to correct them. Its the constant gaslighting that is weird.
  19. ‘Who’s going to do that?’: Trump faces hurdles in securing appeal bond for fraud case Bond agencies worry about collecting from Trump if he wins the November election.
  20. Delusion is a strong word. The Russians are helping the Biden impeachment inquiry. You are delusional yourself if you don't know that. Trump and the Republicans are denying aid to Ukraine right now So, the collusion between Trump and Russia is obvious.
  21. So, you joined here on Sunday, and all you post is pro-Trump propaganda? Ever been to Thailand? Is there some boiler room that pays you guys by the post to promote Trump? It's a bit of a pain, especially when a formerly banned poster comes back, because they can re-post long discredited lies as if their post has never been debunked before.
  22. You are wrong, and you know you are wrong. Remind me why the Russians were helping the Biden impeachment inquiry. Do you think the Russians want a stronger America?
  23. Nothing like that will happen. The only way these guys go down is if Smirnov rats them out. Unlikely.
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