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Everything posted by AustinRacing

  1. What about the driver? On a related matter how many Thais understand the meaning of zebra crossing?
  2. Waste of a read.
  3. Don’t know how drive a bike. I tend to ride it.
  4. Well do the emergency rules apply to private ambulances? Just asking. Maybe the other driver knew the patient and was sending a message to the family. The road was clear, can’t think of a traffic related issue.
  5. 99.99% gold is not used in jewelry.
  6. Quick to blame the contractor. How about get off your ass and check the work as it’s been carried out.
  7. Nothing is more pathetic than a really old guy with pitch black hair.
  8. you have a good memory. Well done mate.
  9. Well the ladyboy situation can be sorted out rather quickly, don’t you think?
  10. You buy cheap water at 7/11 and expect mermaids or gold flakes to be floating in it? Just kidding. It’s definitely alarming.
  11. Scam may not be the right word. If the officials do it and pocket the money then it’s corruption. If the officials do it as government policy then it’s fine.
  12. It’s illegal because it harms thai males egos and raises expectations for Thai women.
  13. Well he’s done ok on his only second visit.
  14. Fair enough. But he wants a daily massage and the boom boom and he won’t pick the wrong one I suppose.
  15. Just leave it at that, will you?😂😂😂
  16. I’ll mention it to him. He’s quite innovative😂
  17. Well that’s at least three lines.
  18. The dealer was Thai at least. No violation of labor laws. Phew!!!😅
  19. What nonesense. They were gambling. It’s illegal. Police have the rights to raid.
  20. Well he says when he’s in the mood he just wants to do the deed and do away with the other nonesense. He’s paid a lot more for the other three options with some disappointments along the way. And he gets a complimentary shower, toweled down, escorted to the lounge to enjoy his complimentary drink. I just couldn’t fault his new modus operandi.
  21. He’s visited Thailand twice. Tried the single male touristy thing. Gogo bar, beer bar and freelance on beach road in pattaya. Now he gets on his rented Wave, rides around until he finds a good looking girl sitting outside a massage place. He goes in for an oil massage (300thb), when the “do you want boom boom” question pops up he decides whether she’s worthy or not. If not, he’s had his daily massage. He claims having his body rubbed in a nice air conditioned room, fondling, touching, talking in a quiet and relaxed environment helps him to make the right decision, and for just an extra (1000thb). In comparison to the other three methods, he claims the cost, noise, pressure to buy lady drinks, the pressure to take out a girl quickly does not always lead to a good outcome. well done mate was my response.
  22. Couldn’t agree more. Furthermore their turning circle is narrower than scooters making it difficult to zig zag through traffic. The only joy I get is when scooters weave in front of me stopped at the lights. Yes they get a couple of meters head start but they inhale my exhaust fumes 20 or so meters later. Some can’t take it (Thai ego on modified scooter) redlining their bikes to catch up to their disappointment. The cycle continues to the next set of lights. I give them credit for trying!!!
  23. I do. I live in Thailand. 😂😂😂
  24. Either would be fine. Occasional riding in bkk should not be an issue as you see lots of them around. I have a super sport ninja which I ride in bkk occasionally. A bit cumbersome but doable. The two bikes you mentioned would be easier to ride than mine in bkk.
  25. Company operating legally is irrelevant. The work conducted by the foreigner is illegal.
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