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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. I posted about the 300 baht scam on my Thai Facebook, and I got a lot of positive comments from bargirls who have been victimized by 300 baht requests.
  2. The larger the sample size, the more likely a clinical trial will show no benefit for Covid protection from Ivermectin. The more random the study, the more likely that a study will show no benefit from Ivermectin. Even the hard core Ivermectin supporters should admit they rely on clinically proven medical procedures and medications for other medical situation.
  3. About every 10 years, I get sick as a dog after a flu shot. For a month. I am okay after getting the Covid vaccine.
  4. Both references were about the initial Covid strain, and the first vaccines. But, you knew that already.
  5. some actual information: around the eastern border of Ukraine, there is a fairly large area that is culturally Ukrainian and Russian. The farther east, the more Russian, but even in Voronezh, there is Ukrainian cultural influence. And there is Russian influence in Ukraine at least as far west as the Dnipro river. its a continuum. That will probably end within a generation. There was a good argument to be made about Crimea back in the day, but Russia forfeited its position when it invaded in 2014.
  6. You ignore motivation. Afghans and Vietnamese were motivated to fight for their country. Iraqis were not motivated to fight for Saddam. Conscripted Russians don't have great motivation.
  7. I took 2 Thai ladies to stay in Ukraine during Covid. They don't know where Ukraine is.
  8. I am getting a lot of requests from ladies to loan them 300 baht. I guess someone posted on Facebook that 300 baht is the ideal "ask", no one will much care if they lose 300 baht to a bargirl, but the bargirl can buy gold if they gets enough positive hits from her 3000 Facebook friends.
  9. You do understand that over a million people died trying to gain natural immunity..
  10. A famous bargirl lie, but this is told to the Thai boyfriend: " I work bar, but only drink".
  11. back in 2006, I visted LK Metro. The ony bar was Lolitas.
  12. Is the ruble convertible in Thailand?
  13. That's when the Russian wife/girlfriend goes to Walking Street to find customers.
  14. The rouble is dropping like a rock, but it won't impact the number of Russians in Pattaya. Because staying out of Russia is a life or death matter.
  15. Bargirl last night at 1 am, in bed: "I like boom-boom with you more than with my Thai boyfriend". It's a paraphrase, she used an obscure Thai phrase to convey dislike of intimacy with her boyfriend.
  16. No, I don't mind paying some baht, but where in Pattaya is vaccination for foreigners available?
  17. I checked my Facebook this morning, and 2 bargirls posted memories of me on their Facebook accounts. How romantic. Both have Thai husbands.
  18. It's time for an update on where to get vaccinated in Pattaya. My sole Pfizer shot is now a year old.
  19. I am referring to the Grand Soleil condo project on Thappraya Road.
  20. Well, no. If they are aroused, they put out more. If you do a little work, you can turn a dead fish experience into GFE. Sometimes. But then sometimes, they tell you they don't like boom-boom. All you are going to get is a dead fish.
  21. Here is another lie/scam: A lady went to Koh Samui to work massage. After a week, she sent me a message: she was fooled into going, and now she relucantly must sell her body. Somehow, she owes the shop 2700 baht, and must pay before she can go home. I asked if her Thai boyfriend can pay, she said no. Clearly, this is a scam, based on a kernel of truth. The real situation is probably that she is not making as much money as she thought, plus she misses her Thai boyfriend. Possibly, she is looking for a way to get him a plane ticket, so he can come and sponge off her in Koh Samui.
  22. There are as many stories about this as there are bargirls. One common theme is: girl meets Thai man, gets knocked up, man says goodbye. There are loads of variations on this theme, but the bargirl won't tell you the reasons the Thai man says goodbye. Of course, sometimes the bargirl falls for a married man, and he supports her until she gets preggers. Sometimes, the bargirl sleeps around, and the Thai man drops her. And sometimes the bargirl is married and happy in Isaan, until a friend comes back from Pattaya and builds a house.
  23. "I no like Thai man". Said to me by a Thai lady who is a Facebook friend, and who posts photos of her boyfriend daily.
  24. Those of us living in Pattaya know how long it takes to develop a large condo building. For example, the Grand Soleil is taking years to build, and it is going up on vacant land. The time frame to create a condo building is far too long to secure Russian investors based on the current crisis in Russia.
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