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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. I think they help themselves to overseas packages. I’ve had 2 credit cards sent by banks overseas taken. I know this because one of them was used near my home for movie tickets and Grab food delivery.
  2. Nonesense. I doubt if it happened as the guy described. Either he’s made a mistake or the cashier. No scams by 7/11 staff.
  3. In a twisted way it feels gratifying when an Indian gets scammed. After all their country is the online scam call center of the world plus their street scammers chasing tourists like a dog going after a bitch on heat. He’d be the bitch in this narrative 😂😂😂 Now that’s if he’s an honest person. Else it could be an insurance fraud scam. In this case the insurance company is the bitch if staying with the narrative. 😂😂😂
  4. Pot calling the kettle black. Added to size is stamina. When you watch Asian porn you’d notice the men use a lot of toys to compensate for their inability to do the job to the woman’s satisfaction.
  5. I hope the F1 teams can develop appropriate air filters in time.
  6. Mr Jackson was filming a movie. Just a misunderstanding.
  7. Astonishing how many people here need a boost to get it up. Feel sorry for you guys.
  8. You get the government you deserve.
  9. I am with Roojai too. Good price and quick claims. They advertise here. I recommend them.
  10. How about fixing traffic lights that have been flashing yellow or red for years.
  11. Yeah that’s why the entire world community except USA and its stooges have condemned them, and not to mention the arrest warrants. The war(s) will continue until the land grab as prescribed in their book is complete. I don’t wish to continue discussing this. No point. Wish you all the best.
  12. Not necessarily. It doesn’t imply what you’ve concluded. Keep them detained by Hamas. My apologies if things have to be explained in detail and have little knowledge of how politics works there. Hamas was supported by Israeli government as is Al-quaeda. Educate yourself first before engaging in serious world politics discussions😂😂😂
  13. Well at least they provided some kind of training. Ethical scammers?
  14. Ignorance is bliss. Lets move on 🥱🥱🥱
  15. You’ve received some good advice already. I would add: 1) try stay clear of direct negotiations. The price of building stuff will go up if they know a farang is involved. 2) actual workers will most likely be inexperienced migrant workers. So watch out! I would rent first, get a contract for building done, once work starts be there to watch them do it
  16. Well the purpose of taking hostages was to swap them for Palestinian hostages. They did a round of it late 2023. But Bibi needs to prolong the conflict and needs justification. Remember loads of hostages were deliberately killed by IDF but that’s another story.
  17. I wouldn’t use the word intelligence if I were you. Either you didn’t read my comment properly or you don’t have the you know what to understand Middle East politics. Either way as things are going the way they are good Israeli people will be the ultimate victim and parasites like Hamas will flourish. Already over a million good Israelis have left! Now back to the cave.
  18. Yeah I guess. But then it could be admission that policies “may possibly” be daddy’s.
  19. The complete explanation is “braking failed to stop the car because I braked late as I was playing with my phone” rather than just “brake failure”.
  20. Israel’s only interest in hostages is to keep them detained to have excuses to bomb. They could’ve had them all home soon after their capture. Zionism was a bad idea in Middle East and they’ll end up paying a hefty price for it. It’s already started!!!
  21. “Not necessarily” means what?
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