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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. You seem to know very little about the real world. Let’s leave it at that.
  2. Chatuchak 200thb glasses. Chinese passing fake notes. Enough said.
  3. What’s her father got to do with it. Why say daughter of a school director. Defamation coming up?
  4. So the guy selling counterfeit goods was not investigated.
  5. The ex-ex boyfriend probably saying “Glad to have passed her on to someone else”, unless he’s 6 feet under or recovering in a hospital.
  6. Looks like she doesn’t want to join Auntie in exile. New elections will be held, she will lose, disappear from public life, but more importantly she will remain in Thailand. It’s apparently not easy to get Thai soap operas easily overseas.
  7. Well that makes sense. Glad to have contributed to the environment. 😎
  8. My southern friend says police often stir things up to get a response. This is to ensure police are paid the extra “danger” allowance. Just another RTP plot to get more money.
  9. It helps if the glasses are less bulky. I use mine at night. My helmet is supposedly suitable for glasses (red arrow in photo). Nothing beats going into a helmet shop, putting it on, inserting glass handles in, closing the visor, moving or shaking the head around. You’ll get a good feel which is right for you.
  10. Hard to say whether she was cheating with her husband. Seems the criminal enterprise has fallen apart. Having a spare key to her condo could simply be a case of the syndicate working together hiding stuff in safe houses. This condo is probably one of those.
  11. The central issue is Thai culture of just nodding yes when foreigners ask. I’m not a big fan of super spicy food. Occasionally when asking not to put chilli they say ok but the dish is already made in the pot, or they prepare it as always, or simply they forget to tell the chef, or the chef being in “auto” mode makes it like he always does. Not just with food, i see this in other situations. They say ok/yes but clearly not understanding the question.
  12. Seems that way. Good to see some useful stuff has come out of it. 😉
  13. Stop arguing guys, hold on hold on, excuse me ‘I’m speaking’. Ok here is the deal: 1) I usually do the online but was over the grace period. Couple of days was figurative 2) highlighting brazen corruption in government processes. 3) the post was satirical Finally KH trademark 😂😂😂😂
  14. Yes Einstein. But that was not the point.
  15. As long as they place the SAFETY FIRST sign near it nothing will happen.
  16. Couple of days late for 90 day reporting. IO asks “with receipt 2000, no receipt 1000”. I chose the latter. Makes you wonder is it the cost of the paper or the time to write it up that makes up the 1k? Please advise🫢
  17. It depends on how good looking she is and what else she can do. 😉
  18. Geez, we’ve moved on from biblical times. There maybe legal obligations but as far as personal matters are concerned all bets are off. Whether you like it or not it is what it is and nothing can be done about it. Once separated, you’re not cheating.
  19. Have to disagree. Once separation is agreed upon, they’re no longer a couple. The marriage thing becomes the paperwork stuff that can be sorted out later. On a personal level, you’re free to shag or be shagged.
  20. A reminder to those who think people with strong religious convictions are special, holy, role models etc are just not. Another demonstration that religions are man made.
  21. They were separated for a month and pending divorce. I’d say she’s done nothing wrong. The guy is obviously butthurt, immature and jealous.
  22. Using the restrooms. Who said RTP station is a waste of space?
  23. Quite self explanatory. Stating facts. Just to put your mind to rest “they” here often refers to Thai people in general.
  24. They drive them until they break down. Reactive rather than proactive is in their genes.
  25. Logically and morally prices should go down when you have lots of customers and should go up when you have less to make up for it.
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