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prakhonchai nick

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Posts posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. :D I for one enjoy these meet ups where ever they are held Surin/Buriram or anyother place.My be the next one could be at Time Out Never been but would like to It appears to me that the time of these meets are of great importance with some liking the midday and others liking late afternoon. :o

    Timing is indeed of great importance, but so is location. Time Out is a great place, but rather remote. Most weekends sees upwards of a dozen farangs from around the area, and that in itself could constitute an un-arranged meet.

    Note that Time Out will be closed for 1 week from 20th April. Ludo and Yai are having a well deserved holiday

  2. I dont really care where we meet as its always a drive from Surin for me and I am unsure of the facilities in Buriram



    Whilst you don't care where the meet is, it seems that the main Buriram group don't care about a meet at all! Unfortunately you're banging your head against a brick wall.

  3. just because the present government were not in power during the pad crimes does not absolve hem from the responsibility of prosecuting them, they allow them to dictate when they will answer any charges, and even promote one of them to foreign minister.

    sorry mate, i don't want to enter into an argument but their inactivity in dealing with pad makes anything they do now against the reds appear bias and pretty much confirms they supported the actions of the pad.

    also the previous government did clamp down but in the usual thai slip shod way of doing things, too little too late.

    the dems are now reaping what they helped sow, its the thai mentality of imediate gain without thinking of consequences later

    I agree entirely that all law breakers should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law - red, yellow or whatever. But just because nothing appears to have happened to the PAD as yet (although I believe prosecutions are in hand) does not mean that it's OK to let anyone else break the law. 2 wrongs don't make a right.

  4. The yellow shirted PAD may have taken over the airport but as I recall they did not close it down. The decision to close operations was made by the Airports Authority of Thailand. The red shirts however did close the roads in Bangkok. That in itself is a criminal act. They also allegedly held some of the leaders of other Asian countries hostage inasmuch as they could not leave their hotels in Pattaya.

    So we are not dealing with like for like.

    the yellows blocked the roads to the airport, the yellows also blocked roads round government house

    OK at least - finally, (albeit shutting the stable door............) - the present government have the balls to take action against law breakers. Thats more than the former government did!

  5. The yellow shirted PAD may have taken over the airport but as I recall they did not close it down. The decision to close operations was made by the Airports Authority of Thailand. The red shirts however did close the roads in Bangkok. That in itself is a criminal act. They also allegedly held some of the leaders of other Asian countries hostage inasmuch as they could not leave their hotels in Pattaya.

    So we are not dealing with like for like.

  6. In the Satuk Post office is a "cage" of sorts which holds the "village mail". I was told once a week the village mail is sent, NOT on a daily basis. It has been my experience in Buriram Province that to pay the minor money for a Post Office Box in our small town greatly shortened the time it took for us to receive mail from the USA. Now our mail is not waiting in the "cage" for a once a week delivery to the village. The postal box rental rate is less than $17 a year. There is a refundable key deposit, paperwork is given and a very good system for registered and EMS mail with proper paperwork implemented with the postal box.

    I believe it is the duty of the postal authorities to deliver ALL mail on a daily basis, and not just when they feel like it. Certainly in my small village post is delivered every day. Suggest an anonymous letter to the Postmaster General in Bangkok to sort out your lazy bastards!

  7. Hi Ron

    You were conspicuous by your absence in FerangFoodParadise today,mate. Quite a good turnout.

    Hope you are well and post No. 5 details were this location is. A local mentioned a further development/disturbance has happened but I am not going into detail as I know no FACTS.


    The other development (as I was told), was that a number of farangs were apparently drinking outside Marks place (never been there so don't know the set up or whether tables and chairs are provided outside), and the police arrived, and fined everyone 1000bt for drinking on the street.. A bit of pushing and shoving seemingly occurred, and 1 person was arrested and taken away.

    If the facts as I was told are correct, and roadside chairs and tables are provided (as they used to be in "red Ribbon"), then surely the problem lies with the owner of the bar/restaurant, and not the customers. And since when did swigging a beer in public constitute an offence?

    More info obviously required.

  8. My daughter is a translator for a Lawyer. Whenever I have any problem with the police - and I am not guilty- I refuse to pay and suggest the policeman speaks with my lawyer on the telephone, whom I start to dial. Everytime, I am waved on.

    A trick worth having up your sleeve for these thieving bastards.

  9. Now I live in a village amongst all the family, in my totally walled in "castle", and my wife visits them! Total peace!

    I'm the same Nick

    They mainly only decend on 'the castle' when there is a good match on UBC, but I don't mind at all. Its more fun with a crowd shouting in two different languages :o



    Your castle should be impregnable with you and your "3 friends" guarding it!


  10. My Thai friends would never arrive without a gift of some sort - beers or whiskey or food. Likewise if I visit their home I will provide the offerings.

    I've done the village ATM thing. Never again. I look back in anger at the way that I used to drive the pick-up to the local Tescos, have a look behind me and half the village (bout 25 of them) is on board for a free ride. This is not cutural it is just having the piss taken out of you.

    I totally agree with you. And having taken the piss out of you, kept you hanging about whilst they eat their somtams, and then decided at the last minute that they all need to go en-masse to the toilet, not one even has the decency to say thank-you!

    I've done it twice - the first time and the last time!

  11. I will be in Bangkok and will have to wait a week to try the minimart, always been happy with my purchases from Norbi's.

    Why not have a Buriram gettogether on say 7 April at noon at the new Norbi's Bistro?? :o

    Good idea Ron, although in this heat 6pm is better for drinking. But more than 2 are needed and therein lies the problem

    Upon reflection, perhaps we could achieve the same objective by all meeting up on Norbi's opening day/night, assuming that is if we are all invited. Now that would assure a good turn-out

  12. I will be in Bangkok and will have to wait a week to try the minimart, always been happy with my purchases from Norbi's.

    Why not have a Buriram gettogether on say 7 April at noon at the new Norbi's Bistro?? :o

    Good idea Ron, although in this heat 6pm is better for drinking. But more than 2 are needed and therein lies the problem

  13. There are two easy ways to avoid Thai family problems.

    1) Don't marry a Thai woman.

    2) If you do marry one, do not live anywhere near any of her family or relatives.

    I think it is better to live closer than far away. If far away the whole family will regularly descend upon you (often with extended family and friends), completely unannounced, and they will not want to leave. Disrupts all plans. I once had 15 (fifteen) arrive without notice, and they camped out on the floors. But of course they expected to be fed and fed and fed........................

    Now I live in a village amongst all the family, in my totally walled in "castle", and my wife visits them! Total peace!

  14. i am trying to figure out which way to go to khon kaen when i return to thailand.
    I'm struggling to understand 'buffaloe'. Either he's a wind up merchant or he's genuinely naive. I've read most of his posts and he comes across as being not of this world, or a troll. I hate the word 'Troll' so I assume he's naive. In that case ' buffaloe' get on the Internet and educate yourself.

    How would dear Mr buffaloe travel from one city to another in his home country? Most likely by bus, train, or if more convenient by plane. Why should it be any different here? We are talking about 2 major cities, not rural backwaters! Perhaps he thinks Thailand is so backwards that transport is by Buffalo drawn carriages! As Coventry has said he should perhaps take the initiative and check the internet options for himself!

  15. Please don't beat me with a stick, but where is Prakhonchai? :-) Direction Surin or direction Cambodia?



    Neither, Its the next big town along the Highway 24 in the direction of Korat&Bangkok.

    About 20k, I would suggest???


    Nearer 40k than 20k Dave I would think

  16. Don't know whether you will find a vet in Prasat but there is a good one up the road in Prakhonchai (very attractive lady vet), just opposite the 7-11 as you hit town. Well recommended.

  17. I originally posted this on " Black Magic in Surin", but I think it warrants it's own topic.

    I have had a lot of test done on me in the past week, Barium Swallow,endoscope,biopsy and as published on the Medical forum I have been diagnosed with an 80% chance of haing cancer of the gullet. I am still waiting for the final result.

    Well, yesterday evening, my wife and her friend took me to see what I thought was the local Witch doctor. As I have a pretty open mind on these things I thought I'd give it a go.

    We arrived at the village, about half hours drive from Surin in the direction of no-where, and were confronted with a huge crowd of people, waiting to see this alternative practitioner. All in all the were 50 to 60 people before us.

    The Witch was in her room praying( or as I thought, counting her money) Then a hush descended as the door opened, and to my utter amazment, out stepped this beautiful 14 year old girl.Each audience with her lasted about two minutes, as she touched each person lightly on the spot giving them trouble. Apparantly, thousands of people have been healed by her touch alone. Plenty of patients ( that's the only way I can put it) brought bottles of drinking water to be blessed by her ( us included)

    All in all it was a very gratifying experience, as you could see these people actually believed in her. Apparantly though, I was the first Farang she had blessed. Why? Because they do not know about her, or is it more likely Farangs on the whole put it down to stupid hogwash?

    Sorry to hear of your problems Martin

    Lets hope the 20% negative answer wins, or alternatively the little 14 year old really does possess something.

    In the meantime keep downing the amber liquid - it generally cures most things!

  18. By all means use a lawyer if you want, but first have a look at the back of the chanote, and see whose name the land was in before your wife bought it. (Your wife or someone who can read Thai can easily do this for you) If the chanote had only the name of the lady from whom you bought then likely no problem. If husbands name also on the chanote, then he would have needed to sign the sale contract and then you do need a lawyer. But then you can blame the land office for not doing their job properly!

  19. Surviving Isaan is perhaps more relevant. All the women over 20 (those that are left) spend their days in patungs, and along with all the spiritual events; party pees etc are enough to drive one crazy. Every 3 months or so I take off to Pattaya alone (I am lucky as I have a daughter there -nod nod wink wink) and I return a new man after just 2/3 days.

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