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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Not right now. If she were to beat Trump in NH, you will be posting about it.
  2. From that article: Kaplan said lawyers for Trump and Carroll had more than three years to make DNA an issue in the case and both chose not to do so.
  3. The lady kept her clothes with Trump's DNA on them. Trump refused to provide a DNA sample to the court.
  4. Before E. Jean Carroll's name became tied irrevocably to Donald Trump's, she was a trailblazer in New York City's elite literary circles. Before that, she was an advice columnist who appeared on TV.  But before all that, she was a Hoosier — a cheerleading beauty queen from Fort Wayne who graduated from Indiana University in the 1960s. What is it with you guys recycling tired old talking points? Trump has been found liable for sexual assault. The question is whether Trump can control himself from further defamation.
  5. “In the spring of 1996, Donald Trump sexually assaulted E Jean Carroll. He managed to get her alone in an empty department store [room] one evening and he sexually assaulted her. That’s a fact,” she said. You need better talking points.
  6. When presented with a photo of a younger E. Jean Carroll, Trump confused her with his second wife. You need better talking points.
  7. I'm talking about the continual defamation he spews when he goes home at night and can't sleep.
  8. Doesn't matter. What does matter is that Trump can't control himself from disputing the jury decision. Which is a pretty good indicator he couldn't control himself with her 30 years ago.
  9. He was separated when they allegedly hooked up. He's got a reasonable resume for the job, and she broke no laws hiring him. So far, it's distasteful, but not a showstopper.
  10. Don't you have more important things to do with your life than defend a worthless maniac? I did just fine without Trump being around. The discussion used to be about the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. But Republicans soured on those quickly.
  11. What does it say about someone who supports a defective person who has been found liable for a sexual assault, has 91 felony charges, settled with victims of a fake university for $25 million, says he can grab women by the pu*%y and get away with it, can't control himself in a courtroom, and loves Vladimir Putin? What is wrong with you people? Do you root for the villains in movies? Did something bad happen to you in your childhood? Trump is an evil crazy mental case. Why are you in his cult?
  12. E. Jean Carroll jury is seeing 'there is something seriously wrong' with Trump: attorney "When you see little clips of him, you kind of think you know, it's reality TV. He's silly, he's harmless, it's just nonsense and he just does his thing, he does his schtick. But when you see him up close and in person you start to realize there's something seriously wrong with him."
  13. Please tell me you don't believe that. Seriously, how many fake facts will you post before you have to change your id here?
  14. Biden has not been up for office since he won the 2020 election. He has delivered several State of the Union addresses since then.
  15. Trump has been found liable for sexual assault. How anyone can support a sex offender for political office is a mystery to me.
  16. Next Trump is going to say that Nanci Pelosi rigged the election in New Hampshire. Yeah, he's getting that deranged.
  17. Donald Trump was President on January 6. If you think that Nanci Pelosi was in charge of Capitol security on January 6, you are either misinformed or deluded. Of course, your Orange Jesus says that Nanci Pelosi was in charge, but either he is lying, or the dementia is talking.
  18. By definition, informed people know very well. The problem with your logic is there are multitudes of uninformed Farangs living in Thailand.
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