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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. I expect significant lamentations from Russians today in Thailand when banks open.
  2. I suspect that many Russians in Thailand will be going to the bank on Monday.
  3. The problem is replenishing the Thai bank account. If I were Russian, I would go back to Russia before things get worse.
  4. https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1497606162866442251?s=20&t=UVbBaAVT1sS6wpKkp9DVKg
  5. As of today, Russian Visa and Mastercard don't work outside Russia. That is going to screw Russians in Thailand right now.
  6. Nope. Your argument is that the government has been so successful in reducing Covid deaths that it should continue the Covid restrictions to prevent even more deaths.
  7. Fly Turkish Airlines, their routes are far to the south.
  8. You are trying to invent a conspiracy theory to account for the 6 million Covid deaths. Remind us why a politician would want to overstate the number of Covid deaths. More to the point, what’s the point of overstating Covid deaths by 5%, if a politician wants to make an impact, they should overstate by 100%.
  9. The dimensions are for the Minerva spacecraft, which is composed of 10 centimeter (100 mm) cubes. When added together, the spacecraft is 20cm X 30cm.
  10. He was talking about Omicron spreading faster than vaccination campaigns. Only a moron would be happy about a virus that is killing thousands every day. The only reason that Omicron isn’t killing more is because so many are vaccinated.
  11. Covid vaccines have saved countless lives in the last year.
  12. The virus doesn't care if you are over it. It just wants to turn you into a mutation factory.
  13. Tell me about the origins of the Spanish Flu that killed 50 million people. Oh, you're not interested in that? Never mind.
  14. The reports you have read are wrong. Omicron is killing far more people than the flu. Besides, everyone who dies from the flu has a co-morbidity.
  15. Lots of people who had good immune systems are dead from Covid. Like the guy who posted about his immune system on Facebook.
  16. How do you expect the government of Thailand to find the origin of Covid? yeah, the guy who posted about finding the origin of Covid (below) died from Covid.
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