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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. If this is your first time, chances are you will go through with it and will not listen to advice much. You’ve met a prostitute, but to you she’s more than that. Go and have fun but in the back of your head plant the seed that it may go pear shaped in the near future and you may have to walk away taking a loss. After a few similar experiences you’ll know better and won’t be needing to seek advice. Good luck mate!
  2. Looks like you have a bad local delivery outlet. As a seller I find it a bit annoying that Shopee chooses different delivery companies so we end up taking stuff to two or three receiving places on the same day.
  3. Like many Chinese things I’d worry about reliability and battery life. We have a couple of e scooters. At best they last a year after which time they start playing up and the battery needing more frequent charging.
  4. Confusing reply. Are you asking a question or just commenting? More backside talking perhaps😂 ps-never claimed to be an expert but “no idea” is a tad too harsh, unless it’s back-side talking, which is fine and acceptable here. The post was a light hearted story, chillax.
  5. You’re correct about approving the return part only for now. The return/refund is a single process for me (buyer) though. Of course they have to verify a claim before approving the refund. Not sure if I claimed to be a successful seller, whatever that means. Clearly you’ve had a bad experience with some sellers and you’re not alone. I have people on-selling my products in their shop using images taken from my shop or website without permission. Placing their shop names on top of mine. What can you do? Land of copycats!
  6. Talking through your back side? 😂how can you QC something before it is made?
  7. I think this charade is just to put him in his place. If he stirs the pot too much they can find something against him and put him in jail. I think he will be quieter in future.
  8. We regularly deal with Thai small businesses. We ordered, via Shopee, a backdrop set (frame + vinyl print) for the upcoming trade show. It’s 3mx3m, the price is around 3k for the frame and 1.5k for the vinyl print. Frame was ok but they printed the vinyl in 2x1.5m glued together, scuff marks, and minor design errors not matching 100% the design I sent them. Presentation was therefore unacceptable especially when you use spot lights on the print, a thick dark joint running across the centre sticks out like dog’s testicles. I asked why two pieces? The response was our machine can only print 1.5m wide. I said how could you sell 3m+ frames but can’t print to frame size. No response. I gave them two options, 1) we keep the frame, they refund the cost of the film (and get ours back) and I’ll get someone else to print, 2) full refund. No answer for a few hours. I then gave them a deadline to respond. (Everything vis Shopee chat). Deadline expired and I requested Shopee to refund, followed Shopee refund process and within seconds got approval from Shopee. A day later seller comes back to me “I will ask boss about what we can do”. This indicated he had not read our messages. I said read your messages, we have asked for full refund and it’s been approved. A few hours later he comes back saying the boss will consider refund. I said he does not need to consider as Shopee has already approved it (ie not up to you😂). If he bothered reading the messages instead of playing on his phone all day they could’ve kept the 3k for the frame. I get this kind of interactions all the time. 😂😂😂 just ranting, no big deal.
  9. I get what you’re saying. In farangland Tour buses refer to those carrying tourists around. Here, inter-city buses like those big double deckers are also referred to as tour buses. It’s a reference to size more so than function. Incidentally my first trip was ok. I enjoyed the experience. Couple of minor stuff like the guy in front of me fully reclined his seat for the entire duration leaving me with little room. A pair of old couple a few rows back spoke loudly most of the trip and as we got closer to destination in early hours of the morning started singing/chanting what seemed to resemble religious chanting. All in all it was fun!
  10. They are referred to as tour buses. I’m on one from bkk to Sakhon right now! Hope I won’t be on the news.
  11. Dual pricing is not possible. It may be a case of your gf having coupons or voucher applicable and you don’t have them. For those claiming free shipping and discount on ad but not at check out, you need to read carefully as there are conditions attached to qualify for either. They have strict algorithms that will catch misleading stuff and will automatically delete the product in question with no dispute allowed.
  12. Only way to diversify in LOS is to build Walking Streets in all cities since most tourists are into this kind of stuff.
  13. He says we are a democracy BUT…we must listen to the public BUT… A bit like people who say I’m not a racist BUT…I don’t mean to be rude BUT… basically anything before BUT is worthless. Right?
  14. Much appreciated mate. Google has conflicting info, I think different countries have different rules. The Thai ones are in Thai language only and google translate is not adequate. 😓
  15. Sounds like if I want to sell to other countries need to set up account in those countries.
  16. Did she have to open a Singaporean Shopee/Lazada account?
  17. The shipping is paid by customer. They’ll figure out the total cost at check out and decide for themselves. The stuff I bought from overseas don’t seem to me too expensive for delivery.
  18. Yes. Performa3 is the brand name.
  19. Need hospital name, preferably nurses name too. Asking for a friend😉
  20. He is referring to nurses room where sick kids are taken to. Been smoking the funny stuff?😂
  21. We sell our own premium dry dog/cat food on these platforms among other places. Use facebook as main source of online advertising. Would like to place fb ads in regional countries directing them to our lazada/Shopee shops to purchase. What prompted me to consider doing this is because I see some products on these sites stating “overseas”. I’ve bought stuff that originated in Malaysia and China. No issues. Does anyone know if there may be issues in doing this from Thailand? Looking at Malaysia, Laos, Myanmar, Singapore, Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia.
  22. The boy doing grade1 in a supposedly top catholic school in bkk. Almost on a daily basis he reports teachers interactions with students which I find terrible. The latest: one kid falls down in the playground hurting his leg. Teacher tells him “if you don’t stop playing like this, I’ll take you to the nurse to cut your leg off”. So the boy says to me “dad we have good nurse and bad nurse at school”. How are we supposed to bring them up properly?
  23. I would ask him if she has friends interested in an experienced version of him.
  24. Just wondering if he chops it would it improve lap timing. Loss of weight and improved flow (aerodynamic equivalent)?
  25. Police are licking their lips. First offer of 1M suggests they’re willing to go higher if pushed. Most likely the police advised the family to reject it.
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