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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-loses-presidential-immunity-appeal/ No immunity for Trump.
  2. So Hillary Clinton should be locked up because on her server, she had some email chains with a handful of messages marked "C", but Trump's theft of classified documents is no big deal?
  3. Theft of classified documents is a serious crime. You can't wish that one away.
  4. Biden's people gave the documents back to the government as soon as the docs were discovered. Trump refused to give classified documents back to the government, until he got a subpeona. He gave back a few documents, and hid the rest, claiming in an affadavit that he had given all of the documents back. The FBI had to come search Mar-A-Lago to get the classified documents back. You knew all this, but your urge to gaslight overwhelmed you. Please stop trolling, you make Trump look bad, because you have to lie to defend Trump.
  5. Amazing. First you nitpick, and then you criticize nitpicking, all in the same post. Zero self awareness.
  6. Do you agree that a president would have immunity from prosecution if he sent Seal Team Six to assassinate a rival?
  7. Donald Trump’s Awkward Verbal Stumble Has His Critics On A Roll I provide receipts - Trump is demented.
  8. Please tell me you were joking when you posted this. Do you truly believe that Biden's handling of the handful of classified docs in his office, and Trump's handling of the boxes of classified documents at Mar-A-Lago was the same? Are you going to defend that position, or ghost everyone?
  9. One big problem for Trump is that his legal bills will mount later in the year, and he will have to divert significant campaign cash to pay those bills. The Trump fluffers here will have to empty their bank accounts to keep Trump afloat.
  10. Geriatric serial criminal. Trump’s Awkward Verbal Stumble Has His Critics On A Roll Ed Mazza
  11. So, you support the adjudicated rapist with 91 felony charges? The loser who bilked charities, scammed millions off a fake university, cheated on his pregnant wife, twice impeached, and committed asset valuation fraud? That's your guy?
  12. The rate of inflation is variable. It's customary for normal people to use "inflation" as shorthand for the "rate of inflation". Maybe "defilation" is shorthand for "deflation".
  13. The walls *are* closing in on Trump. Right now, he is scrambling to find $83 million to post a bond for his defamation case.
  14. And inflation is coming down. The inflation that started under Trump due to "supply change" issues. Biden is doing a good job.
  15. You don't seem to be keeping up on current events: Trump pledges to expel immigrants who support Hamas, ban Muslims from the U.S. You can tell us who most US Muslims will vote for in November.
  16. Kansas City Chiefs' Travis Kelce at Super Bowl Opening Night: Taylor Swift is 'unbelievable'
  17. My crystal ball says Joe Biden won the South Carolina primary with 96% of the vote. I'll let you get back to posting worthless early polls.
  18. The question is whether Trump can get the bond required to file an appeal. Or whether he will bet the farm on his appeal of the initial verdict. We will know within a few weeks.
  19. We should call you "Christopher Columbus". You discovered that inflation that started with Trump resulted in reduction of income, when adjusted for inflation. It's a good thing that the spike in inflation that started with Trump is coming down under Biden.
  20. The Republican party needs to be wiped out in the November elections, for its own good. The MAGA types need to lose their seats in Congress, and be eliminated from party leadership. The Republicans need to get new leaders who have a clue about serving the public.
  21. You mean the decline started under Trump? And what happened in 2023?
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