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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. A simple solution is to withdraw from illegally occupied lands. No country will allow this to happen in their lands.
  2. She’s smart. Staying away from BBK until the PM2.5 levels drop.
  3. lol. Just like Gaza they left with their tails between their legs.
  4. I did that inside the house. In your case being outdoors aim for the brightest as you can’t control external lighting as well. Also the screen is important. In my case I painted the wall with a recommended paint for projection. Finally the sound. I assume you will hook it up to external speakers. Wireless connection would be good. In my case I had the laptop connected to Bluetooth speakers. Sound from projectors is usually inadequate.
  5. “Role deeply embedded in Thai culture”. Sit on your ass all day playing on phone. Pretend you know how to massage, accidentally touch the guy in sensitive places, offer happy ending/sex to get more money. Yeah sex related stuff is heavily embedded alright😂😂😂
  6. To police, big bikes and foreigners equal guaranteed payment. Thais riding Honda waves with mod exhaust does not guarantee payment. In a related matter, I had an aftermarket exhaust on my ZX6R. I put the original ugly one back mostly due to wife’s complaint and also getting fined twice in two years. I miss the sweet melody but …
  7. Just a question. Why do you need a 5year licence if you don’t intend to be here long term?
  8. Without details one can only assume. It’s unusual for a tourist to get killed in Thailand deliberately unless he was up to no good.
  9. Two of the most corrupt countries meet to discuss what? How to enrich themselves I suppose.
  10. He must’ve been in Thailand long time. A novice foreigner would’ve done the right thing by helping the victim and waiting for police.
  11. Shame on them. So many sick people around us mostly suffering respiratory problems. This includes me, the wife, the kid, some of our neighbors and so on. F your special taskforces and nonsensical suggestions such as ASEAN cooperation.
  12. There was a guy a while ago who went to jail, wrote a book, ceased power, eliminated the opposition, tried to rule beyond his imagination, destroyed many countries, was finally put in his place. Hope this guy doesn’t become one of those guys.
  13. Married man with kids traveling to Thailand alone hanging around sleazy places says a lot.
  14. A corrupt lawyer in Thailand? Nooooo!!!!
  15. Practice run for when and if it becomes necessary to get a one way ticket.
  16. Thais ganging up on someone rather than confronting one on one seems bred into them. If he recorded his own act he could’ve been more creative and enlarged the thing.
  17. How about a TGNT show. “Thailand Got No Talent”
  18. Well if they’ve sunk that low how about the lady put some make up on and a short skirt and offer short time.
  19. Be thankful you got something. If it was a Thai rider he would’ve fled with no payment.
  20. You’ve raised her expectation by providing funds. Now you wanna destroy it. She may be banging other guys but she only loves you. She’s probably doing to it maintain and improve her bedroom skills in preparation for your next visit. Don’t be cruel. Think of it like when you go away for a while you ask a friend to start the engine once in a while.
  21. There are loads of Thai speaking online gambling sites advertised on various platforms for quite some time. They’re probably not owned by their rivals.
  22. He fears if returned to the place where he’s wanted on criminal charges. Daaah. All criminal fear that.
  23. Don’t worry about this guy. Often irrelevant replies to the topic and rather trying to mock. Sad man😂
  24. Here we go again with “In a related….” How are the two incidents related?
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