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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. Regardless. Under no circumstances is a man let alone in the course of doing business should physically assault a customer let alone a woman. Period
  2. This reminds me of a colleague fresh off the boat from USA who regularly visited a salon costing 900thb. Everyone at work laughed. “They are great and I get my head and shoulder rubbed too. I pay the same in USA but with no rubbing”. When he learned that for the price he can get rubbing in a lot more places, the penny dropped.
  3. I do same. Costs nothing and the delicate touch of the wife ends up rewarding to both of us later at night.
  4. Third world mentality when a woman dares to stand up against a man who thinks he’s superior. Leave me with the guy for 5 mins and he’ll apologize to the woman.
  5. Years ago I was doggy styling a bar girl. She had a tramp stamp with words “Tim’s, hands off”. Didn’t deter me. In my mind I said “Tim buddy, this is for you”. So if Tim is a member here, haha.
  6. You could be right. The suitcase maybe filled with the cash he allegedly took by mistake to the UK. When he opened it a few days ago realized the error, quickly booked a ticket to return it to the owner. What a guy, I’d say.
  7. If you believe financial security is superficial, you’re not living in the real world, rather a dreamer. Most people including Thai Women are pragmatic and prioritize their lives accordingly.
  8. … and the evening session involved Win guys handing out their monthly brown envelopes to police.
  9. Wow. Transferred all shares to daughter. Conflicted of interest avoided. Shows gullibility of the average Thai.
  10. Often nonessential.
  11. I think you should be on medication !
  12. Police circling around the house. In the rare situation that she’s telling the truth they see opportunity to grab a piece of it.
  13. Batman will find him in no time.
  14. The moron was probably showing off Thai superiority over Myanmar including how great they are in driving a vehicle to its limits. In this case beyond its limits. RIP the poor immigrant.
  15. Is this guy on medication?
  16. Not to mention several complaints were made. The fact that a general instructed a colonel to take action suggest opportunity for a photo shoot was the main motive for police.
  17. When I was single, I occasionally picked up a snack from 7/11, brought her to my hotel, nibbled on her all night.
  18. I think you’re dreaming. A Thai stealing from a farang isn’t considered a big deal by Thais. Some actually like it as they don’t like foreigners making money in their land. Chances are they’ll make your life hell especially if the police are on the take. In their eyes you’re not as entitled as they are.
  19. The PM on official duty wearing F1 Mercedes team shirt. Is he hoping for a freebie from the company, or perhaps got given something?
  20. How about a coup led by big joke. Prime minister big joke, or bigger joke.
  21. True. However it’s rare for pedos to stop.
  22. Girl with 15k at the bar? Hmmm.
  23. It depends. If she’s not a looker and only serves the purpose of a hand job I use the towel to cover my eyes, otherwise off with it.
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