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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. You don't seem to understand that Trump is being prosecuted for his actions on January 6.
  2. Neither Pelosi not McConnell had any responsibility for Capitol Security. And Pelosi asked for Sund's resignation because of his massive strategic and tactical failures. Simple common sense.
  3. If you really think that Nanci Pelosi had anything to do with J6, you are either deluded or just parroting FOX News talking points. The Speaker of the House has zero responsibility for Capitol security, any more than the Senate Majority Leader (Mitch McConnell at the time). The fact that you don't question McConnell's role indicates that you are just engaged in partisan hackery.
  4. You are totally correct. These polls are fairly meaningless. You should let your friend know that.
  5. Most people are better off now, than when Trump was in charge. Except for the million or so who died from Covid due to Trump's incompetence. They're still dead.
  6. Have you ever heard of any witnesses who could exonerate Trump from his actions on January 6? Apart from Rudy Giuliani, that is. And maybe the Pillow Guy. There's a reason the current House is not holding hearings on January 6 to exonerate Trump.
  7. You are probably correct. Trump should have been convicted by a jury prior to disqualification. But my original point is that Trump did bad stuff on January 6, and has been dinged by a grand jury and 2 sets of judges. On the other hand, FOX News says he is innocent. Who do you believe?
  8. None of that is the fault of the military, they overthrew the Taliban, but were forced to occupy Afghanistan by the Bush administration. Same with Iraq.
  9. The US military won every battle in Vietnam - it was the political leadership that lost the war.
  10. The Constitution provides for removal of insurrectionist candidates. There is no provision for removal of senile candidates. You are wrong - again.
  11. Grand juries have the job of determining probable cause. Which means that it is not unreasonable to presume guilt. What is unreasonable is declaring Trump's innocence, without providing any exonerating evidence.
  12. "They" are in the process of proving that Trump incited the riot via trial by jury. Trump's lawyers have been desperate to stall the trial. Why is that? Of course, judges in Colorado have already ruled that Trump caused an insurrection. But, you disagree.
  13. Why were so many Republicans, including Trump staffers, willing to testify against Trump? What you mean by "selection" is that people not currently on Trump's payroll tend to tell the truth about Trump. And, the truth hurts.
  14. I will transfer money to my Thai bank account every month so that I have cash in my pocket. But I will constrain the transfers to the amount paid by my Social Security so I don't have to pay Thai income tax.
  15. So, if so many people are coming into Thailand, why the complaints about lack of tourists?
  16. You ask us to consider your opinion that two grand juries are wrong about Trump's role in the insurrection, but offer no proof. Good luck with that. Obviously, in the absence of supporting facts, your faith in Orange Jesus sustains you.
  17. As I mentioned, I plan to only transfer my US Social Security income. At year end, I will have a simple statement showing my Social Security annual income.
  18. Trump was disqualified because of his role in the insurrection. You deny that Trump was involved in the insurrection. Acvording to you, refuting your claims = changing the subject. Trump *did* incite the insurrection as part of a conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election. Two court cases are pending about this. Two grand juries have concluded that there is probable cause to indict.
  19. Virtually every J6 witness was a Republican, most former Trump staffers. Why would they be biased? Is Ivanka biased? She testified.
  20. My prediction: the Court of Appeals will lift the stay on the January 6 court case, so that it can proceed. The immunity claim will be resolved in some manner. Trump will be in court in 2024 for this case.
  21. For you, the metric seems to be share prices increasing more than the inflation rate.
  22. McCarthy told Trump that Jan. 6 rioters were ‘trying to f—— kill me’ A timeline of Sean Hannity's panicked texts to Trump's inner circle reveals how 'worried' he was about the January 6 rally and Capitol riot
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