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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Trump's latest argument is like Osama bin Laden claiming he wasn't guilty for 9/11 "Heaphy argued that just as U.S. intelligence failures did not absolve bin Laden of the terrorist attack in 2001, local law enforcement errors did not absolve Trump of the U.S. Capitol attack in 2021." Most Trump talking points are lame, and only impress hard core members of the Church of the Orange Jesus.
  2. It sounds like they have reached an agreement to study the possibility of jointly researching areas of joint cooperation in learning about methods to better understand cross-border economic opportunities.
  3. Trump called on his minions to go to the Capitol to stop the steal. In the middle of his harangue, he threw in some language about doing so peacefully, but the remaining 99% of his incitement was about fighting. As if Hitler, while screaming about eliminating the Jews, threw in a sentence about doing so peacefully. Just weasel words for cover.
  4. My opinion of politicians is based on how much they help people: Lincoln ended slavery. FDR started Social Security. LBJ started Medicare. Obama started Obamacare. Biden has done a lot, too. But Trump never did anything for "regular" people, he just cut taxes for the rich.
  5. They can't even enforce motorcycle helmet laws, except for sporadically nabbing a Farang to collect some tea money. How hard would it be to save lives by enforcing helmet laws? You know, stationing a few police on the streets to stop moto drivers not wearing helmets. The problem is that the average Thai moto driver doesn't carry enough cash to make it worthwhile.
  6. You have no idea what's coming. First off, young voters have little regard for Trump, and there are more of them every day. On the other hand, old people vote for Trump, but they are dying off (Trump killed a lot during Covid). Secondly, you will see a shocking number of Republicans endorsing Biden, including at the Democratic Convention. Third, the State of the Union is coming. That's when the Dems will roll out the educational campaign about the good economy. Also, Biden will describe his plans for his next term. Watch and learn.
  7. Cadet Bone Spurs. I guess worshippers of the Orange Jesus imagine Trump as a mighty warrior.
  8. Almost 1,000 convictions so far. What are you talking about? Many more to come, probably resulting in prison time for the higher-ups. Don't you think that Rudy is going to jail?
  9. At some point, higher courts will either expedite Trump's appeals, or decline to hear them.
  10. Fake Trump elector in Michigan sorry for what happened It sounds like this guy was duped into becoming a fake elector. The people who conned him are going to the monkey house.
  11. Polls this far out are meaningless. But, in general, likely voter screens are more predictive than polling registered voters.
  12. The trend is going to have Biden inching up and Trump sinking in the polls. Sorry if that will give you a sad.
  13. The point of a trial is to have a jury evaluate the evidence. Your love of Trump blinds you to the evidence, but you are an isolated case. The odds are that Trump will be convicted of many felonies, many before the 2024 election.
  14. Defending Democracy doesn't seem important to you, but it is for many Americans. It seems your worship of the Orange Jesus has made you blind to justice.
  15. Your post makes no sense. J6 is the largest prosecution in the history of the US. You are suggesting to let the Big Guy go free, so more small fish can be prosecuted?
  16. Correct. The ringleaders of the conspiracy got nailed for conspiracy, as you would expect.
  17. Are all of your posts going to be stream of consciousness gibberish? Post some links backing up your first sentence. Or delete your post.
  18. Asked and answered previously. First term presidents typically poll poorly during their third year in office. The fact that you are so focused on a handful of polls so far out from the elections shows either desperation or inexperience on your part. Watch and learn.
  19. You don't get it. In our legal system, you don't get to contest a string of witnesses who provide damning testimony simply by claiming the witnesses are biased - you provide witnesses who can exonerate you. Trump has had ample opportunity to find those witnesses, but apparently he is happy instead to engage in verbal diarrhea and have his flacks put out talking points for online trolls. Instead of addressing the substance of the J6 testimony, you complain about the system. How about quoting someone who watched Trump trying to stop the riot, which is what an honest competetent president would do?
  20. There is a definite lack of females in China, and I am amazed more Thai women aren't enticed to move to China. I know some who did, but not many.
  21. You seem to have forgotten that Trump has been indicted for 91 felonies, many related to J6.
  22. Of course, the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers are sitting in prison due to convictions for conspiracy. But, others have been charged, and will be tried.
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