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prakhonchai nick

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Posts posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. 1 hour ago, AAArdvark said:

    If you ask if it is a ladyboy or lady you can ask how old she is. Unless you don't care about either

    A Thai will generally state he/she is 1 year older than actual. For example on attaining the age of 17. he /she is in the 18th year, and will say they are 18 years of age.


    The guy was in a foreign country, in Sin City on holiday, where there are thousands of prostitutes plying their wares. No doubt this particular lass was trying seduce him as no doubt many of the other girls were. They only care about money. The older the customer the more likely she would not have to work so hard!   If she was working in a bar, and the guy duly paid the bar fine, then the bar/bar staff/bar management are the sole guilty parties!

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  2. From the op's name he most likely lives in Korat.


    The meds he is seeking are for blood pressure and blood thinning


    I take clopidogrel. After a visit to the heart hospital in Khon Kaen, I was given PLATOGRIX 75MG. This is, according to the box, manufactured in France . Whether or not it does what it is supposed to do I do not know, It is however far far cheaper than the clopidogrel I was first given by Bangkok Hospital

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  3. 42 minutes ago, mfd101 said:

    Noone seems to have mentioned that the people who get the 600+ baht old-age payment are mostly people who have spent their lives NOT in the formal economy - piece workers, part-timers of all kinds, and of course millions of peasants in rural villages.


    And they have their own 'informal' arrangements out in the villages eg My PILs (just a little older than me) have paid a few baht monthly for many years in to the village 'life insurance' (my term) fund. When they die, their 2 youngest sons (including my partner) will receive some 200,000 baht out of the village fund. (That is, if it hasn't already been stolen by the village Head Person.)

    In my rural village it is the same. Money paid out from a village fund when someone dies, as long as someone has been paying the dues. Rather than a specific payment each month, payments are made and collected, each time an insured member dies..

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  4. 6 minutes ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    The police, when they act, can only do what the law allows and ridiculous suggestions that over a month's salary for some Thais could be imposed along with the theft of the bike is bizarre.  Why not suggest B20,000 fines and confiscation for a year or two?

    Nobody, absolutely nobody, need EVER pay a fine or lose the use of their vehicle IF they simply obey the rules.  The big fine and confiscation is there just as a threat and needs to be used against the total idiots!

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  5. 59 minutes ago, TroubleandGrumpy said:

    And they wonder why the Thai Police are tryiong to crack down on the Thai Trans people - the ones that 'work' in the 'entertainment' industry are criminally violent mentally deranged people.  Never ever get involved in anything they do to themselves.  If they are attacking an Expat women, and if you are young and strong and only if you can fight, then by all means maybe get in there - but not if you are one of us old blokes - those Trans are men and most of them can all fight (Mua Thai style).

    Well said     those Trans are men    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  All trans are men!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

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