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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Just eight days after the 2020 election, then-President Donald Trump was so determined to end the war in Afghanistan during his presidency that he secretly signed a memo to withdraw all troops by January 15, 2021, according to a new book, “Peril,” from journalists Bob Woodward and Robert Costa. You really can't help yourself, can you? Please show us your grip on reality by explaining why Trump's "instant" withdrawal would have gone better than the May 2021 fiasco.
  2. Standard deflection from a troll. Tell us about Trump ordering a withdrawal from Afghanistan before January 2021, and how that would have gone. A classic troll tactic is to post a lie, and then change the subject when challenged. You're not a troll are you? How does trolling convince anyone? We should be trying to educate each other here. What purpose does lying serve, especially when accompanied by obvious trolling?
  3. "It didn't work out" = Russia lost the battle of Kiev. Now its a battle of attrition. It's a matter of time before Russia is swamped by production in Europe and the US. And Canada.
  4. They followed the agreement closely enough that Trump ordered a withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan. Unless your position is that Trump was lying.
  5. Are you disputing that Trump ordered a withdrawal from Afghanistan before he left office? If he did, the US had no chance to prepare for it, and the consequences would have been worse than the 2021 withdrawal. If you claim he didn't order the withdrawal, then you are a fugitive from reality.
  6. My understanding is that Trump is trying to appeal the bond amount to the Court of Appeals. He wants a reduction because reasons. Well, actually because he can't come up with the cash for the bond.
  7. Ex-KGB agent handed Mike Pompeo 'dirt' on Biden at a 2019 Beverly Hills gala More evidence of Putin's support for Trump
  8. Russia had a lot more, until they were pushed back.
  9. And yet you support Putin's endless war in Ukraine.
  10. So, the 14 day military plan to encircle Kiev wasn't going to happen? The dress uniforms carried by the convoy to Kiev weren't going to be used in the victory parade? Comrade, you seem to be a useful idiot for Russian propaganda.
  11. You will be gone from here before Russia loses.
  12. Ukraine has already pushed Russia out of much of the conquered areas. I am sorry if this failure by Putin gives you a sad, comrade.
  13. You obviously hope Russia wins. Which means you are going to have a sad: The Republicans are going to lose control of the House. The new House will vote for enough supplies for Ukraine to win. Russia will be bled dry.
  14. President Donald Trump ordered a rapid withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Somalia in the wake of his 2020 election loss, but senior officials never followed through on the plan, according to testimony released by the congressional January 6 committee on Thursday. “The order was for an immediate withdrawal, and it would have been catastrophic,” said Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., one of two Republican members of the special panel. “And yet President Trump signed the order.” Reality is the opposite of your nonsense post. You seem to be remarkably misinformed. Or maybe just trying to rewrite history to make your Dear Leader look better.
  15. You are playing with words. The Taliban agreement was conditional, but the US was required to withdraw if the Taliban adhered to its obligations, which they did. The US therefore was obligated to withdraw. Which makes your post nonsense.
  16. You cannot provide a rational answer why the Russians were helping the Republican impeachment effort. At this point, I suspect your brain wiring doesn't allow you to answer. Either that, or you afraid if you give an honest answer, some other poster would report you to the Russians.
  17. Why are the Russians helping the Republican impeachment inquiry?
  18. Since Biden has 0% chance of being convicted by the Senate, a Biden impeachment would not remove him from office, only hurt Biden politically. Why do the Russians want to hurt Biden politically? Dolt seems to be off his meds today, too much trolling. If he's not trolling, something is wrong upstairs.
  19. https://abc7chicago.com/hunter-biden-alexander-smirnov-russian-contacts-fbi-informant/14450586/ The Russians used Smirnov to pass disinformation about Biden to the Republicans in Congress. What was their motivation?
  20. As long as you rely on nothingburgers, you will experience more losses this year. Voters don't care about fabricated stories, they vote based on the economy, soldiers fighting foreign wars, unemployment, inflation, etc. Sorry, you lose.
  21. So... why do the Russians want to help impeach Biden? It's obvious that Dolt is out to lunch on this one.
  22. So, why do the Russians want to help impeach Joe Biden?
  23. Does Dolt get paid by the post? Or does posting worthless empty posts make him feel better? Trump will have one significant distinction that will put him in the history books: he will be the first presidential candidate to lose the popular vote three times.
  24. The House Republicans made a lot of allegations, but failed to provide corroborating details. Like the claim that a Russian woman gave Hunter Biden $3.5 million via wire transfer. Zero evidence that happened.
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