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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Not a time waster for the ladies, they are on a quota system for drinks.
  2. The difference being that the ladies come to Pattaya to make money, but their boyfriends suck them dry.
  3. One of the problems with intimacy with a bargirl is that she acts like everything is fine all the time. It may take a long time, or a lot of Sangsom for her to admit that she doesn't like boom-boom (or some aspect of it). So, while you are having fun, she is deciding how to spend the money you give, occassionally making noises. This results in a lot of unneccessary work on your part.
  4. One lie is "no have customer". I get lots of messages from one lady always complaining about no customers. Every time I go to her bar, she has a customer.
  5. Here is a quasi-lie: A bargirl I know works just long enough to make some cash to go back to Isaan to live with her Thai husband. After a while, the money runs out, and he leaves. So, she has to back to Pattaya to work bar. What she does is contact everyone on her Facebook friends list to ask to borrow 300 baht so she can go back to Pattaya. If she makes enough cash from the request, she dangles cash in front of her Thai husband, and he comes back. Shampoo, rinse, repeat.
  6. It's not a lie, but I can't handle it when a bargirl young enough to be my daughter posts her true love on Facebook: a Farang old enough to be my father. If you are that far gone to appear on a bargirl's Facebook, it is time for the nursing home.
  7. The flip side is when bargirls get snappy and say "you know too much".
  8. Nominally, they are coming to drink tequila. During Covid, I would have 30 come every week. Now its down to maybe 7 - 10, if I am not traveling.
  9. A small percent of the ladies who come to my condo work gogo. One just went back to Isaan, being with child. I was wondering why her Thai boyfriend left her.
  10. I don't have many Mexican ladies complaining to me about their sick buffalo.
  11. I am trying to think of a snappy way to say yes.
  12. one bargirl always sends me a GIF of a crying face if she happens to be without a customer at the moment. Her deal is that she is desperately trying to collect money to keep her 19 year old boy toy happy.
  13. I have far exceeded my goals in life, which puts me in a quandary of what to do now. For the moment, I am relegated to entertaining young ladies in my condo in Pattaya, maybe its time for new goals.
  14. One famous lie is when the bargirl says she will stop working bar and go back to the village if the Farang sponsors her, ie sends money every month.
  15. Getting back to the topic, lots of Russians in Pattaya are young men. Many are probably going to stay in Pattaya for the duration of the war. That would mean many overstays, and many running out of money. I would suspect we are going to see a lot of Russian lady freelancers on the streets in the coming months, as the Russian men send their wives and girlfriends out to make some money.
  16. Let's not forget one of the all time favorites: "I miss you".
  17. No doubt that customers lie, too. In some ways, they do more damage to the ladies with their lies than the ladies do to customers.
  18. Nahh,... Bargirls lie - a lot. Part of their job.
  19. Via Facebook, I have gogo girls come to my condo prior to work.
  20. I have had some luck with ladies who contact me on Facebook, enough to put some time into it. Also, i use it to make announcements concerning my status, eg I am out of town. And, there are ladies who I stay in touch with only through Facebook, ladies working in other countries.
  21. I am in the process of being taken for a ride. Now my Facebook friend wants to go to Bangkok for an overnighter. I hope her Thai husband and Farang boyfriend are okay with that.
  22. I actually use Facebook for things other than contacting Thai ladies.
  23. One lady I know is very easy to live with, great in bed, the only problem is she doesn't talk much. You might think that is a plus, but hours of silence get old fast.
  24. If you have a Thai Facebook account, sooner or later, you will be targeted by a Thai lady. Often, these will be ladies stuck in Isaan trolling for cash. They will quickly hit you up for money, under various pretexts. Other ladies may be in Pattaya, simply looking for customers. You should first ask yourself why they don't have customers, with the most plausible explanation being they don't have good work ethic. Often, these are friends of current Facebook friends. In that case, I give them a chance. Sometimes they work out spectacularly well. Then, once you know a lady, she may start "working" you, either angling for more business, or an exclusive arrangement. This can be deadly for newbies. They will engage in long social media chats, lots of self promotion, and flattery. I have one lady who I can't get to stop chatting, she is trying for an exclusive relationship. No idea how her Thai husband thinks about it. Another lady just wants me as a frequent customer. She can't ask for more, since I know she has a 19 year old Thai boyfriend.
  25. Any lady inside a bar who is available for customers is a bargirl. Doesn't matter if she is paid hourly, daily, weekly or month. Doesn't matter if she is a freelancer. If she is outside the bar, ie working the street, then she isn't a bargirl. If you meet a lady in a bar, and she is alone but won't accept a drink from you, then she probably isn't a bargirl.
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