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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. Nobody ever told me anything. It was all trial and error. Thai women don’t talk about that stuff. Actually, a couple did tell me what they liked, but they lied. Does it count when one lady pins you down, and the other lady demonstrates what she likes, when you want or not?
  2. Parts of July, August, September. Never do that again.
  3. 82 deaths from Omicron. it wasn’t long ago that the Covid Deniers were telling us that nobody died from Omicron.
  4. Don’t feel bad, last summer, I had 30. It was torture.
  5. This last summer, I had an opportunity to engage in sex with a large number of ladies in a short period of time, which gave me some great concentrated experience in female reaction to sex. I found that about 10% had no reaction to what I was doing, and maybe 20% had the ultimate reaction. The rest had generally pleasurable experiences. Some were fairly aggressive in their demands. I don’t want to get too graphic, but my biggest problem was that the ladies required widely disparate techniques, but even if I could find the optimum approach, I generally forgot it the next time they showed up. So, there was no single approach that worked for everyone.
  6. You’re right. Isaan is Covid-free, and besides, no ladies ever go from Isaan to Pattaya to work bar.
  7. I am reading about lots of mild Omicron cases among people going to bars in Pattaya. Hey, what's what the Beach Club in TreeTown that seems to be open after 11 pm, what's up with that? I thought bars closed at 11 pm?
  8. As long as hospitalizations and intubations are low, you are correct.
  9. I am seeing a problem in Pattaya, which was hit hard a couple of months ago. You would think that the wave would have diminished by now, but as Isaan is being hard hit now, ladies are coming down from Isaan to work bar, and carry the virus with them. Shampoo, rinse, repeat.
  10. I am interested in advice on where to go in Thailand during Songkran to avoid the water wars. I am not interested in suggestions that I stay in my condo for 10 days, leave the country, or go to other places that go crazy during Songkran. What are especially welcome are actual experiences of people who have traveled during Songkran.
  11. It seems that the OP was all excited by a blip in the value of the Ruble. if the war goes badly for Russia, expect more losses for the ruble.
  12. I just did that for Covid, for 2 years. No thank you.
  13. Go to Isaan for Songkran? Do you think many other people will also be going to Isaan for Songkran?
  14. I can’t stand the week of water splashing in Pattaya, so I want to leave town. But where to go? How hard will it be to get a ticket and hotel in Phuket? Or will Phuket be unpleasant during Songkran? Where’s a good place to go?
  15. The married lady described in the OP is now single, as her Thai husband has left her. Apparently, her financial problems were too much for him. No discussion of her going with a Farang customer as part of the friction. This is in accordance with my thinking that any Thai man who allows his wife to go with a customer is only in it for the money.
  16. Wait a minute, isn’t hotel transfer part of the hotel Test and Go package? On my last entry to Thailand, not only did the hotel provide a transfer, but my Covid test was done at a stopover on the way to the hotel.
  17. The yellow suits are just flight suits, not spacesuits. They can be made overnight.
  18. Your logic is flawed. Eliminating the pre-departure Covid test will result in more people coming to Thailand.
  19. Arrival on or after April 1 does not require a test, or departure to Thailand on or after April 1 does not require a test?
  20. I did see a video where there was combat behind enemy lines, and a couple of armored vehicles were destroyed. But I was talking more along the lines of the French Resistance.
  21. Zero about Russians in occupied areas being killed by insurgents.
  22. Most people here seem to think that the shooter was an ex-husband. He was not. Leaving a Thai lady alone for 50 weeks is an invitation to find a Thai boyfriend
  23. Everything is posted on social media now. If Russian soldiers were being killed behind the lines, we would know about it.
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