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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. In other words, you don't know what a Marxist is. It's just a word you can use as an insult when you feel trapped or insecure.
  2. Hitler would beg to differ. Joe Stalin would also like a word.
  3. No, Trump is the worst option on the table right now. The guy is a lunatic *and* he is in thrall to Putin.
  4. I picked a poll that came out today. You can select polls from a few days ago, if that makes you happy. These early polls are meaningless. Except that they will make you suspicious when they change later on in favor of Biden. Then, you will claim they are fake.
  5. So, modern medicine is not for you? Are you a fan of leeches?
  6. There was a brief period when the vaccines were very effective against the virus spreading.
  7. There were a large number of excess deaths from Covid in 2021. Most of these excess deaths were among the unvaccinated.
  8. This election is going to be the resistable object vs the movable force. But, Trump is the worst presidential candidate in modern times, so his failure is pretty much pre-ordained.
  9. Objectively, polls this early have very little predictive value. You really have to wait for Labor Day for the polls to resemble the final results. But, if you insist on reliance on early polls: Biden holds 4-point lead over Trump in Quinnipiac poll
  10. Once Trump wins the nomination, Haley voters will fall in line behind Trump. Except for a small number who won't vote.
  11. The United Auto Workers endorsed Biden, not Trump. When the polls show Biden in the lead, you will scream about fake polls. When Trump loses the election, you will disappear.
  12. It doesn't bother you that Russian intelligence was trying to get Biden indicted? Don't you wonder why? Or you just don't care who helps, as long as Biden loses the election?
  13. No proof of what? Smirnov has admitted working for Russian intelligence.
  14. You can argue with FOX News. Carter Page says he was 'never paid one cent' for serving as CIA, FBI informant
  15. Tiny numbers of people dying after vaccination. Large numbers of unvaccinated people dying. Pick one.
  16. You understand that the initial vaccines were very effective in preventing Covid. And then, the virus evolved.
  17. So, your position is that vaccines cause a tiny number of people to have white clots?
  18. It's like those Trump voters on Obamacare who don't care that Trump will eliminate their health insurance.
  19. How does it feel to learn that the imeachment inquiry was based on fake info from Russian intelligence?
  20. I guess you were counting on Russian intelligence services to bail Trump out with a fake impeachment of Biden. Why do you think Russian intelligence wants Biden to lose?
  21. Much of the classified documents in Biden's possession were handwritten notes, which Biden thought were his to keep. When alerted that his notes were classified, Biden returned them immediately.
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