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Posts posted by Danderman123

  1. 46 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Yea because you're good with your predictions right? 

    Being the guy who posted 3 weeks ago that the epidemic wasn’t going to grow exponentially, as many here predicted, yeah. What did I post? “Expect a more or less flat line, within a limited range, with a random walk”, as the numbers peaked in late April.

    • Haha 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, RR2020 said:

    What you are seeing in Thailand, Japan, Korea...............is that unless you have a good old first wave like the UK and USA did........then you are going to keep suffering for a long time.


    UK and USA are getting back to normal now...........all those countries so smug in 2020 will end up suffering continuous outbreaks in 2021 and 2022.


    The old saying, he who laughs last, laughs longest.

    Nope. The initial infection waves in the US and the UK didn’t come close to generating herd immunity. The recent drop in new infections in the US and the UK is due to something called “vaccination “.

    • Like 1
  3. On 5/22/2021 at 4:44 PM, ThailandRyan said:

    Third rock from the sun.  Looks like the third wave is starting to blend into a 4th wave........or wait just one long wave since the entertainment clusters were found in Thonglor and then spread by Songkran only then to find its way into the work construction camps and markets.  Wonder when the malls will be the next victims at least in Bangkok since restaurants were re-opened.

    Yeah, Songkran spread the virus into the factories because so many people from Bangkok spent their holidays in the factories.


    Next month, you guys will complain that the government didn’t encourage more people to leave Bangkok during Songkran.

    • Haha 1
  4. On 5/20/2021 at 7:37 AM, ThailandRyan said:

    There you have it, Recovering in progress with your Chonburi cases almost doubling in one day, and more and more clusters in markets and work camps being found.  Tell me in July how this is going again as you predicted when the Phuket Sandbox model is derailed because travel here from certain countries is banned.

    Now that the factory clusters in Chonburi have been isolated, infections are way down. Pattaya recorded 3 new cases. 

    This is how it will play out in Bangkok, as well.


    I amazed how many here are rooting for the government to fail eradicating the virus, and ignoring objective reality. 

    • Thanks 1
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  5. 7 minutes ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Yes outside of the Prisons, labour camps, factories, old peoples homes, slum areas's where the poor Thai's live, migrant camps, markets, entertainment venues as they're closed, schools in Bangkok as they're closed, then everything is really rosy.


    Is there anything else we should exclude to bring down the numbers and make the virus even more scarce?


    Oh yea, you've already got it, not enough testing......????

    Yep, outside of some pockets, this wave is receding.


    In Chonburi, I can see more openings on June 1, and maybe everything open on July 1.



    • Haha 1
  6. 4 hours ago, Freeduhdum said:

    Remember... the Testing, Testing, Testing mantra around April last year? 

    I live in Thailand and recently came back to the states for business. No one is dying here. Let me suggest the reason it appears so bad, is testing. Thailand did not test in any large way until recently. On the contrary, America has testing centers everywhere, with easy access. It's a simple point I am making here. There is no true pandemic.


    Most rational people can understand that if you increase testing, you will increase "cases'. Most of what you see on the Telescreen is a bunch of contrived... use your favorite adjectives to complete that sentence. 

    600,000 in America dead from the pandemic. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Antonymous said:


    By now surely everybody knows that's an out and out lie.


    Why not tell the truth? Why not explain the side effects and risks clearly, provide stats of those and the number of fatalities that have been reported after taking the vaccines? That would allow people to make up their own minds whether or not to take the risks.

    I am unaware of any fatalities from the 3 million vaccinations in Thailand.

    • Haha 1
  8. 37 minutes ago, anchadian said:

    Will never happen


    The Prime Minister shows his vaccine passport to the media after receiving two jabs of AstraZeneca. He will be able to travel abroad with this “vaccine passport” though on return, he will have to do 14-day quarantine like everyone else.








    Two shots from the same batch two months apart.....

  9. 2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    I hope they have extended the testing to the villages surrounding the 9 that have been locked down.  Foot paths, motorbike trails do exist and people walk between villages to see friends.  Did they ring them with barbed wire and guards?

    There is presumably a headman taking care of those issues.

  10. 1 hour ago, cclub75 said:


    Your argument is strictly... as lame.


    If one death is a problem... then we need to stop everything and everyone for this one death, isn't it ?


    So let's breath in, and breath out... We can't escape using comparisons and scales.


    Because that's the way human brain is working... ! to allow us to understand the world we live in.


    If Covid commands that we lockdown countries for 3 or even 6 millions deaths in the world (let's double the official count)... then what shall we do for :


    Disease burden and mortality estimates (WHO, for the year 2016, 5 years ago)



    Data : https://www.who.int/healthinfo/global_burden_disease/GHE2016_Deaths_Global_2000_2016.xls?ua=1


    -heart diseases + strokes = 17,8 millions deaths

    -cancers  = 8,9 millions

    -infectious diseases + parasites = 5,49 millions

    -respiratory diseases (not infectious) = 3,8 millions

    -alzheimer dementia = 2,53 millions



    You don't seem to understand the difference between an infectious disease as opposed to these other conditions. 


    If heart disease were infectious, you can bet we would lockdown to stop its spread. 


    I will stop here because your premise is crazy. 

    • Like 1
  11. 24 minutes ago, WhatsNext said:


    Really i don't, tell me why with arguments please.

    We can all see the stats don't we, i see the same as you ; 3.5 million deaths in 1 year and 5 months. That's 0,03% of the earth population per year. Tell me i am wrong

    So, you are resorting to this lame argument. I think Holocaust apologists and defense attorneys make the same argument. 


    At what point do you consider marginal deaths to be a problem? A billion? 

    • Like 1
  12. 1 hour ago, anchadian said:

    ‘Phuket Must Win’ must close


    PHUKET: The ‘Phuket Must Win’ web portal for people on the island to register to receive a state-provided COVID-19 vaccination will no longer accept registrations from Thais from June 5, and no longer receive registrations of foreigners after Tuesday (May 25).




    What is the consequence of this decision ?

  13. 32 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

    I think you miss my point. Ok you expect it to float around 2k which it was for a few wks but then very recently large clusters have been discovered yet the numbers remain virtually the same. This is what I have a problem with. 

    Because the number of infections outside of the clusters is decreasing. For example, there were 100+ infections in Chonburi today, but 75 were in factories, only 25 elsewhere.


    or, it may be that testing outside of the clusters, and for hospital walk-ins, has been abandoned.

  14. 2 hours ago, WhatsNext said:


    We live in weird times indeed, most people seem totally oblivious to math, statistics and chance calculations that show them that the ride to the test center on the back of a motorbike is a lot more dangerous than the actual infection.

    Well, yes.


    Your sense of risk management is not so good, because you don’t grasp the consequences of unfettered spread of an infectious disease. 

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