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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The issue isn't tourists who may come in the future, it's the large number of Russians in Thailand on long stay. Jomtien is full of them. How they survive is going to be problematic.
  2. Vaccination reduces the risk of infection, and if infected, the vaccinated are less likely to spread the virus. Do you disagree? Also, having been infected by Omicron is no guarantee against a second infection.
  3. Although I am not alone now, I will be all by myself next month, and looking forward to it.
  4. None of those countries agreed to supply planes to Ukraine. https://www.thenationalnews.com/world/europe/2022/03/01/poland-says-it-will-not-send-jets-to-ukraine/
  5. After the Iraq invasion of 2003, there were literally hundreds of thousands of weapons on the streets. Although some US soldiers were killed in the insurgency, overall, it didn’t make much of a difference. Putin would accept a few thousand dead Russians every year to maintain control of Ukraine. Worse, once Russia controls Kyiv, they have the means to really clamp down on resistance. If you don’t agree, explain Chechniya being so peaceful today.
  6. No Eastern European countries have agreed to sending MiGs to Ukraine. Ukraine still has a handful of aircraft, operating from streets and roads.
  7. Why? When the US took out Saddam Hussein, how quickly did the US take Baghdad? Nobody remembers and nobody cares. Same here, all that matters is who wins. If Kyiv capitulates after 3 weeks of a siege, nobody will care how long it took.
  8. If Russia takes 2 weeks to conquer Ukraine rather than 2 days, does it matter?
  9. I have seen zero confirmation of the transfer of the MiGs to Ukraine.
  10. Don’t underestimate the Russian capability to produce military vehicles. Their problem is that most of what they produce is now obsolete. Tanks have had a good run for 100 years, but their day is over.
  11. I am sure that they are saying to the Russians that the fastest way for peace is for the Ukrainians to surrender.
  12. The Ruble is now 105 to the dollar. Good time to sell the Ruble short, it will go down more.
  13. Deaths AND hospitalizations AND recoveries with Long Covid.
  14. Long Covid is not uncommon, but presents different symptoms for different people. Even some apparently asymptomatic cases have lung scarring. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/coronavirus/in-depth/coronavirus-long-term-effects/art-20490351
  15. There was talk of extending the 11pm closing time. Are bars still asking for ATK test results?
  16. Not to mention all the Native Americans we killed back in the day. But the occupation of Iraq was started 3 administrations ago, and this is now. We can’t let the errors of the past hinder us from stopping the current nightmare in Ukraine.
  17. Let me explain why you are wrong. Let’s say a new variant evolves, one that is not so infectious as Omicron, but more lethal than Delta. So, the virus encounters its first batch of victims. If they are unvaccinated, they get infected, and we see another round of global deaths. Maybe this variant infects you. But, if the first victims are vaccinated, they are not infected, and the new variant dies. You don’t die, either. Note that there are variations possible, where some vaccinated individuals do get infected, but as long as the R0 number is less than 1, the variant disappears. i am sure you don’t want to die from Covid, so don’t be an incubator of a new variant, get vaccinated.
  18. Now that the Russian troll farms are diverted to supporting the invasion of Ukraine, our anti-vaxxer friends aren’t receiving their daily supplies of propaganda, so they have nothing to post. Meanwhile, around the world, vaccination continues and the virus is being eliminated.
  19. Mr. Putin, that’s a fine bridge you have in Crimea, it would be a shame if anything happened to it.
  20. There are things happening in Ukraine which defy explanation. We have seen video of TB2 drones taking out vehicles in the middle of a Russian convoy, but in daylight videos, we see the remains of entire convoys that were destroyed by something more than a TB2. Those convoys are always hit off-screen so we don't know what attacked them. Obviously, the Ukrainians aren't using A-10s, which would be sitting ducks anyway, but there is something out there operating at night with the capacity to destroy an entire convoy (or a bridge).
  21. The next day or two will be critical to the survival of the Ukrainian government.
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