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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Reality is going to be sad for you in 2024. More of your January 6 insurrectionist friends are going to jail. More evidence of Trump criming will be revealed. The polls will show a decay in Trump support. It's going to be a tough year for you.
  2. what's your point? The Houthis seem reduced to pinprick attacks now. They may not have intelligence capabilities to know who they are attacking. Bottom line: randomly attacking international shipping is for idiots.
  3. I have sad news: I just found out one of my aerospace companies is going public in 2024. Which means money is coming. Terrible timing for me (in the context of this topic).
  4. The question is what will happen to this draft bill. The dangers and benefits of marijuana are not a factor.
  5. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-lawyer-tacopina/ The Joe Tacopina Era is over. He bombed on TV last year, so they sidelined him and he's been back burnered ever since.
  6. Nothing in your link indicates that weapons were diverted or lost.
  7. “IOWA CAUCUS FORECAST: IQs tonight expected to dip into the single digits” - Andy Borowitz
  8. Another ship was hit today. A few years back, I sailed by Yemen, and took a photo of the Red Sea coast.
  9. The discussion about stratospheric cooling is useful, because some of the less educated Global Warming Deniers claim that any warming of the planet is due to increased solar activity. But, they cannot explain why this alleged increased solar activity doesn't also warm the Stratosphere. When confronted with this contradiction, they disappear or engage in insults.
  10. Where did the Saudis move out from? Where did the Iranians move into?
  11. Did Trump build the wall and have Mexico pay for it? How about infrastructure? Did Trump ever release a plan? Health care? Trump said he would release a plan in 2 weeks. Trump was the laziest president.
  12. https://www.carbonbrief.org/state-of-the-climate-how-the-world-warmed-in-2021/ A newer chart:
  13. Biden enacted an increase in corporate taxation, and the number of jobs went up: https://www.ibfd.org/news/biden-signs-inflation-reduction-act-15-corporate-minimum-tax-other-tax-measures Increasing corporate taxes creates incentives for companies to hire more workers - because their wages are tax deductible. Lesson for you: simply parroting talking points reveals that you don't actually think things through. If you thought about what your internet friends send you, it's not information, it's propaganda.
  14. https://theclimateconsensus.org/content/satellite-data-show-a-cooling-trend-in-the-upper-atmosphere-so-much-for-global-warming-right
  15. US fighter aircraft shot down an anti-ship cruise missile fired at a Navy destroyer in the Red Sea from a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen on Sunday. No injuries or damage were reported. Isolated attacks are probably the future of this conflict. I don't think that carrier based fighter aircraft have counter-battery fire capability. So, if a local Houthi commander wheels out a ballistic missile and fires it, he won't be bombed, DoD would likely just hit a random target in response.
  16. Wow. You are going to have a huge tax bill in 2025.
  17. In both parties, there are always people who are "worried" or "concerned" or "troubled" and they are the ones who talk to the press. Comer will continue his inquiry into nothing until November 2024. Do you remember any Benghazi inquiries after the 2016 election?
  18. I have to admit that my purpose in engaging with the Trump fluffers is to explore their mental condition. Most have been trained to only post approved talking points sent to them via the internet. They dare not stray from those talking points, and they are helpless without them. So, asking questions that don't have answers supported by talking points usually results in silence. That's one reason why the Trump lovers don't respond to breaking news until many hours have passed - they have to wait to receive talking points, often sent to them from the US, but written in Russia.
  19. The Stratosphere is cooling despite improvements in the Ozone layer. Is it really so hard for you to type "the Stratosphere is cooling as heat is trapped in the lower atmosphere by CO2". ?????
  20. Are these "official figures" in the room with you right now?
  21. New study projects sea level rise to drain Florida’s financial future
  22. Here is a question for the MAGAts: Do you think that somehow pre-printed ballots for Biden were fed into tabulation machines at Election Central? Really?
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