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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. This tax stuff is way too complicated for retirees in Thailand. Unless filing a tax return is a mandatory requirement for visa renewal, this new regulation will go the way of motorcycle helmet laws.
  2. Question for you: Was Kamala Harris talking about the specific event at Lafayette Park? A simple yes or no will do.
  3. Not a disaster, it will be forgotten soon. Do you remember when Trump was trying to disqualify Obama because of the Birther thing? No? You just made my point for me.
  4. You must have slept through January 6. Pence was chased out of the Capitol by the bloodthirsty mob, into the cellar. The Secret Service was ready to whisk him away, but Pence declined to retreat further, showing considerable physical bravery. Had Pence left the Capitol Grounds, Grassley was ready to step in, and throw out Biden electoral votes. Pence saved democracy in America on that day.
  5. So, Grassley's staff covered for him. They cleaned it up a bit after Grassley let the cat out of the bag.
  6. That will change as the campaign progresses. It seems to me very few here have even watched a presidential campaign. We've got the MAGA nuts all excited about early polls.
  7. He has been known to pay legal fees for some co-conspirators.
  8. January 6 indictment Grassley suggests he may preside over Senate debate on Electoral College votes
  9. Offering free legal services in exchange for a public servant failing to do their duty is bribery. I don't know who, if anyone, is going to indict Trump for bribery.
  10. Proposition 113 will not take effect during the 2024 election. Please don't hijack this topic.
  11. "Trump just realized a couple of days before January 6 that Pence wouldn't follow orders and rule in favor of Trump's fake electors. So, they had to find a way to dispose of Pence and let Grassley preside over the certification." Grassley suggests he may preside over Senate debate on Electoral College votes Breaking news for Nauseous, but everyone else knew all about this.
  12. Not exactly, but educating you on this point is beyond the scope of this topic.
  13. Wow. Let's look at reality this way: Do you understand that there are dozens of felony charges pending against the coup plotters, and that some have already pled guilty? Or FOX News hasn't announced that yet? You guys are wasting everyone's time claiming you don't know anything about these widely reported inductments.
  14. Ummm....you do realize that there are dozens of felony charges against the coup planners. I'll let the prosecutors prove it to the juries.
  15. widely reported in the news. What part of it don't you believe?
  16. As the general election nears, there will be an unprecedented number of Republicans rallying against Trump, including many famous ones. IF Biden remains low in the polls, it's not inconceivable that he would replace Harris with a Republican VP nominee as a unity candidate. But, I don't think it will come to that.
  17. The subject is about Trump getting kicked off the Colorado ballot due to his plotting to overturn the 2020 election. Since you don't seem to understand that there was a plot to overturn the election, perhaps this topic isn't for you.
  18. Yep. Trump just realized a couple of days before January 6 that Pence wouldn't follow orders and rule in favor of Trump's fake electors. So, they had to find a way to dispose of Pence and let Grassley preside over the certification.
  19. If you want to see an example here of the insanity, just ask a MAGA type if Trump really weighs 215 lbs, as he claims. They will post 10 replies stating they aren't interested in answering. Because no one gave them talking points telling them how to answer. So, when asked, they just freeze. Because that's how MAGA works - no independent thought. Only parrot what you are told - by Leadership.
  20. The question on the table is your inability to recognize that there was a plot to overturn the 2020 election.
  21. Pretty simple plot, concocted at the last moment: Use the rioters to stop Congress from certifying the Electors; The rioters chase Pence away from the Capitol; Senator Grassley conducts the certification, and throws out Biden electors; The election is overturned, and the House of Representatives decides the winner. Almost worked. BTW, the "Hang Mike Pence" chants were designed to scare away Mike Pence, so he fled to Andrews Air Force base with the Secret Service.
  22. You doubt there was a plot to overturn the 2020 election? Geez, people have already pled guilty to participating in the plot.
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