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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Plane, bus or car, a huge number of illegals are those who come in via legal ports of entry, and then overstay.
  2. The vast majority of illegals come into the US via legal ports of entry. It's pretty obvious you are misinformed about illegal immigration. It turns out that Biden is catching more of those who walk across the desert than Trump.
  3. You can believe conspiracy theories, or you can simply understand that Trump doesn't care about the law. Look at the way he acted in court yesterday - do you think Trump respects the legal system? Or do you think Joe Biden made Trump act out yesterday?
  4. He routinely rides a bike without falling off. Tell me about your Orange Jesus riding a bike. He can't even walk down a ramp at a healthy pace.
  5. Tell me about a commodity that didn't raise in price during the Trump administration (not counting Covid).
  6. Here's a map showing infrastructure projects all over the US Biden's infrastructure law has begun 40,000 projects. Since you clearly can't do your own research, perhaps you should give up making ridiculous claims here. The point of this forum is to inform one another. We don't need jokers who just invent lies to post here. What's your motivation for lying here, especially when your lies are easily disproven?
  7. Overdraft fees could drop to as low as $3 under new Biden proposal Trump never did anything to help people, except for billionaires. You are going to be stuck later in the year, when all you have are lies to support your Orange Jesus.
  8. Despite your comments, Biden has already been elected President with 80 million votes. Whereas Trump lost.
  9. Under Biden, wages are up, manufacturing is up, inflation is down, and infrastructure is being built. I would suggest that you are misinformed.
  10. You do not recall rightly. The judge was specific in stating that Trump met the legal definition of rape. I don't claim to know if Trump did it or not - although I think his memory is so faded, he doesn't know. What I do know is Alina Habba is incompetent and unlikeable, and so Trump will be lucky if he isn't convicted of manslaughter before this is over. It's terrible judgement on his part to use her for his defense. She will provoke the jury into awarding max damages. Any of you Trump fans disagree?
  11. The Trump fluffers who think this impeachment inquiry is going to result in impeachment are going to be disappointed. Just like you waited forever for Trump's health plan. Or for Mexico to pay for the Wall. Suckers.
  12. For you Trump fluffers who live and die by polls: Trump, Haley tied in New Hampshire poll This late poll will probably come within 5% of the final result, unless there is a late development.
  13. Trump has the worst lawyers. The Orange Jesus can't even make eye contact with Jean Carroll. A sure sign he knows he is guilty.
  14. Aren't any of the Trump fluffers worried about stolen votes in Iowa?
  15. You are correct. However, there is a difference in the way that politicians lie. The Dems are usually lawyers, and lawyers cannot lie in court, instead, they lie by omission - what they say is factually true, but they leave out contradictory information. Classic prosecutor technique. Trump started off with gaslighting, telling crazy lies, but then he adopted the Goebbels technique of repeating the same lie over and over. Can you tell when Trump is lying, or are you happily being gaslighted?
  16. Iran attacking Pakistan is problematic. The Sunni-Shiite conflict has great potential for becoming a catastrophe.
  17. It's really easy: Trump wanted the rioters to delay the certification of the electoral results on January 6. If you can't grasp that simple idea, there's little hope for you.
  18. You really think the Proud Boys stormed the Capitol because the FBI told them to? Or are you just filling space because you don't like the answer to the question of who told the Proud Boys to storm the Capitol?
  19. Why did some people bring zip ties to the Capitol? How about those people who had bullhorns and walkie talkies? Do you think they just woke up on the morning of January 6, and thought "I am going to hear Trump speak at the Ellipse and bring my zip ties"? If you are trying to prove that Trump followers are obtuse, you are highly successful.
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