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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. live by the early poll, die by the early poll. Next October, you will be telling us that polls are worthless.
  2. You aren't happy about US manufacturing jobs increasing? Inflation coming down? The stock market going up? Unemployment going down? GNP up? These are the factors will kill Trump next November.
  3. Nobody cares about Biden. He's smart enough to have his team do the heavy lifting. He's not a maniac like Trump, who doesn't listen to advice.
  4. You are wasting your time attacking Biden. The November election will be about Trump. Dems are going to vote against Trump even if the Dem nominee is a dead dog. Since you can't control how much you post, you should explain why a nominee with felony convictions should be elected president.
  5. Why would an adult condemn a politician over one of their supporters? How old are you?
  6. Anyone relying on early polls will be shocked in November.
  7. Biden isn't senile. Hey, what's with joining last Thursday, and now posting the usual lies every 5 minutes? What was your screen name before you got banned?
  8. Obviously, in November, not so many people will vote for Trump. His base is the poorly educated.
  9. Actually, Trump's base are largely people who Trump screwed while he was president. Not to mention his former base members who died from Covid, either while he was president, or later because they believed his lies about Covid. They won't be voting for him again.
  10. When and if he is tried for theft of classified documents, you will learn about why Trump is an asset to our enemies.
  11. You don't grasp the situation his businesses are in. Trump is going down.
  12. It's all bad for Trump. As I told you guys last month, 2024 is going to be filled with bad news for Trump.
  13. Not for long. You don't seem to grasp the trouble that Trump is in. BtW, it's almost a lock that his January 6 trial will happen this year, and will happen after the Stormy Daniels trial. So...if he is found guilty in Manhattan, but doesn't get a prison sentence (as a first time offender, or out on appeal), if subsequently convicted this year in the January 6 case, he is going directly to jail, and will not pass Go. *Maybe* the judge would allow him until November 6 to wrap up his affairs, so he can lose the election and then shuffle off to jail.
  14. You win the award for most wrongness in a single post. Really quite an accomplishment. While you're on a roll, tell us who's going to win the November elections.
  15. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-loses-presidential-immunity-appeal/ No immunity for Trump.
  16. So Hillary Clinton should be locked up because on her server, she had some email chains with a handful of messages marked "C", but Trump's theft of classified documents is no big deal?
  17. Theft of classified documents is a serious crime. You can't wish that one away.
  18. Biden's people gave the documents back to the government as soon as the docs were discovered. Trump refused to give classified documents back to the government, until he got a subpeona. He gave back a few documents, and hid the rest, claiming in an affadavit that he had given all of the documents back. The FBI had to come search Mar-A-Lago to get the classified documents back. You knew all this, but your urge to gaslight overwhelmed you. Please stop trolling, you make Trump look bad, because you have to lie to defend Trump.
  19. Amazing. First you nitpick, and then you criticize nitpicking, all in the same post. Zero self awareness.
  20. Do you agree that a president would have immunity from prosecution if he sent Seal Team Six to assassinate a rival?
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