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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Yes. My point is that the first step in solving a problem to identify the problem. The Deniers don't believe there is a problem. They generally don't believe that human produced carbon dioxide is causing global warming.
  2. All CO2 causes warming. The problem that the natural level of 280mm is now increased to 400+ ppm by human produced CO2. I
  3. The flip side is that your comments here are not based on the facts. Apparently, you take the lazy approach of just passing along talking points your internet friends send you. Trump has been found to have committed asset valuation fraud, and is ordered to pay a huge sum. Are you going to pass him some cash to help him out?
  4. Actually, it does. Given that presidents and vice presidents are provided literally tons of classified documents, its not usual for some of those documents to be retained after the end of their terms in office. The criminal element is when someone declines to return classified documents. This is a very simple legal principle which some people are unable to grasp. Let me give you an analogy: if you get a ticket for driving a car with a broken headlight, you are required to fix the headlight after being advised by the cop. If you refuse to fix the headlight and keep driving, you will be in a world of trouble. Trump refused to fix his metaphoric headlight.
  5. Trump committed asset valuation fraud. The proof was extensive. Perhaps you were not paying attention.
  6. Trump did lose the popular vote in 2016, as predicted by the polls.
  7. Well, that was mindless. Do you think allowing asset valuation fraud in business is good public policy? Do you think that when banks evaluate loan applications, they should just ignore the data in the application, because loan applications shouldn't be trusted?
  8. The asset deflation was to reduce property taxes, which are payable to the county, not the Feds. Property valuation for payment of property taxes is made by the county. If the owner of the property feels the valuation is too high, they can appeal, and provide data supporting a lower valuation. So, Trump probably gave the County the real data.
  9. I haven't seen any evidence of tax evasion yet during this trial. Except for the $48 million "loan".
  10. This topic isn't about alarmism. It's about the reality that the planet is warming. Do you disagree?
  11. Regardless of the personal actions of scientists, the planet is warming, caused by human produced carbon dioxide.
  12. The Border Patrol is catching a lot more illegals now than under the Trump administration.
  13. The NY-03 Special election focused on the border, and the Republican was thrashed.
  14. and the posters here who cited the FBI FD-1023 based on Smirnov's false statements should correct their posts. "Should" being the operative word.
  15. It all opens up the possibility of the judge disqualifying her for "appearance of impropiety".
  16. The Ukrainians used Avdiivka to kill as many Russians as possible in a zone of low importance. This is a war of attrition now.
  17. Easy beginner questions. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/climate-qa/how-do-we-know-build-carbon-dioxide-atmosphere-caused-humans Isotopic measurement of atmospheric carbon dioxide provides information on what's human produced and what's natural. The global climate doesn't care where the CO2 comes from, the atmosphere warms when CO2 increases. If some natural source somehow belched a huge amount of CO2, the atmosphere would warm.
  18. This is an old Denier trolling technique. 1 Change the subject to solutions, rather than agreeing on the climate change problem. 2 Debate the solutions. 3 After sufficient time has been wasted, claim that Global Warming isn't real. 4 Shampoo, rinse repeat. This topic is about the increase in global temperature. If you want to talk about solutions, start your own topic.
  19. And Fani Willis handed him a gift wrapped reason to remove her and the DA's office from the case.
  20. I still don't know how the State of NY will collect from Trump, or whether Trump needs to post a bond to appeal. Also, were any Federal tax laws violated by Trump in the last 7 years that were revealed during this case?
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