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prakhonchai nick

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Posts posted by prakhonchai nick

  1. After 1 year of having to insure my new car with the finance company's chosen insurer, the same company offered me renewal with no NCB. Even after discussing it with them they still refused to budge.

    I had a 10 year old car with maximum NCB. The Insurer of this car at first refused to transfer the NCB to the new (now 1 year old ) car but after negotiation they did give me 40%. But other insurers I tried would give nothing

    But of course this and the last post is somewhat irrelevant to the OP's initial question.

  2. In Thailand if one purchases a new vehicle and finances the purchase do the banks require that the individual have insurance to cover theft or collision ? Or is the buyer allowed to take a risk by just having the compulsory insurance ?

    Normally if you have finance to buy a car or pick-up, the finance company will require Class 1 insurance, and THEY will arrange it and charge you. You have no say in the matter. However after the first year, they no longer insist on Class 1 insurance and it is then up to you to decide. they will offer renewal, but it is usually cheaper to shop around.

    Don't think there is any insurance requirement for motorcycles bought on finance, other than the compulsory

  3. Hi

    Just like to say a thank you to Norbie & Noi. Every one had a great afternoon and it was a nice touch for norbie to give us each a Beer Stein Jug.

    The food/beer & company was 1st class


    As is ALL "bums" get togethers :D

    Like the idea of Time Out for the next one on the 1st March.....

    Will spread the word :D


    Time Out is a great place. The locals (mainly those from Prasat and Prakhonchai - and sometimes from Surin) meet up there most Saturdays and Sundays. Last Sunday there was a full house. However, being some 60kms from Buriram, I wonder how many (how few) of those who actually live within Buriram town area will come. 60kms is a long way home, especially when you've had a few! Since it is technically a Buriram Get Together, I think maybe a town centre venue would be preferable, with a suggestion to all to visit Time Out any weekend, where they will be assured of a warm welcome and a good time.

  4. Let's not forget that for the one in the coffin this is not a time for sadness, but for joy. From here on everything is supposed to get better for him/her following the Buddhist thinkings.

    The person in the coffin is dead. Dead is dead! They no longer have any feelings -either of joy or sadness!

    But what joy can there be when the funeral is of a child killed in an accident or a young mother catching a rare disease (ie legionaires disease). To mourn their deaths is surely far more appropriate under the circumstances. By all means celebrate the life of someone, who departs in their 80's/90's and has had a full life.

  5. The downside was:

    1. Villagers just walk in (even when you're trying to make love).


    It's when they start to mark you out of 10 that you really need to worry.

    Even more worrying is when having finished, the fat old bag in the patung with a red stained mouth says "OK - my turn now!"

  6. I hear from a good source that there's a live music day this Sunday at the Timeout. Very good american guitarist / singer is playing. Thinking about making the trip up there from Pak Chong.

    Hi GFL

    Yes saw him at Raybans bash at TimeOut, He's very good.

    Aussie Peter AKA Dave the Buffallo's Dad is good and he will be there too.

    Maybe see you there


    Aussie Pete was great - sang some good oldies. I shall turn out with the family (son can keep himself amused fishing). With a good turnout promised with those from both Surin and Buriram provinces, this do may well surpass the official Buriram Get together a few days later.

  7. I had a well drilled a couple of years ago. A business out near Phanom Rung tel 081 7302126.

    He went down 42 metres (not sure of the diameter), but with a specialist pump included too, the total cost was 15000bt. Never had a problem

  8. Hey any of you Pensioners out there can help me with this question.

    Have been here in Thailand for 4 years,as no address in the UK too use,my State Pension is frozen with no increases. :o

    I have heard if i return too the Uk they will update it with the increases.

    Anybody know how long in days or weeks i have too be in the UK for this too be done??

    Thanks Guys,

    You are eligible for the increase for any period you spend back in the UK, There is no waiting period.

    Basically you tell them a couple of weeks in advance of your proposed visit advising them of you anticipated arrival and departure dates, and also provide them with an address and telephone number in the UK where they can contact you.

    Once back in Thailand, your pension reverts to the original frozen rate.

  9. In the wake of the government's attempt to boost tourism, by amongst other things allowing free entry into national parks, what chance is there that the private sector will do its part by having a standard entry fee to attractions for all - foreigners and locals alike?

  10. This from today's Bangkok Post

    An exemption on entrance fees for national parks was allowed in a bid to revive its key tourism industry, which was battered by recent political turmoil.

    I read this as stating entrance to national parks will be free.

  11. The Shamrock gang will be there tomorrow evening, so we will gladly help you dispose of the accumulated beers

    What time?

    6.30-7.00pm. 6/7 of us. Staying over at Jitsawat Homestay

    Well it's 21.00 and the phantom " Shamrock Gang" haven't shown, so I better send the day staff home now, and shut up shop.

    Thanks a bundle.

    Via the FC website "contact us" I informed you around 12 noon yesterday that we had had to cancel our "event" due to our main organiser having been badly injured in a motorcycle accident.. Some 2 weeks earlier I had via the same method notified you of our intended visit, enquiring about your stock of Indian food.

    Since I received no response to the first message, and you clearly did not receive my message of yesterday may I suggest that there is a problem with the contact section of the FC website.

    Apologies on behalf of the Shamrock Gang, but we did our best to let you know asap and had no idea there was a problem.

  12. AKA Martin Hotel (not Martina, that's the next one)

    Is it OK for takeaway?

    Martina is a good 100metres behind Jitsawat - and does not look so inviting - no sign no nothing. Promotion this month at Jitsawat 250 fan 350 air.

  13. i just did a quick check ofhow many people were actually caught , how many were prosecuted and how many actually went to prison in the uk for social security fraud . it looks like your on a winner if your cheating the social,as for pension fraud i suppose they lump that in with the other figures.

    honestly i think the chances of getting caught for anything are slim at the most.

    I hope you won't be spending your twilight years dreaming of Thailand!

  14. The Shamrock gang will be there tomorrow evening, so we will gladly help you dispose of the accumulated beers

    What time?

    6.30-7.00pm. 6/7 of us. Staying over at Jitsawat Homestay

  15. They do have many ways of checking. I am currently paying back thousands in child tax credit that I legitimately received, having told them my true circumstances. They never asked where my children were, but were able to establish they were here in Thailand via their own systems.

    The pension application form asks detailed info re any time spent out of the UK other than holidays. To get regular increases you would have to give false answers.

    The simplest way to avoid being frozen would be to set up a address in the Phillipines, but you would still have to declare on the application that you lived there rather than the UK or Thailand - but it would possibly be harder for them to check.

    If you did get found out, it would probably result in more than just paying back the extra you received. It could mean a spell in prison if you ever set foot in the UK again.

    As Jetset says - it isn't worth it. And with low inflation likely for the forseeable future. we're not missing out on too much.

  16. And remember not to tell the buggers that you are out of the UK ...

    ...and spend the rest of your life worrying about whether they find out.

    how? there are even guys here claiming the social,which i dont by the way approve of ,but you paid for your pension ,you earned it,dont let them take it away .unless someone phones them and splits on you they wont find out.

    Don't be so sure!

  17. Yes, obviously the wise choice, but I'm not sure I can open a Nationwide account from within Thailand. I'll look more closely. Thanks.


    I needed to provide 2 utility bill relating from a UK address when I opened my a/c in the UK a few years ago.

    Suggest you browse their website re a/c opening



    You could have a trusted family member open a Nationwide Flex A/c, and then forward you the debit card. No problem having your state pension paid into someone elses account. Note that the maximum daily ATM withdrawal in Thailand is £300. (approx 15,500bt)

  18. Does Gary have a Website for prices etc?

    I doubt it, plus he's in the proccess of getting his PC repaired by my mate.

    Suggest you use 'The Dog n Bone' or visit !



    He does have a printed list in the shop of all the frozen food he stocks, but since meat and fish prices fluctuate almost daily, no prices are shown. As I recall only the prices for his pies are printed. Indian curries are around 130bt.

  19. As Chaimai indicated, negative publicity often does a business more good than positive publicity.

    I have bought Indian curries from Gary, but I cannot speak badly of them. In my 22 years in Thailand, they are without doubt the best curries I have ever eaten. The phall takes some beating! And to prove the point, a crowd from The Shamrock in Prakhonchai will descend on the FC in Surin next week for an Indian Curry evening; curries originally supplied by Gary. Sorry Gary, but Surin has a better line in "desserts" than Prasat!!! Will probably call in at Prasat on the way home to restock though.

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