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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
  2. Biden has a good chance of beating Trump. He won't get better, but he will be good enough, barring a health issue. On the other hand, Trump is deteriorating before our eyes, so it's possible Trump's age will be a bigger factor than Biden's.
  3. Right. What makes postal votes suspicious? You don't know, because you don't know anything about how elections operate. If you want, I can explain to you why it is impossible to use postal votes for large scale voter fraud (there is often individual absentee ballot fraud in elections).
  4. Have you looked at the relationship between college education and voting patterns?
  5. Since 80 million people voted for Biden in 2020, I am not worried about name recognition in November.
  6. You understand Trump's message, but you still want to confuse other people. Trump's message was that defending Europe against Russia is optional. Do you disagree?
  7. Scott wouldn't help Trump win the election much. South Carolina is already a lock for Trump to win. The buzz about Tim Scott will not outlive the South Carolina primary.
  8. This is an obvious setup for Trump, if elected, to withdraw from NATO. If not officially, then by declaring that he would not authorise any US participation with NATO, even if still a member.
  9. Here's the bottom line: if Biden or Trump show obvious signs of mental deterioration after Labor Day, when people are paying attention, then they will lose the election. No need for a million posts over small mistakes, the public will notice. Biden has a State of the Union address next month, if he gets through that, he will be nominated for sure.
  10. Although it is true that the first wave of Europeans came from Asia, and the Australian Aborigines came from SE Asia, their ancestors came to Asia from Africa.
  11. What about those "innocent explanations" that Hur said he "could not refute"?
  12. All that you lack is proof. Does Biden report money he receives via "corruption" on his tax returns? If not, what happens to the money?
  13. The optimal solution is to stop illegal immigration, but to allow sufficient legal immigration to fill those jobs.
  14. The term "traitor" really isn't appropriate in reference to someone siding with a country with which the US is not at war. It would be better to use a term such as was used to describe someone who sided with the USSR.
  15. Obviously, illegal immigration is illegal, so there is that. What do you think of asylum seekers?
  16. Since the climate has been cooling for the last 8,000 years (except for the last few decades), there have been multiple waves of immigration into Indochina by Chinese. Snow falls in Guangdong and people head south. Of course, there was an initial entry of H. Sapiens into Thailand from Africa a long time ago. These initial settlers presumably ran into Denisovans, who exited to the south soon after. Interestingly, "southern" Denisovans were significantly different from those in North Asia. However, it is difficult to pick out the differences in DNA in modern humans because of admixture from Chinese in Thailand. More truly ancient Denisova DNA samples are needed.
  17. Everyone who left Africa has Neanderthal DNA, Asians more than Europeans. But only Asians (and American Indians) have significant Denisovan DNA.
  18. Actually, yes. Because Thai people originally came from China, long after the Iron Age. The earlier inhabitants of Thailand were Mon, who pretty much inhabited all of Indochina, but were later overrun by invading tribes (except in Cambodia). It's similar to England, which was settled by the Celts, who were later overrun by the Anglo-Saxons.
  19. You know that the trial hasn't started yet. So, what's the point of your post? "He hasn't been found guilty yet" is not great defense of your Dear Leader.
  20. https://www.rawstory.com/aileen-cannon-classified-documents-2667263203/ Trump's lawyers have revealed one of their defenses: that the classified documents stolen by Trump should not have been classified. Therefore the documents should not be redacted, so that Trump's lawyets can argue about whether they should have been classified, based on their timeliness. It's a losing defense in a trial, but can delay the trial.
  21. I'm not posting in this topic, because it's too easy. And anyone who agrees with Trump's lunacy is too far gone to be impacted by my posts.
  22. Nothing is what the Republican House is doing about border security, under orders from Trump.
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