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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. After Hamas is gone, they will be forgetten, like Al Qaida.
  2. It's called "historical precedent". When you stand on the wrong side of history, you try to erase the past. The Allies conducted a bombing campaign over Germany that killed many civilians, designed to eliminate the Nazis. The pro-Hamas types condemn Israel's attempts to eliminate Hamas through similar tactics as the Allies in WWII.
  3. Trump constantly calls Biden "crooked Joe" and says he is the most corrupt president in history. Strangely though, the House Republicans have not found a shred of evidence suggesting any corruption. So, is Trump lying, or is he crazy?
  4. The current war started on October 7, yes. There was no occupation of Gaza on that date.
  5. Dead people don't care if the bombs that killed them are guided or not.
  6. To be clear, I am not talking about legal definitions. Following your logic, the Nazis never committed war crimes. If you would be more comfortable with other words: The IDF invasion of Faza is morally comparable with the Allied bombing campaign of Germany during WWII.
  7. As a reminder, in this case, Trump has already been found guilty of fraud. Remember "innocent unless proven guilty"? Now Trump is proven guilty.
  8. Prevention of future terrorist acts is a government responsibility. How should Israel protect its citizens against future attacks by Hamas? Please don't insult us by saying "ending the occupation". On October 7, Gaza was not occupied.
  9. I am using "fast and loose" rather than the legal term "fraudulent". So sorry for confusing you. So, how big will Trump's penalty be? $250 million? $600 million? Will you send him a contribution to help him pay?
  10. Michael Cohen's testimony in this case is a minor factor. Trump was found guilty before Cohen testified.
  11. I posted a link to the NY Times article about Trump paying only $750 in taxes in 2017. What part of that is gaslighting?
  12. Rudy Giuliani fears 'prison for the rest of my life' after laptop 'manipulation' claim This is a rather sensational headline, but not much substance in the article. However, I will be pedantic and inform everyone that the data in question was not in the laptop, but on an external drive.
  13. Wow, your Trump worship is making your brain misfire. I used the example of Trump's 2017 tax return in response to a question of how much revenue Trump was making off his assets. Telling the banks that the revenue stream was in the billions, but telling the IRS that it was $0 is playing fast and loose with the numbers.
  14. The current trial is about asset valuation fraud in the state of New York, nothing to do with the IRS. Trump has already been found guilty of fraud, so you are wasting your time defending him.
  15. Better yet: a 3 state solution. If Hamas were to be eradicated, and a reasonable government installed, there are gas reserves available to Gaza to enrich the entire population. But as long as Gaza is committed to terrorism, exploitation of the gas fields is not possible.
  16. You assert that Israel is committing war crimes. Given the Allied bombing campaign over Germany in WWII, what is IDF doing differently?
  17. Once again, many of Trump's assets were valued based on revenue streams. The only source of data for the banks were Trump's numbers. Sure a bank could discount the numbers by 50%, but what if the numbers in Trump's books were off by more than 200%? It is bad public policy to handwave away asset valuation fraud because you worship Orange Jesus.
  18. I have posted many links to charges for asset valuation fraud in New York state. You are making the claim that asset valuation fraud is not a crime. That's weird.
  19. And your point is.....? To be clear, the photos I posted are of Germany.
  20. Anyone can call anyone anything. Many Israelis condemn the West Bank occupation.
  21. An opinion, same as yours. Israel has no plans to remove people from Gaza.
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