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Everything posted by Danderman123

  1. The Occam's Razor explanation: The lady in question had earlier gone with the assailant (maybe the day before) and he was unsatisfied. Maybe he expected her to be his girlfriend or some sort. Anyway, he harassed her, but her husband happened to be in the bar that night and intervened. Not guaranteed that is what happened, but it's the simplest explanation.
  2. We are in the waning days of Trumpism. Sad, really. When the campaign is over, and Trump quietly retreats defeated back to his rest home in Florida, will the prosecutors continue their work to convict him, or will they let him to in peace?
  3. I don't think any Trump supporters here have admitted to buying his stock. Or making a donation to Trump, for that matter. Foreigners cannot donate to US political campaigns. And most, if not all, of the Trump fans here are foreigners.
  4. And your proof of that is......? It just sounds like you are frustrated that Trump is circling the drain, so you have to make something up to justify support of your Dear Leader.
  5. Trump calls his supporters "basement dwellers". Not very nice of him.
  6. At 12.10 am, there is a good chance that she was working.
  7. Only until November 5. Then, Trump goes into the dustbin of history.
  8. By definition, Trump's meltdowns are in his head. Just watch his Truth Social outbursts and it's obvious that he is losing it.
  9. So, what happened to the protestors in Chicago?
  10. Please give some examples of recent Socialism in America. I suspect that further discussion on this subject will reveal that you have no clue what you are talking about. Case in point: as we move forward in time, wealth becomes more and more concentrated at the top in America, which is the opposite of Socialism.
  11. Note that Trump isn't in charge now, having lost the last election. And he won't be President again. So, when does America turn Socialist?
  12. You don't get it. Taylor Swift doesn't endorse Trump. Only a handful of her fans like Trump.
  13. Concerning Russian collusion, Trump's campaign manager, Paul Manafort, handed the Russians confidential campaign polling data so the Russians could assist Trump. That is a fact. Since you don't know about that, your opinion is worthless.
  14. If I held more than a single share of this stock, I would certainly sell before the waiting period ends.
  15. She was sitting in the bar with female friends at 12.10 AM. It sounds like she was either working, or just happened to be visiting friends very late at night. I do know of situations where a bar girl is working and her Farang husband or boyfriend sits in the bar all night, nursing a beer. Happens when the Farang can't afford to support her.
  16. Low volume for this stock = price go down. High volume = Trump backers throwing money at the stock, and price goes up. The stock still has a $4 billion valuation, so Trump gets 57% of that when he cashes out. The problem is, if he puts in a significant sale order, the stock goes under $1.
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