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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. https://www.co2.earth/ The Deniers cannot dispute that this increase in atmospheric CO2 comes from human activity.
  2. So, has the wine tax been reduced? Or is this another "plan" that disappears after the initial announcement? Is Thailand going to be the hub of wine taxes?
  3. I am looking for actual experience from someone who used the automated gates and then returned to Thailand.
  4. Why is it you Trump trolls never post any facts? You all sound like a drunk in a bar. Your man Trump is losing court cases faster than anyone in US history. Judges all over the country are ruling against him. Why are you backing a loser?
  5. A Republican Special Counsel cleared Biden. As long as you don't know the facts, why expose yourself by posting? Classified Documents Get Misplaced All the Time. A Former National Archives Official Explains Why "As a matter of fact, I recall at one point in my career when I had a security violation. I worked in a SCIF, I was going to Williamsburg, Virginia, to give a speech, and my secretary handed me my itinerary. Unbeknownst to my secretary and myself, it had a paperclip inadvertently attached to classified documents."
  6. Donald Trump Able to Post $400M Bond to Appeal Engoron Ruling: Alina Habba We'll know soon enough. I suspect that a reasonable appeal by the defense will cause a reduction in the verdict amount.
  7. You know that Shokin was on the take for Burisma, he refused to investigate them. Biden was bragging about getting a corrupt prosecutor fired. Do you disagree?
  8. So, you are okay with businesses conducting asset valuation fraud? Or just Trump?
  9. Can you supply evidence that mainstream fact checkers are lying or wrong? I don't mean once, but that fact checkers are generally inaccurate. As opposed to *you* not having a good grasp of the facts.
  10. You are correct. I could ask you why the oceans are warming. You would probably say because the atmosphere is warming. Human produced carbon dioxide is warming the atmosphere. Which warms the rest of the planet. Have a nice day.
  11. Generally speaking, cooling promotes desertification. Generally. But warming may create short term desertification simply by changing weather patterns. Still, the overall impact of warming is to increase rainfall. So places like Death Valley may get a lot wetter over the next 100 years.
  12. This is like trying to prove that sex causes pregnancy here in this forum. There is a science called "Biology" that explains it, and Real Life observations. Same with global warming. The buildup of CO2 is observed, and the science says that warming occurs when CO2 increases. And that is what is happening.
  13. The extra CO2 comes from human production. The normal CO2 level is 280 ppm. Human production has raised the level to 400+ ppm over the last 100 years. As a result, the atmosphere is warming.
  14. First, let me make an observation: Most Deniers here don't seem to understand the basics of climatology, they are just supplied carbon dio with talking points, and post them here. They don't seem to know that their talking points display an ignorance of high school science. Getting to the point, human produced carbon dioxide is generating so much warming that it overwhelms the natural forces cooling the planet. Its like trying to use air conditioning while your house is on fire, the warming more than cancels the cooling. But don't take my word for it, here is NASA's take: https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/blogs/climateqa/if-earth-has-warmed-and-cooled-throughout-history-what-makes-scientists-think-that-humans-are-causing-global-warming-now/
  15. Great. Describe the natural forces that are causing the current warming, and show that they are increasing.
  16. Your question is irrelevant to this topic, and why Greenland is losing ice. If you don't believe that human pollution is causing warming, why worry about private jets? It's like catching a police chief speeding, it doesn't mean the speed limit doesn't exist.
  17. It's likely that the Houthis can't identify their targets, they see a blip on the radar.
  18. There have in the past been natural forces, such as changes in the Earth's axial tilt, that impact global temperature. To the extent that these forces are in play now, they tend to cool the planet. Other natural forces include asteroids hitting the planet, debris from nearby supernovas, changes in solar output, etc. Nothing natural explains the current warming. If you can find a natural force that explains the current warming, there's a Nobel Prize waiting for you.
  19. Greenhouse gases can warm or cool the atmosphere. Increase greenhouse gases, and the atmosphere warms. Decrease greenhouse gases, and the atmosphere cools. This is not rocket science. This was figured out 200 years ago. If you can disprove this, there's a Nobel prize waiting for you. Talking about Lee Harvey Oswald won't do it.
  20. I think Assange is a true believer who will never cooperate. Plus, if he cooperates, there may be some Polonium tea waiting for him.
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